Jb and Gd?

Is it true they're collaborating? I heard from somewhere.....


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I hope not. Can't stand jb

Possibly, but have you heard Bubble featuring GD and Top?! Haha. It's by Major Lazer, and the producer? One and only Diplo. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBGz7-h_dKQ
but this is just the remix version.
But if GD was to collaborate with Bieber, I just hope it's something more worth our time listening to. JB's actually quite a good artiste. It's just the way his image is projected through the company and all those sappy love songs before. Anyways, it's good for GD, he will get more exposure and this just shows the global acceptance of his music and popularity!
I hope not lol
ChoLilith #4
GD hit the stage on JB's con tonight. Yea they may be collaborating.