TOP and YOON EUN HYE steamy hot Calvin Klien pictures

WANNA ROLEPLAY *.^? KYAHHH >< when I saw the picture they look like a hot couple with chemistry. WELL I WANT TO RP AS YOON EUN HYE unnie~ BUT I WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO RP AS CHOI SEUNGHYUN AS MY BF HAHA! IF YOUR INTERESTED JUST COMMENT *_* I GUESS IT WILL BE RATED well with making love () ...I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND A RP SITE WITH TOP available TT__TT


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you wont find , i always rp as eunhye but i always suffer every where .... i cannot understand why no body like her ... i got one pair with jaejoong and i was lucky but unlucky to cuz he is rarely on .. otherwise guyz always use her and being mean to her all the people want her to be the one who care and give love and shoulder to cry on and suffer by himself
i am still dreaming of getting leeteuk or yoochun for her :(
but i am really happy to find a warrior\neri here ..