Welcome to the School of K-Pop

Welcome to the School of K-Pop

History: Learn about the history of fandom wars and how they occurred

Literature: Read fan fiction and analyze why OTP has such a ed up life

Biology: Understand why Oppa's body manages to be so hot all the freakin' time

Music: Create your own student groups and represent your favorite idol groups by memorizing their songs and practicing their dances

Computer Science: Just play Starcraft....

Geography: Memorize all the pathways to and locations of idols' dorms

Business: Learn how SM minimizes costs and maximizes profit by minimizing Siwon's clothes and maximizing the exposure of his torso

Math: Solve real life problems like, "SM bought 30 y people and gave 3 to YG entertainment, how many idols are left in the company?"

Art: Draw fanarts of OTP

Chemistry: Learn what elements were used to create Oppa from a covalent bond

English: Understand why Bingo is relevant to being a y single man

Physical Education: Collect bugs with Yesung


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