Word Confusion

I remembered my old post and I decided to put them in a list.


Words AFFers commonly mix up 

Foreword vs Foreward (jessandheraddiction)

Principle vs. Principal (yuu014)

Definitely vs. Defiantly (I see this ALL the time)

To vs. Too

Your vs. You're


:: Kudos to those who know the difference between these words! ^0^v

:: Here is a longer list: Commonly Confused Words - Oxford Dictionaries Online


Common misspelled words in AFF

Grammar vs. Grammer

Prologue vs. Prolog/Prolouge (conchobar)


:: Kudos to those who identified the correct spelling ^0^v

:: Check this out: 100 Most Often Mispelled Misspelled Words


You can add more to this :) 





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I don't think wrong diction is so bad, it happens to everyone, but I'm hoping most people at least run their fics through spellcheck first before posting. I always thought that was a common feature for most word processing programs?
AptonKey #2
What does grammer mean?!