I am...scared!!

So, to start of... 

I was just finish my class like an hour ago and was walking home using shortcut.

i was so happy as my class was full since morning up to 5.30, so I was thinking of having a nice bath and dinner before watching movies.

Apparently, I saw a girl maybe around my age was sitting down by the tree, trembling and shivering.

Of course, being me I obviously walk away because she's probably someone...you know it's a shortcut and I'm kinda feeling really insecured about people around me.

But, I don't know why I was feeling really bad to continue walking, so I stop to ask if she's okay.

The next thing I know us her face was covered in blood...and I'm teribbly afraid of blood!

I thought that I'm going to get dizzy but somehow I didn't! I even ask how she felt and she suddenly collapsed!!!

I was so panicked, not knowing what to do. Luckily, a few of my friends used thesame road and I asked them for help.

We was thinking of calling the ambulance but it started raining, so they helped me to bring her to my house.

i was really scared cause I was by myself at the moment. My other housemates are not in. One of them went to see her family in London, and the other one went to a field trip in Bristol.

I asked the friends who helped me to stay, so they are staying with me now, downstairs cause I don't prefer the boys to go up into my room.

Anyway, I have cleaned everything and we have one of our senior - if you understand what that is - as in our friend who is now doing internship in the hospital to check her out and she said, she's okay but she's too weak. She advised us to wait for her to wake up before asking her where she lives and would she wanted us to take her to the hospital.

i was feeling guilty for my friends who was waiting for me, so I told them to go back and I will absolutely give them a call once I talk to her. One of them even told me to open skype for the whole time so that nothing will happen to us. You know, crime can happen when we are less armed.

Anyway, she looks so fragile and so weak for me to believe that she will do any harm. She's even having a terrible nosebleed when we attended her and she's sleeping peacefully now.

But, somehow, I feel really scared. What if she doesn't wake up? What if the girl is me and no one would attend me like how I thought at first? And I'm dying to know who is she and why would she ended up in the cold street? Sound like a drama, right?

I believe she lived somewhere around as she attend the same university as me because I saw her ID University Card.

It wrote : Emily Hung.

I heard that name somewhere, but I don't remember.

Anyway, sorry to alarm you guys, but I'm just so scared right now. I'm alone with a stranger and I don't even know what to do with her. I should just send her to the hospital but things don't work thate asy here as she's not an emergency patient and she doesn't have any identification certificate with her. 

I hopeshe wake up soon cause I am really really scared and dying to know everythingab out her.

Wish me luck, alright?

Thanks for reading!


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DairyCow #1
tell her we said hi?
<3 good luck
I would have been scared as heck if that happened.
Im not scared of blood, since im attending university to become a surgeon.
Anyway, good luck!
Emily's a pretty common name. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about ^^ It was nice that you helped her though, I'm not sure what I'd do in a situation like that.
Emily is a familiar name I guess. Don't be scared. Let me give you a hug. ;)