
It's a nice feeling knowing that someone will always be beside you..

Honestly I've had a rough time with friendships making it hard for me to trust people, because I always seem to make friends but then lose them again all because of my stupid mistakes...

But it's a great feeling, making new friends. I'm one of those type of people who will be socially awkward, but once you get to know me, you learn that I'm a massive weirdo, loud and will easily smile around you because I am comfortable with you.

Recently, I've been trying to make new friends, and tend to go to a lot of events to do so, for example: on Saturday, 3 days ago, I attended the Matsuri Festival in Trafalgar Square, London. It was an awesome experience, and it was a good laugh checking out guys with my girl friends, but also raving with all my friends who I met at the festival. Honestly, it will be one of those memories I won't ever forget. I even had the chance to see this guy, I once saw before, and he was nice and smiled at me. At the moment, we seem like good friends, and he even offered to introduce me to his friends, who I happen to know already xP (Failed plan, I know hahah) but it was nice to know he cares ^-^

I also recently had a reunion from some of my old school friend, particularly one, who I happened to have a crush on, I don't really know my feelings for him, but he's really sweet and we can talk for ages, we even managed to seek out old photos of us together, which was a great memory. I honestly cherish memories like these a lot, and hopefully in the future I hope to make some more ^^

Anyone who has read this, I consider you a friend, as you put in the effort to care and read about my thoughts, you could have easily just scrolled past or ignored this post, if you ever want to talk just comment on my wall and we can start up a conversation, I like making new friends c:


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