の走行距離。// : lee, junhee




NAME : lee, junhee
NICKNAMES : midget lee / junjun / jun
AGE : 02/14 + 18
ETHNICITY : full korean.
BIRTHPLACE : daegu, south korea
HOMETOWN : daegu, south korea
LANGUAGES : korean, and basic engrish english
ULZZANG : may.
BACKUP : soyu.






PERSONALITY :  the cutest of the cutest, most jaunty of the jaunty, the darling of most darling and the naive ball of fluff everybody loves! - ha. if only. from what appears to you as a cutely, innocent specimen of female becomes something of it's complete opposite. why yes, it may seem impossible for this being of short, but she's truly a creature full of sarcastic, sassy, givenos. really, because she gives no s. more s about her height than about anyone, really and that's just the beginning. for you see, miss lee junhee isn't what she appears to be. she's not this seemingly helpless little girl like everyone treats her to be. no. she's far more vicious. almost - chihuahua like. yapping and barking at every human that passes because to her everyone's dumb. she may be small, but power takes all; there's usually not a lot to say about junhee, besides the fact that she's incredibly sharp and will cut you like a blade. she's one of those people who prefer to keep their ground (even if such people stay closer to it than most). junhee's one with a dirty tongue, always ready to bad-mouth every moron that comes her way, because honestly she finds everyone stupid with their idiotic beliefs. in account to this though, she finds it amusing when she can easily manipulate others. perhaps she's a little bit of a sadist, but watching others grovel at her feet makes her happy. and not just because she's able to see above their heads. as someone who goes extremely confident, winning is something she always wants. sure, she's competitive in a lot of aspects, but it's only because she's too used to losing things in life. so poo. can't a shorty like her win something of her own for once without some pititful derps doing it for her? it's probably because she's too used to being babied. her height being the cause of why she's dreaded getting pats on the head, or getting mistakened for her friend's little sister (sometimes even daughter). thus, she grows to hate how others treat her like she's useless, making her strive grateness in every wat possible. it's why she tries so hard in academics and maintains this grade complex that she doesn't want beaten. so far junhee's known for being this grumpy little dwarf, having the same traits and selfish mind of that one in snow white, for the fact that she often thinks too much of herself. sometimes she takes the fact of not being capable too far ahead, where she forgets everyone around her and moves with selfishness.

it's quite easy though, considering she really isn't someone who thinks ahead of her actions, ironically being when she's ahead of her own grade (okay, maybe not in height but you get what I mean right?) just a tiny little brainiac she is. a tiny bod' with a fatass head. a head full of mainly herself, yet she isn't arrogant. she doesn't boast about herself for she finds there's nothing to boast about. really she only thinks of herself in ways of how she can
help herself. not praising, no. she doesn't need praise. she just needs recognition that she can do on her own without somebody dragging in a ing stool. I guess that's what causes her to be irrational about some people. probably the cause of her bad attitude too, because this also includes how she is at home. god-ing-damn. can't people learn to leave her alone? ah, but, aside from her nasty remarks and hatred towards almost everyone sometimes, she's basically just this beautiful tsundere all wrapped up in kawaiiness. because honestly, if someone does take the time to beat through that harsh exterior, they'll probably find just a very confused mesh of little girl. I mean, she is human afterall. smaller than most, but human. she's someone who does fall in love, believe or not. gets her heart broken and does start to cry, so it's not like she hates exactly everyone. just a lot of people, because yes she's cynically judgemental. but, yes when it counts she is a human being and like most of them, she does care for people. those people include friends, strange beings junhee felt she'd never need, for she'd do anything for friends. although she doesn't seem the type, she's always ready to give a helping hand (to show that she's capable of yaknow?). to be one of those friends who sit and talk about that ex-bf that cheated on you, and be that girl who feeds you lovely spoon fulls of french vanilla. yeah. doesn't seem like it sometimes, but she's all mushy and sweet on the inside when given time. junhee's just complicated in many ways, making and jumbling up feelings because she doesn't know how to use or express them. she can only express frustration or anger because it's easy. what is happiness? dafuk is love? how does one like junhee even show that? she really doesn't even know. that's why she needs time to discover herself as she does to take time to observe others around them. such things as to why spongebob is funny and why the harlem shake is the most ghettoest thing. honestly, as independent as she is, junhee just needs to learn how to reach out to people (ugh, these height jokes, foreals). to learn to ask for help, to learn from others and to learn how to accept others so that someday, somehow she'll be accepted herself.
{ likes }

→ when someone's gullible or extremely naive
→ oranges; be it the color, actual fruit or decorated stationary, she just likes oranges
→ money; who doesn't like money?
→ pastires and sweets; esp. cake and chocolate
→ acoustic guitar and piano; reason unknown, she just likes them; cannot play
→ free anything and everything
→ animals; her weakness
→ calling herself a queen
→ cold, snowy, wintery weather

{ dislikes }
→ blondes; don't ask, she just doesn't
→ spicy foods
→ men/boys because they're all dumb
→ mushy lovey-dovey stuff
→ skinship and aegyo; will honestly slap a
→ getting called cute; a given
→ invasion of personal space
→ getting patted on the head
→ nicknames ("I have a ing name, you guys.")
→ lending or sharing things with other people
→ chewing gum; like ew
→ sports or anything having to do with physical body movements; she seriously wasn't made for that
→ the word, "oppa"
→ english because  - she

{ hobbies }
→ reading; genre usually varies, but she avoids romance at all costs; probably literature or historical novels
→ part-time jobs; maybe it's not a hobby, but she really doesn't do much with her life
→ writing; something she carries a passion in, but doesn't really think of it much considering she feels everyone does it

{ habits }
→ swearing; she needs to carry a personal censor bar
→ telling people to die; ("seriously, just off and die already.")
→ tapping her foot when she's impatient or waiting
→ sighing; she sighs a lot
→ groaning; does a lot of this too
→ playing with her hair tyes and eventually always loses them
→ forgetting to say, "please" and "thankyou"; cuz yeah, she's a brat

{ trivials }
→ truthfully a total scaredy-cat; even screeches at butterflies tbh (because i fear butterflies... orz)
→ doesn't understand human humour
→ has an embarrassing laugh she really can't get over; psst, she snorts
→ once aspired to be a writer, but for some reason gave up on that dream 
→ can't sing to save her life 
→ doesn't know how to dance either
→ doesn't believe in love at first sight 
→ has never had her first kiss and really doesn't want it anytime soon 
→ is extremely ticklish and is quite sensitive around the neck 
→ can get easily embarrassed, and easily turns red with just the slightest bit of skinship; it's why she hates it 
→ has a high-pitches dolphin scream; appears when she gets scared "aAAAH HAJIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" 
→ has a satoori accent; uses it only with friends because she's comfortable; gets embarrassed when others hear it
→ has a teddy bear named "paulo"; she talks to him when she's alone, usually venting out emotions as if it were real; clickeu here!
STYLE : style, hmph. what is style exactly? I don't think some0ne like junhee would know, or rather, something junhee would care less about. with someone like junhee, you'd probably get more or less of some baggy, grey sweater, over a pair of denim jeans and hand-me-down convers to match; really this girl's sense of fashion is as bright and virant as concrete. it's a little more boring and.. frugal if anyone were to ask. never being the type to wear anything too girly, and certainly not the type to be caught dead in a skirt, it's a wonder how junhee was made possible to look cute, considering she never tries hard in the first place. well, blame her friends for that, for she really has no choice in clothing anymore. without her friends around, it's honestly sad to say junhee would look better in a group of hobos than a group of teenage girls. which is why her friends decide to choose her wardrobe on a daily basis. their closets consiting of cute shorts and teeshirts, clothes that are both not too girly or boyish, yet somewhere caught in the middle to the point where it suits someone so adorably, cute in appearance as midget lee. so basically, the fashion many see of now, with the bright colors and cute accessories - that is all of her friends. for, the real lee junhee owns none of that , and quite frankly, would never put any effort to actually put the time into dressing up that way. although she's extremely stubborn, she doesn't mind seeing her friends smile.. unless they go too far.
EXTRA : standing at about 148cm, contrasted with a weight of 55kg, it's not wonder this girl's often mistaken for an elementary student. if it wasn't for that darned, squishable face of hers, she'd probably be doomed with a iful body she's always dreamed about. but, no. oh, no. she was unfortunately born with this petite little body. a body so cute, so pure and untainted that she even believes of herself as a child when she glimpses up at the mirror. with eyes so brown and doe, lips to pink, untainted, and skin so fair that it's almost baby smooth. the appearance of your everyday child is what brings us out lee junhee. yet, in some areas she grows. or, hopefully she will, for even at her height and size, she's certainly not so small in the chesty-sort-of-area. I mean, she isn't bodaciously large, but at least there's something there.
( yoo jieun aka "jyoo" ㅣ 18 ㅣ student - aspiring actress ㅣairheaded, gullible, bubbly, jaunty ㅣ the bestie who falls too hard for boys )

( han ilsung aka "hani" ㅣ 18 ㅣ student - parttime model ㅣ charming, confident, masterful, witty ㅣ the bestie who's too smexifully perfect )




PERSONALITY : as dumb as dumb can ever get; that is of wu "kris" yifan, because from what others see as a brillantly talented beast of basketball, others call an stupidly flirtaious giant who fails in his many attempts; the body of smexiful man, yet the mindset of a six-year-old-boy? how in the world does that add up? we have no idea. yet even though he's a joker who doesn't care about his near future, he's still a kind-hearted guy. someone who wills to be your shoulder to cry on and remains charming despite being the moron he is. a moron, yes. but, a good one if anything.
HOW'D YOU MEET? :  p.e doesn't become the nicest class when you have an insufferably cheesy angrybird hitting on you, with both disgustingly moronic pick-up lines and accidental slips of basketballs.  ouch. in more ways than one.





ANYTHING ELSE? :  asdfghjk-- OKAY, SO THE MEETING IS SHORT BECAUSE IT KEPT GETTING CUT OFF AND I WRITE TOO MUCH SO IT DOESN'T HELP, I'M SORRY. tbh, this was a re-write. I was writing an application before, but it was . I finished this in a mere couple of hours and I'm pretty proud of myself. /sob. hopefully it's not too much crap, because I know it kinda is??? Idek, but really- THE PLOTLINES MAN, THE PLOTLINES. BEING SOMEONE SO SHORT AS MYSELF I CAN RELATE TO THIS PLOTLINE SO WELL. GDI. I also don't know if 148cm is short enough?? I don't do heights guys. I-- yeah. feel free to change that though, because I really don't know; ugh, so to summarize what the meeting really was for these two, kris was being a dumby and accidently hit junhee with a basketball. instead of actually helping her, he finds her amazingly adorable and thinks it'd be cool to hit on her. and somehow he finds himself wanting to be friends. LOOL. AND JUNHEE'S LIKE; "no niqqa gtfo i don't need you". yeah. lame, but best I could come up with asdfghj-- curai. kay' so junhee is a tsundere, btw. hopefully that's covered? kris is a fail wannabe playboy who girls always reject. LOOL. junhee doesn't fall for it, and probably never will. BUT ANYWAYS, DONE WITH THAT. I HOPE YOU GUYS AREN'T DROWNING IN WORDS BCZ I CERTAINLY AM. ASDFGHJ-- /FLUTTERS AWAY. THANKS FOR REAAADING q u q Also, feel free to choose junhee's parttime jobs. i forgot to add them in there and and I can't think of anyyyy atm. orz
→ kris makes junhee cry
→ possibly a tearful confession scene
→ kris whispers something into junhee's ear, she blushes and kinda kicks his crotch
→ "yah! shuttup you stupid giant! go die or- something!"
→ better scenes to come ack orz
BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE SPACE UP THERE :  haekyung ㅡ dani ㅡ gucci gaga yayaya


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