ღ Exo's girlfriends?ღ Abigail Jade Young ღ


Exo girlfriends?
[Abigail J. Young]
The Real You
Username: LimSooMie
What should I call you?: JR
Activeness: 7-8
Make-Up On You
Full Name: Young Jung Ae
Other names: 
  • Abigail Jade Young (English)
  • Konoha Sasagawa (Japanese)
  • Hwan Mei Lien (Mandarin)
  • Abby
  • Nonoya
  • Mei-Lien
  • Junggy
  • AJ Noona
Birthdate: 22 July 1992
Birthplace: Gangnam, South Korea
Home Town: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 21
Nationality: Korean - Canadian
Languages: Korean (Native), English (Native), Mandarin (Fluent) & Japanese (Fluent)
Personality: People often describe her as badass, tomboy, fierce & cool. But that's how people look at her. They misunderstood her protective & friendly behaviour as that & just because she loves hip-hop & she's a B-Girl. She's a very nice, humble, polite, friendly & a peace maker. She believe that all of us are family & family must be protected. She's quite a sport star also. but that doesn't make her a tomboy. She's a little bit between them. She can be a feminime but can quickly change into the cool sport star. She's very caring, like an eomma, also can be very funny & a real sweetheart. She loves to call people with cute nicknames & not to mention to tackle them with hugs XD She has a good sense of humor that will make the whole world laugh & sometimes will perform a gag with the moodmaker. She (sometimes) doesn't gets jealous of anything from anyone, she's perfect with her own ways. She's very confident but not cocky. She knows her limits & she wants to keep her dignity too. Her words are cool & collected, not to mention very heart-warming & calming people .She doesn't like it when somebody bothers her peace & friends, all she wanted is friends with everyone
But of course she has flaws. Her flaws are if she's already mad at someone (like really mad), she will be mad at that person for a long time & sometimes it will take forever to forgave the person. Her critics are icy & will stab your heart. Also, she never shows that she's in pain. She has an issue with her body & she's suffering everyday but she never show it or tell it to anyone, making her to really suffer. Although it seems that she has a healthy body, but she's actually dying every single day

Background: Abigail or at Korea better known as Jung Ae was born at Seoul, South Korea with a brother that has 2 years . She's born from a rich but discipline family, she was never really spoiled by her parents richness & she learned how to survive the world without her parents. She & her family are really close, especially with her brother. The sibling bond they builded together is so strong until the point they never fight & protect each other


At the age of 5, little Jungae must move out to Japan with her mother because of her job. This of course causing a very emotional seperation between Jung Ae & Jungmin . He begged to his parents for her to stay but they cannot change it. Both of them promises to keep in touch through letters & phone. They kept their promise, Jungmin sends letters & gifts to her from Korea & Jung Ae sends letters & gifts from Japan. At the age of 15, she must again moves out. Now her destination is Vancouver, Canada. She still keep in touch with his brother. In Vancouver, she feel more alive than in Japan. She met many friends, found her dreams as a dancer & met with the person that she will stick with forever. Of course she was happy, she explained everything to Jungmin with a happy heart. Jungmin is very happy too & tells her that he becomes a trainee at Cube Ent. She was very happy & came back with her mother to support him. At Korea, she took many dancing lessons & course & now part of a dancing crew called 'ST.G21C' as one of the senior dancer, leader & choreographer

  • CHIPS!
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Tea 
  • Good Humor
  • Kids
  • Elders
  • Dogs
  • Something cute (Human cuteness won't make her fall easily)
  • Hoodies
  • Caps
  • Sneakers
  • Ramen
  • Coffee
  • Guitar
  • Sports
  • Basketball
  • Manga
  • Anime
  • Modified kimono & yukata
  • EVERYTHING FAKE! (Especially fake people)
  • Spiders
  • Thunderstorm
  • Heavy Rain
  • Bullies
  • Troublemakers (the REALLY BAD one)
  • People who disturb her friends & family
  • Too short shorts
  • Very mini skirts
  • Dress that reveals too much skin
  • Fail Aegyo
  • Alcohol
  • Cucumbers
  • Carrots
  • People who into other people's business
  • People who ACT cute & innocent
  • s, Bit_hes & Jerks (Pardon my language)
Hobbies: Dancing, Excercising, playing guitar or piano, cooking, reading, playing basketball
  • Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders): When she was a little girl, she was bitten by a poisonous spider at her left leg. She almost died but she survived because they had got her into the hospital just in time. But she can't walk for 2 months
  • Astraphobia (Fear of Thunderstorm): There was this one time when she was alone at her house & it was raining hard. She's afraid of the thunder because she thinks it resembles a monster. She hides herself into a closet & cries while covering her ears
Habits: Dance & stretch when bored, has a zombie expression when upset, smirks when planning something smart / evil, locked herself in her room & plays guitar when depressed, writes lyrics & songs when there's something that upset her, bites nails & jumps when nervous, covers herself with blanket & puts on a music with a very loud volume when there's a heavy rain



You're So Pretty

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Face claim: Lee Da Som
Links: Gallery
Back-up face claim: Kim Seuk Hye
Links: Gallery
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Casual & Going Out: 12345

House: 12345

Formal:  123456

Practice: 1234

Shoes: 123456

Caps & Hats: 12345

They Are Important To Me
  • Father | Young Jun Hyun | 49 | Businessman | Abby's father is more to the cool dad type. He loves to play some adventures with his childrens & support them no matter what. He's sometimes busy & never really around, but if he's there, he won't make you dissapointed | Close | Alive
  • Mother | Young Eun Jung / Eleanor Jeanette Young | 45 | Psychology Professor | Abby's mother is the one who's very elegant, loving & wise. She's the one who you want to speak to when you need problems. She could also take care every single person without looking their age, race & personality | Close | Alive
  • Brother | Young Jung Min / Aaron Jonathan Young | 24 | Trainee at Cube Ent. | 

    Jungmin has been seperated from Abby since they were a child (because of parents work) so he becomes a protective & caring brother to Abby. He looks cool to his friends & other people but he's actually a paranoid & protective brother

    Close | Alive


Jang Dongwoo | 22 | Idol (Infinite) | Glued to the hip. Dongwoo is a very fun person to be with. You will never get bored when you're with him. The same goes to Injung too. Both of them are like match made in heaven. Both of them & their 2 other besties, Sungyeol & Sungjong, likes to put fun pranks on others but it won't cause any harm. All of them knows their limits. Dongwoo & Injung sticks like a glue & people will mistake sometimes them as a couple...which makes Abby's lover got super jealous & tries to seperate both of them but failed :p

Kwon Ji Yong | 23 | Idol (Big Bang) | Bro-Sis Relationship. Jiyong is the playful one & Abby is playful too but she acts like she's much more older. He always joke around her & she always smacks his head, only to have him to laughing about it. She look him as her best friend & Jiyong look at her as his baby sister


Chae Lee Rin | 22 | Idol (2NE1) | Unseperable. She's like Abby's sister. She's one of Abby's besties but not as close as Dongwoo & Jiyong. She calls Abby 'Babe' or 'Sweetheart', she even declared as Abby's 'husband'

Yang Yo Seob | 23 | Idol (B2ST) | Meh...Yoseob is Abby's brother bestfriend. He acts like little kid around her, have fun with each other & somtimes makes her BFF a.k.a. love interest jealous. Abby look at him as her besties & brother & looks at her as his baby sister

Lee Sung Jong | 19 | Idol (Infinite) | Proudly considered himself as 'Abby's favourite dongsaeng', he's willing to fight if anyone dares to steal his precious noona. Sungjong adores Abby (please~), he consider her as his own noona & will do anything to be manly for his noon

Oh Se Hoon | 20 | Idol (EXO) | SAME AS SUNGJONG!...only he's only 1 year younger...

Hong Bo Jun | 18 | Trainee at SM | Bojun is a deadly cold girl that nobody dares to approach. She's very cold & scary, but Abby overlook her. They're close, Bojun puts her Ice Girl mask away in front of her & be the nice & warm-hearted girl. She will go search-and-kill if someone dares to hurt her friend

Oh ma boy~

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Love interest's name: Li Jiaheng / Wu Yi Fan / Kris Wu

Personality: Warm, Loving, Caring, Cocky (only towards Abby), Childish (only towards Bojun), a leader figure, Possesive (Only towards Abby), Control-Freak, Stubborn, Clingy, Skinship Monster (Only towards Abby) & Over-Protective (Only towards Abby)

How you met: It was when she's at Canada, on her school days. It was raining & she forgot her umbrella, making her wait until the rain stops while grumbling & trembling. She kept on waiting & the rain never stops. She was about to storm into the rain when there's a (freakin' tall) boy approachs her. He seemed to realize that she doesn't bring her umbrella with her, he offered to walk her home with his umbrella. She hesitated at first but then took his offer. That's when she realize that he's the captain of basketball team & one of the most popular boys on the school. She, of course feel terrified because he's one of the kingkas & she promised herself not to distrub the kingkas. So, the ride home was awkward. But he soon break the ice by asking her day. They talked & talked until both of them got comfortable with each other. When they reached her home, he asks for her phone number & she gave hers. After that, they got close

How you interact: They've been together for 8 years so their bond are strong. They already dated before both of them becomes trainee . He loves Abby so much that he became possesive, protective & control-freak over her. He's also a little bit obssesed with her. He must know where she is, what she does, who she's with & it continues but Abby never seem to complain. He always teases her, bothers her, skinships with her & he always smiles & pinch her cheeks when she's having that dead expression on her face. But Abby doesn't feel annoyed, she's pretty comfortable with him. She allows him to kiss her forehead, hugs her tightly, calls her 'Baby Choco~' , sleeps on her lap & cuddle with her because she's already used to him. They do bicker a lot but it always ends up with a laugh because they can't really got mad with each other. Since they are dating openly, they just act the same but with lesser skinship. But sometimes at off-cam, many fancams & fanphotos caught their picture together. Of course, it's no problem for them


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Back-up love interest's name: Park Chanyeol

Personality: Same as Wu Fan but more childish

How you met: They met when they're at their trainee days. It was a pretty rainy day (again) & Sungyeol was at a café where he warms himself up with a cup of hot chocolate. Then a girl with brown hair came in trembling & shivering. Sungyeol felt bad about that girl & immediately helps her. He gave her his jacket & buys her some drink. She refuse politely at first but he insist so she says yes. She orders a hot cappuccino & talks with him. He founds her cute because she keeps an expressionless face. When he tells something funny, she laughs a little bit & he fell for her smile. He starts to get an interest towrds her & wants to make her smile more. And that girl is Abigail J. Young

How you interact: Same as Wu Fan (I'm a lazy brat XD)


Almost Done!
Comments: Thank you for reviewing & considering my character! I know it's last minute & the possiibilty of getting chosen is very minim cause they're so many other best app while mine is...meh. Anylays, thank you for reviewing, I hope you like her. If there's any mistakes please notify me, Gamsahamnida~
Questions: Bbuing Bbbuing~

Scenes request: Your story, your scene ^^ but I could help & sometimes inspirations come & go XD

Pasword: I thought there are no password XD




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