↳ JSQUARED; audition form // park bonghee.

↳ JSQUARED; audition form.

(   park bonghee! )

username: haekyung
nickname: dani
activity rate: on a rating from one to ten y? y.
name: park bonghee [ 박봉희 ]
birthdate: feburary 14th, 1990 + 23
bloodtype: ab+ 

height: 165 cm
weight57 kg

ethnicity: full korean
hometown: jeju, south korea
birthplace: jeju, south korea
faceclaim #1: chom | once upon a time
faceclaim #2: joo | happily ever after

style: to put bonghee's style into simplier terms - it's mainly kept simple and casual. she goes more towards calmer, cuter colors that are well suited for autumn to spring time settings; a general style that's femenine, mature yet full of youth. ( rightclick → new tab )


                                                airport fashion
background information
growing up on the island of jeju as an only child was always a little boring for an energetic girl like bonghee. she was always in a different level of lonliness due to her parents constant work hours and having to spend several afternoons alone at home. it was what brought bonghee independence (as she has of now) despite other's reasoning that she was far too immature. as a kid she hadn't always been the brightest. always too busy socializing, her teachers would say; she never carried the best grades and never really had any interests yet. days at home were often boring, espeically when you're an only child. bonghee would usually spend homework hours on other things, like making crafts or playing by herself. she'd have escaped to play with her friends, but with strict parents like hers, she never really made any. she was often too busy getting teased and avoided for her odd view on life. even so, bonghee still fell for several boys and at that time even had a boyfriend (that lasted about 2 weeks). her habit of falling for every guy she met caused her to face many heartbreaks. she did have many boyfriends, and she truthfully felt she loved them all. the repeated amount of rejections and failures never stopped her from finding the one though. she still loved, yet they all let her go. too childish they'd say. too odd. of course her language barrier didn't help that fact at all. her parents both lived in california at the time and had moved back to korea just weeks before she was born. speaking korean at home was usually very rare since bonghee's first language had started with english. years of speaking korean and konglish had begun by the age of four or five; as bonghee grew older, her isolation from others remained and only subsided when she had realized the talent she held. due to never making friends, the girl had discovered music on her own - developing a love for the acoustic, romance-y genre and the voice she used to sing. she did eventually gain attention that way, and actually made more friends when others started accepting her. she even made friends with that boy from atlanta, who soon turned into one of her long-time friends. because her parents were never really into music, bonghee and her friend eric were the ones who took upon the descision to audition together. it wasn't until both bonghee's and eric's failures at auditioning did her parents persuade their daughter to continuing trying (mainly because there was no hope for her in other fields). after many attempts, and tons of experience, the girl finally got accepted into leon entertainment.

personality traits: courteous, airheaded, discreet, jaunty, impulsive, optimistic

cheerful is an understatement. bonghee is it's full complextion. what better way to describe a woman like bonghee? well, there's the fact that she carries the mind-set of an early 15-16 highschool girl sees no harm in everyday life. when you're as reasurring as bonghee, there is no such thing as a harsh reality. if you were bonghee, reality almost never exists. she's the type of woman who spends her everyday life dreaming about the best possible outcomes for there can never be a wrong. they say two wrongs can never make a right, but someone such as bonghee manages to do that. even with that completely oblivious state of mind, where the childish adult can barely understand the concepts of love or anything not spoken broadly to her, bonghee is often considered naive. she just doesn't get things right off the bat and if she wasn't someone who could easily persuade people or spread this disease called happiness, she'd be dubbed the "dumbie" more often than she already is. but, it doesn't mean she's always on everybody's good side. bonghee is afterall a human like everyone else, thus she carries the ability of haboring feelings for others, feeling sad or angered over something. she is like every other human on this planet who carries emotions and sets of different knowledge. she's just on the eccentric side where her world differs just the slightest. although she's often annoying to some with her over-the-top-life-sun-and-rainbows personality, bonghee is still the type of person who knows her boundaries. she's always set to being polite, using all sets of honorfics and such. the type of girl who holds the door open for you, offers her seat on the bus or takes over your shift when you truly need it (or not). it's what causes others to take advantage of her, because she does carry a habit of never saying no. along with this comes her way of keeping things to herself, always making sure not to offend anyone or bring attention to herself. if she had gained spotlight, she'd give it to the first person she sees. bonghee is always one to never argue, which is also why she's rarely ever seen upset. if she were though, one would like to be kept to the side, because bonghee's one of this inner mama bears; she's just your average dreamer that's all. the one who can't see the bad in anyone, or harm in almost everything and everything. the girl who falls too hard for the wrong guys, the girl who keeps her true feelings to herself, the girl that shares opinions to make others happy, the girl who will play the moron just to see you smile, and the girl who would laugh at her own embarrassment - because she'd rather laugh then cry about it.
idol friends:
eric nam  //  24  //  soloist  //  closefriends-bestfriends; met at neighbours during highschool; usually go out for coffee
lee jieun (iu) // 19 // soloist // sister-sister relation; met under loen; they find time to talk or go shopping around
kim myungsoo (L) // 21 // infinite // newly-friends; met through jieun and are starting to get to know each other 
park chanyeol // 20 // exo // brother-sister (cousins); grew up together, but they haven't seen each other in forever
food - seafood, italian, pastas, anything tropical, dukbokki, dimsum, japanese
item - a teddy bear her ex-boyfriend bought her on her 18th birthday; she's named the bear edwin
colours - pastel colors (preferably blue, green and pink)
songs - heaven's door & love song (eric nam), 1-4-3 acoustic ver. (henry), goodbye summer (f(x)), last fantasy (iu)
number - seven, because seven is supposedly a lucky number

twitter - @yeobou_
instagram - n/a
others - weibo - @myweiibou
stagename: bou [ 보우 ]
persona: veteran of romance (romance's veteran) ; because bonghee has experienced many romances in life, she has been dubbed the veteran of romance, or the veteran of heartbreak depending on which aura of song she is placed in. this persona is also due to her style of acoustic music which creates a soothing, cute and romantic aptmosphere. most of her songs are based on her several relationships. her strongest message as the veteran of romance, or heartbreak is her latest song "love me for me".

motto: "when life's a kick in the face, you kick it twice as hard."
introduction: "greetings to all the ladies and gents; bou imnida, and don't you forget it~"

preferred group: female soloist #2; female soloist #1
position: -

singing twin: lyn
[x] | roo [x]
dancing twin: hyorin | bora [
rapping twin: not a rapper.

previous companies: loen entertainment (a year and a half)

preferred debut date: june 2012


a/n: click the photo to be re-directed. made out of boredom,
and love for photo and music. ;u;



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