Be My Fan || Jeon Hyoyeon

Be My Fan Application


AFF Username: seobie97 

Activeness: Always on, I have no life LOL

Your Name: Yepp, just call me by my username, seobie97.

Your Character

Character Name: Jeon Hyoyeon 

Nicknames: Hyo, Hyoyeonyeon, Yeonie, Yeonminator

Birthdate: 01/07/96

Age: 17

Ethnicity: Korean 

Blood Type: AB

Birth Place: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Height: 167cm

Weight: 45kg


On Camera-> Hyoyeon knows that everything is being flimed and tries to be on her best behavior. There are three reasons for that; a) she does not want to disappoint her uncle or ruin his reputation, b) she likes to show her good, cheerful side to others and c) she does  not want anti-fans. Hyoyeon is extra cheery and shows more aegyo on camera. She is also a bit more 4-D and her nagging comes out more whinny and girly on camera compare to when she is off camera. Hyoyeon pouts a lot more on camera; whenever she have to do something she doesn't like or whenever someone does something wrong. Hyoyeon would usually be smiling and she feels like she is more cool. She would feel more confident, that is why she becomes more out going. Basically Hyoyeon is much more girly, playful and outgoing on camera. On camera Hyoyeon is also the Hyoyeon that she shows whenever she is wih guys. ;)

Off Camera-> Hyoyeon have many sides to her and people may think that on camera Hyoyeon is fake once they know the "real Hyoyeon." That is not true. People act differently with different people. Hyoyeon IS a cheerful and cute girl, it's just that she is extra cheerful on camera. With her friends, Hyoyeon is the crazy, immuture one who is smart at times and not so smart at other times. Among her friends, Hyoyeon makes the most witty remarks, combacks and preverted thoughts. She is known to be the most dirty one. The year before she went to America, she would always say dirty things 24/7. When she came back, she would say dirty things every once in a while. At first, her friends thought she changed for the better but boy were they wrong. Hyoyeon thoughts just got soooooooo much more dirty. It just rubbed on to Hyoyeon from all those White people she had being hanging out with. (not to be racist but I had this one White friend that was so dirty, no one else can compare) Hyoyeon can be shy and quiet. She doesn't like making the first step in making new friends unless she thinks that they are cool. Hyoyeon is a person that can't really keep a conversation going. Once she runs out of things to say, she just stays quiet. That's why Hyoyeon would want a boyfriend who enjoys comfortable silence. If someone have the same intrest as Hyoyeon or started a topic that Hyoyeon likes, Hyoyeon could just ramble forever. Whenever Hyoyeon is lonely, she would be daydreaming while wearing her blank, expressionless face. For some reason Hyoyeon's blank face looks like she is angry and a lot of people would ask if she is mad. Hyoyeon can get a bit violent. Whenever someone does something wrong, Hyoyeon would slap them. That is why her friends call Hyoyeon, Yeonminator. 

Around Bias-> Hyoyeon shows her on camera side towards her bias. She would always look at her bias, most of time she tries to make it unnoticable. Hyoyeon would also try to spark a conversation every now and then. In her eyes, her bias is perfect. Hyoyeon would spazz in her head every time her bias does something nice or cute. 

Around Lover-> Hyoyeon and her lover had a very rough start. Hyoyeon only gave in to her uncle's request to be on this show because she heard that her bias would be in it. She kept comparing her lover and her bias. Her lover didn't like how Hyoyeon was acting nicer to him on camera than off camera. for example. on camera, whenever her lover did something Hyoyeon didn't like, Hyoyeon would slap him gently. off camera, whenever her lover did something Hyoyeon didn't like, Hyoyeon would slap him with so much force that it becomes red. But what he hates the most is being compared to someone else. He won't admit it but it lowers his self-esteem. No male likes to be compared by a female to a male who everyone likes. Hyoyeon and her lover changes their feelings about each other when they almost kissed. After that little incident, they were so awkward with each other. 

Background: Hyoyeon's parents died in a car accident when Hyoyeon was only 8. Her uncle became Hyoyeon's graudian ever since. Hyoyeon's uncle is a CEO of JYP Entertainment. Yes, it is JYP himself. JYP treats Hyoyeon as if she was really his daughter. No matter how busy JYP is, he would still make time for Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon is really thankful of her uncle. Her uncle gave her a home, a good education and fully supports her dream of becoming an actress. No matter how crazy, weird, and funny Hyoyeon can be with her friends, she would always compose herself with her uncle. She knows when it is time to be crazy and when to be mature. Ever since Hyoyeon was under JYP's care, she had acting, singing and dancing class. JYP said that it was important for singers to know how to act and actors to know how to sing and dance. It was all lies, JYP just want Hyoyeon to learn to sing and dance. He hopes Hyoyeon would change her dreams of becoing a actress to an idol. Hyoyeon's childhood was not lonely because she made different groups of friends from school, acting classes, singing classes and dancing classes. Whenever Hyoyeon have free time she would be watching dramas or baking. Sometimes it is really loney, all alone in a big house.

Style: Hyoyeon's style is simple and fashionable. Hyoyeon likes to wear layers during the fall and winter. A typical fall outfit would be boots, skinny jeans, thin shirt, cardigan, maybe a thin scarf, and little jewelry. During winter Hyoyeon would wear jeans, hoodie or long sleeved shirt, a scarf, mittens, boots with a little heel, earrings and maybe a necklace. In the summer, Hyoyeon would wear sandals, shorts, a nice top, and a bit more jewelry. Hyoyeon would wear light make up through out the year and she would usually let her hair down. Hyoyeon likes to make sure her outfit matches, she wouldn't wear desinger name much or clash animal prints. She would never wear anything that a member of 2NE1 or Lady Gaga would wear.  

winter 1|2|3

spring 1|2|3

summer 1|2|3

fall 1|2|3


  • acting
  • singing
  • baking
  • morning jogs
  • nature
  • kids
  • volunteering
  • photography
  • cute things
  • stationery
  • Infinite
  • anime
  • the smell after it rains
  • animals
  • to be different from others
  • Park Minyoung
  • DIYs
  • doing her nails
  • making others happy


  • people who can never do anything right
  • litter bugs
  • cocky people
  • animal cruelty 
  • radish
  • bugs
  • drunk driving
  • scary movies
  • pop


  • drinking green tea every morning
  • taking a shower before going to sleep
  • daydreaming
  • playing with her hair when she is bored
  • being more girly with boys


  • has a phobia of clowns
  • has an average of 87 in school
  • never had a boyfriend
  • rejected JYP's idea of becoming a singer
  • very picky about food
  • was in Teen Top's Miss Right MV and Beast's Fiction MV
  • lives with JYP
  • went to USA with miss A's Min for one year
  • friends with 2PM, Wonder Girls, miss A, 2AM, and JJ Project
  • likes using a medium size bag to carry all her things
  • her phone can't fit all the songs she have so she put them in 2 i-pods
  • she has a room in her house that is filled with baking supplies and ingredients
  • always have food with her
  • can never gain weight no matter how much she eats
  • works well under pressure not loud noise
  • her friends said that instead of becoming an actress she could have a amazing future with doing nails or a high class bakery
  • skinship comes naturally even with strangers
  • a lot of people even strangers would go up to Hyoyeon and say that she have the most beautiful smile, her smile is something Hyoyeon takes pride in
  • have a hard time re-telling something that was funny, Hyoyeon would keep laughing

Idol/Ulzzang Used: Minzy 2NE1

Back up Idol/Ulzzang: Krystal f(x)

The Show

Bold a group: Infinite | EXO | Bangtan

Why are they your favorite? : Hyoyeon never really listen to K-Pop when she was younger. She only listen to American Pop and songs from JYP to support her friends and uncle. When Infinite debuted with Come Back Again, the music video was included in Youtube's top viewed videos of the day. For some reason, Hyoyeon got currious and decided to check it out. Ever since, Hyoyeon became an Inspirit and decided to listen to more K-Pop. Infinite was the door to K-Pop for Hyoyeon. She loved all their voices and think that they are the best dancers. Shhhh. Don't tell 2PM that Hyoyeon said that.  

Why do you want to be apart of this show? : JYP asked Hyoyeon to be in it because he still kind of want Hyoyeon to be an idol. He knew he could pull some strings because his company is one of the top 3. Hyoyeon didn't really care until JYP told her that it would be a great chance for her to be on camera and for the public to get to know her. Hyoyeon was still a bit hesitant but was told that Infinite would be in it.  Without another thought, Hyoyeon agreed to it. Hyoyeon really wish that she can meet Infinite and that the show would help her with her dreams of becoming an actress. 


Lover: V


On Camera-> Bangtan Boys debuted not so long ago, so Taehyun is still new to being around cameras. Because he is new to fliming and he knows no one on the show, Taehyun is one of the most quiet guy on the show. Taehyun is very observative and is a lot smarter than everyone thinks he is. It is just that Taehyun sometimes thinks/say some really weird things, Just like Hyoyeon, Taehyun has a 4-D personality. 

Off Camera-> Off camera Tehyun and on camera Taehyun can be very different. Off camera Taehyun can get so much more crazy. When Taehyun isn't being flimed, he could say whatever he wants. No more hiding his feelings/opinions that he kept to himself while fliming. When he is being serious it is like he had grown up; from the cute and dorky Taehyun to a mature, serious but y Taehyun. Yet off camera and on camera Taehyun can be very similar. Still the dorky, 4-D Taehyun.

How you get together:  After the near kiss incident, Hyoyeon started to fall for Taehyun and Taehyun finally realize his feelings for Hyoyeon. Taehyun thought about how he always wanted to aruge with her and how he doesn't like to see her with Myungsoo or how he kept hearing Myungsoo's name out of Hyoyeon's mouth. Taehyun was pissed at how Hyoyeon avoided him after the incident and confessed to her out of anger. 

How you interact: On camera, Hyoyeon and Taehyun always have these cute little fights. Always as in all the time. No matter what Taehyun does, Hyoyeon wouldn't like it. Taehyun would pout and try to will the fight. Usually Hyoyeon would start the fight by complaining/criticzing what Taehyun does. Other times Taehyun would start the fight for fun. Off camera, these fights turn from cut to scary. they would glare, shout and cuss at each other. They would bring the fight to a whole new level, now that they aren't being filmed. They don't care about showing their ulgy side, off camera. After the near kiss incident, they couldn't even look at each other. 

   After they started dating, they fought much less. They love to stick to each ohter and show a lot of skinship. Hyoyeon became more gentle in general.


Bias: L


On Camera-> On camera, Myungsoo needs to keep a cold and mysterious image. Myungsoo tends to look and act cold but he is really nice and is probably in his own little world. Myungsoo zones out a lot but he likes to make jokes with others. He is not afraid to show a dirty side of him. Not only does Myungsoo got the looks but he is also great at almost everything he does. 

Off Camera-> Myungsoo can't wait to drop the cold image and just be Kim Myungsoo and not L. Even tho he talks a lot more, he is still like an alien. In fact, he shows more of his 4-D side off camera. Myungsoo is a person who doesn't care about what others think, sometimes s will leave him wherever he is, being all weird. Myungsoo is nice to everyone and it is not often that he is mad. Whenever Myungsoo get mad, he does not hesitate to use his fist

Around You-> Myungsoo sees Hyoyeon as the little sister he never had. Hyoyeon was the first fan who treated Myungsoo as Myungsoo and not L. Hyoyeon likes to stick with Myungsoo and he thinks that it is cute.  Myungsoo would like to tease Hyoyeon and Taehyun. He thinks they look good together but Taehyun would have to ask him before he can date Hyoyeon. 

Why is he your bias? : Myungsoo is Hyoyeon's bias because he looks good and has a great voice. He was the one who opened the door to K-Pop to Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon also saw videos of Myungsoo and thought that he has a good personality too. Another reason is that they share the same hobby, photography. No matter how many idols that caught Hyoyeon's attention, it all goes back to Myungsoo at the end of the day. 

How you interact: Myungsoo treats Hyoyeon as if she was his younger sister and Hyoyeon sticks to Myungsoo just like any younger sister would to her older brother. Hyoyeon is closer to Myungsoo and Hyoyeon would always try to do things together. They would also text each other very few days. 


Back up Lover: Jimin

Back up Bias: Sunggyu


Scene Requests: Hyoyeon and Taehyun was asked to make a dessert. The teo decided to make a cake but Taehyun can't do anything right. He doens't even know how to use the egg beater! Just like always, Hyoyeon started a fight, in this case a food fight. In the end, they ran out of time to make the cake. 

They should have some water competitions or how well do you know your parthner.

Comments/Questions/Concerns: Ahhhh, Hyoyeon is only mean to Taehyun.



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