I'm back, sort of

Hey guys,

I am back. I know most of you couldn't read my blog post before I went on hiatus and I'm sorry for disappearing. I actually didn't even want to come back, but I do miss writing, especially one story which keeps being on my mind. My updates will be VERY slow though. Maybe won't get to post more than two updates in a month. I think a little hiatus was good for me :) I hope everyone is doing okay!



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FixxIdea #1
Happy to see you back :D I hope you had a nice free time from AFF and that you enjoyed it much :) Hope everything´s good with you and that you´re taking care of yourself :)
/lots and lots of hugs/
Xkgdvip4l #2
/cries and hugs you/
You're back!!!! I was so sad when I read that you left~ I wanted to cry! I literally moped around the whole day... I'm so happy you're back!! And I'm sorry I didn't see your much wanted return to AFF! I discovered RPR and I kinda spend a lot of time on there now.. .-. You have no idea how happy I was when I logged on and saw posts from you! All my sadness from earlier today just disappeared! I missed you so much~~~!!!!! /hugs you and never lets go/
I have to go finish reading all your stories but I don't want to stop virtually hugging you!!
/hug hug hug!!/
OH MY GODDDD YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!!! How I missed you *gives you a hug forever* I didn't think you would come back. I missed your blog posts and your stories and your energy while you were away! I'm sorry, I will try to calm down, but I'm very happy your back! Take your time with updating, Even if it's just one update a month. Don't stress about it, I'm sure your readers are exceptionally happy you've decided to reactivate.
So glad to see you are back:D And don't worry about updating your stories quickly, just take your time.
Welcome back dear :)
welcome back !!
I think I'm the most shocked person to see you back here...:O
jellycakes012 #8
This surprised me, considering what you said the other day.
But anyways, looking forward to updates and etc.
shadowed2007 #9
welcome back! i missed you! =)
welcome back(kinda) lovely monchi <3 ^^
vanille97422 #11
Oh my god you're back!!!! Take your time for the update but please don't go away anymore please
Sujufolife #12
I am glad you are back! Missed you :D
2 updates a month?? Pssh That's actually pretty good. I update less than that. I'm glad that you had time to yourself to think stuff out. But I'm also glad you are back~ You were my only Nu'est source. Without your blogs AFF felt a little empty.
Fighting!! :)
Present77 #14
Omg, your back!! Do you know how much I love you and love your stories. I'm so happy. However, if you ever feel like leaving again do it. Whatever makes you happy. Omg, I'm really happy.