♥Absolutely Yours Application♥ Bang Hyoyeon





        [Bang Hyoyeon .]




        *" Back To Basics ."


        Username: seobie97


        Name: Yen


        Activeness: 10




        Character Name: Bang Hyoyeon


        Nickname: Hyoyeon's oppa and her group of friends call her Hyo because Hyoyeon is just too long to pronounce. 


        Age: 18


        Height: 162cm 5'3ft 


        Weight: 42kg


        D.O.B: 07/29/1995


        Ethnicity: Korean


        Blood Type: B


        Languages: Korean~ able to speak, write and read fluently
                           English~ able to speak, write and read fluently


        Plotline: The Rebel


        * " Blast To The Past . "


        tumblr_ml6gddTQtj1rdjs5lo1_500.gif       tumblr_lu5ponxtoy1qhs3iwo1_500.gif       tumblr_lnhab3nxXO1qc5kvzo1_500.gif


        Personality: Hyoyeon is a cold, fierce and carefree type of girl. Every since her parents died, Hyoyeon distanced herself away from people excluding her friends in the mafia. She had developed a trust issue when her father was back stabbed by a business partner. When Hyoyeon is alone in public, she puts on a poker face. She doesn't care about what others do or think as long as it doesn't affect her. Hyoyeon is known as the rebel of the school because she never go to school on time, she never wears her uniform and she would always glare at whoever that talks with her. Hyoyeon enjoys being feared by others.
                              Hyoyeon swears a lot and she loves to use her fist. No matter how badass Hyoyeon is, she won't start a fight for no legit reason. Hyoyeon can be a calm person because she knows that she can't win a fight if all her actions are from pure anger. Also, Hyoyeon does not want any unnecessary fights. She does not want to waste time on the unworthy.
                            Hyoyeon is the complete opposite when she is in her comfort zone. Just like her best friend, she is the weird one out. She can be loud and 4D. Hyoyeon may not be the brain of her group but she sure thinks of really crazy ideas. She once told her friends that some of the school lockers were locked by the school. What if the school has a dirty secret and they hid human body parts in them. That's why only some of the empty lockers were locked. The police would never thought of searching a school. That was meant to be a joke, yeah a really weird joke. She likes to have fun and she would smile a lot. Sometimes, Hyoyeon is so loud that it is embarrassing to be with. Nevertheless, the group of five girls parties around town like they own it. Well they kinda do, the whole town is afraid of all the mafia activities going on.


        Background:  Hyoyeon was once a very cheery girl with a perfect family. The Bang family had a slightly higher than the average family income which provided a good house and a good education for the children. The Bang family was very close and they spent all their free time together. 
                                 Unfortunately, Mr.Bang was betrayed by his business partner and owed a lot of money. Mr.Bang decided to try to save his business by borrowing money from the mafia. He couldn't pay back the money in time and was murdered along with his wife. The Bang children, who witness the tragic scene, swore to get revenge.
                                  Hyoyeon's oppa decided to take all the money that is left and to move to another city. It was a rough beginning. Hyoyeon's oppa had a hard time finding a job due to his young age and no one was willing to rent a house to a 12 year old and an 8 year old. Luckily, a nice man found the two little kids on the streets and took them in. The nice man, however, was a mafia leader. 
                                  Hyoyeon and her oppa were provided food, shelter, clothing, education and training. They also met friends with a broken past. For the next ten years, all these children grew up to be strong young adults/teenagers. These children are like a family and will always have each other's back. 


        Family:  Bang Yongguk | 22 years old | older brother | gang member | protective, badass, stubborn, violent, observative, intelligent | 5


        Best Friend:  Park Bom | 19 years old | bestie | crazy, loud, protective, adventurous, fearless, loyal, witty | 5 


        Friends: Jeon Hyosung | 18 years old | best friend | straightforward, flirty, energetic, brave, funny, creative | 4
                       Amber Liu | 18 years old | best friend | rebellious, determined, talkative, enthusiastic, fun to be with | 4
                       Kim Yubin | 19 years old | best friend | athletic, confident, intelligent, sarcastic, carefree, fun to be with | 4




        * "Blurred Lines . "


  • music
  • leather jackets/gloves
  • dark clothing
  • accessories/chains/studs
  • gelato/frozen yogurt
  • nail polish
  • spicy food
  • dessert
  • being herself
  • coffee
  • to go to gang fights with her oppa


  • people who deceives others
  • people who disrespects their parents and seniors
  • litter bugs
  • flowers
  • radish
  • dirty places/items
  • egoistic people
  • the colour yellow
  • cleaning
  • cooking



  • making jokes
  • imitating
  • dancing and rapping
  • shooting from a gun
  • martial arts
  • climbing trees
  • traveling


  • being betrayed
  • being alone in the house during the night 


  • she has a driver license
  • under-age drinker, high alcohol tolerance
  • lives with her four best friends who either graduated or goes to a different school
  • texts her Yongguk oppa everyday
  • shares a room with Bom 
  • her stomach is like a bottomless pit, she doesn't gain weight from eating
  • never liked a guy before
  • goes to the gym every other day
  • fastest shooter in the her mafia
  • carries a pair of sai whenever possible



        Talent: Hyoyeon has a black belt in taekwondo, wing chun, and jujutsu. At the age of 12, Hyoyeon began to have an interest in guns. She was taught by one of the best shooter in the mafia. Her aim may not but the most accurate but she is the fastest.  


        Story about biggest fear: Hyoyeon biggest fear is to be betrayed by someone who is dear to her. To prevent this, she closed herself from others. As long as she has her family, she knows she will do fine. Hyoyeon is also afraid to be alone in the house at night when there is a storm. It will remind her of her parents' death. She would become mental unstable; her body would start shaking, the scene of her parents dying will keep playing in her head and she would be mumbling words. Hyoyeon needs someone to help her take her mind off things.


        * Love Of Mine .




        [Angel of Darkness .]




        Full Name: Lee Chanhee 


        Age: 20 years old


        Blood Type: B


        D.O.B: 10/05/1993


  • dark clothing
  • weapons
  • accessories
  • sweets
  • cooking
  • music
  • fashion
  • puzzles
  • sports/working out
  • beach
  • anime
  • traveling
  • movies


  • cold weather
  • low marks
  • being smelly
  • flirty girls
  • liars
  • animal/children abuse
  • smoking
  • too much fast/junk food
  • traitors
  • greediness



        Personality Traits: Observant, stubborn and dorky. 


        Personality: Chanhee who goes by the name Chunji, is the badass of the group. He is a tough, cold and independent guy. In front of the public, Chunji may seem to be a jerk because he does not show much of himself. He only show up to class when there was something important, he ignores everyone who tries to talk to him, and he would smirk a lot.
                               In his alone time, Chunji is a very busy man. He has very high expectations for himself. He hates school because he finds the students very annoying. Therefore he must self-teach himself. He spends a lot of time studying and training.
                                Underneath his badasss cover, Chunji is a big dork. He likes to make witty remarks but sometimes he would make body gags instead. When he is with his friends, Chunji doesn't hesitate to show all his emotions. When he is happy, he likes to dance around and grin like an idiot.    






        This Is Me .




        [Gong Minji .]


        Ulzzang/Idol Name:  Gong Minji



        Backup Ulzzang/Idol Name: Hwang Miyoung


        Gallery: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


        Extra's: Hyoyeon has two earlobe piercings on each ear. Two cartilage piercings on the left year and one on the right ear. She also have a tragus piercing on the right ear. She has an outline of a star tattooed on her left wrist.


        * " Extra! Extra! Read All About It . "


        Comments/Questions:  Hyoyeon skipped a year in studies because she is really smart. Chunji ended up in Hyoyeon's class because his attendance number was too low for him to graduate


        Scene Requests: Chunji and Hyoyeon met at one of the gang fights. Chunji falls head over heels for Hyoyeon because he never saw a beautiful but aggressive girl. When he finds out that Hyoyeon is in the same class as him, he tried to make friends despite the intensity of the challenge. Hyoyeon, who didn't know who Chunji really was, found it very annoying. After some time, Chunji came to school with a beaten up face. Hyoyeon won't admit it but she started to worry. Chunji would tease the girl to no end. Eventually, Hyoyeon would open up to Chunji. 


        Co-Author: *La La La La~ Everybody get'em hig-* 'Urgh. What time is it?' I stretched my hand towards my nightstand to reach for my phone. 'HOLY ! 8:25 I'M GONNA BE LATE.' I quickly rolled off my bed and ran straight to my bathroom.
                              As I zipped passed the kitchen, I stuffed a blueberry muffin into my mouth and grabbed my skateboard that was placed next to the front door. "8:40 Only five more minutes before school starts' I tried my best to go to school as fast as I can without knocking anyone down.
                               By the time I reached the school, the gates were already closed. I was left with no choice but to hide my skateboard in a nearby bush. I quickly jogged to a big tree that grew by the gates and climbed up. I threw my backpack over and jumped.
                               "Oomph." I had collided with someone. I lifted my head off that person's chest to get a good look at the face. To my surprise, I had fallen into an angel's embrace, literally. The angel beneath me had reddish hair, double eyelids, a big nose and kissable lips.
                               When I realized that I had been staring for too long, I blushed a deep shade of red and stood up. "I'm so sorry for falling into you. I'm Yenny. Are you hurt? I can take you to the nurse office." 
                               "No, I'm fine." The boy chuckled. "Actually, I'm kinda lost."
                               "Oh. The office can help you with that. Just go through those doors and turn left. The office will be at the end of the hall." I looked at my watch. 8:57 I should go to class. "Hey, I'm sorry but I have to go to class. Good luck here at Silver Springs C.I."  I picked up my backpack and started to walk to class.
                               "Thanks. My name is Chanhee by the way." The boy shouted as I waved good bye.
Thanks & Good Luck !


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