Guys!!! I need to know something!!

Gosh... long time im not in K-pop world.. and i heard many bad thing happened ...

Guys! it is true that baekhyun's brother wedding ruined??? what happen??

and what a 'sasaeng fans???

are they good? or bad?

some of my contact said don't this guys but i ask why , she won't answer...

so guys!!! what is sasaeng fans and what happened to baekhyun??
seriously i really need to know!!

somebody please tell me!!!​​


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Sassaengs are weirdo stalker jerks. Unsure of wedding crash.
It was overrun by saesangs, but some say that it wasn't that bad. And apparently (this is probably a lie/rumor) when Baekhyun tried to ignore the saesangs, they hit him in the neck (to possible damage his vocal cords?). I don't think that's true though.
Palabra_viva #3
Yep baek's brother's wedding was crashed by sasaeng fans that actually filled up an entire lobby of the wedding they destroyed everything and they wouldn't leave exo alone affectively ruining the atmosphere and all pictures and memories of the bride and groom and I also read that all of the exo members are scared to get close with their family because of sasaeng fans most of the parents have been identified and have been sent letters to....maybe threats ....
vvvvvey #4
yes baekhyun bro's wedding party got ruined by sasaeng, and sasaeng is a fan, but really a crazy one, they do what they want to their idols (in a bad way), actually i read it somewhere on my twitter acc, and it said that sasaeng sit on the guest chair and waiting for baek to come, and when they saw his bro, sasaeng ask where baek, and when baek come they followed him everywhere, baek said he want to have a time alone for family, but they dont seems happy, and start to attack baek, and destroy baek bro's wedding.
Idk if baeks brothers wedding was ruined but as sasaeng fan is a stalker fan that is SUPER STALKER LEVEL. And they send the most creepiest fanmail.