[Review] kamiru_kpoplover19 - I'm Just A High School Junior and I'm...Married?!


Story: I'm Just A High School Junior and I'm...Married?!

By: kamiru_kpoplover19


Story Title: 5/10


Hum… I should say that the title explains anything from your story, which is good and bad in certain way. And it’s too common actually. I think I found many fics with the similar titles like yours. Please be more creative with the title selection. But personally, if I’m the type of readers who want to find ‘Early Marriage’ theme, I guess your fic will be the first that I subscribed. It’s quietly catchy for certain theme. But then, your title is long.


Description/Forewords: 6/10


The poster is good. I like it. But you put too much information about your characters on the foreword. It’s good to give the readers information about the characters on the foreword, but I think it’s too many information on your foreword. Probably it will spoil the whole idea if you’re putting too much information like that on your foreword. Next time, probably you can try to put the information about your characters along within the story.


Storyline: 10/20


Hum… actually the storyline like yours is so common. I found and read many fics with storyline like this. A student forced to marry with someone *that she hates* and had another guy that she likes plus a girl that likes her husband. Then somehow the girl got total *or should I say EXTREME* make-over and the guy(s) started to fall for her. But, okay, I must admit that after reading your story for about 2 or 3 chapters, it’s quietly interesting. I guess this kind of theme is interesting to bring in certain ways.


Grammar/Spelling: 7/10


I found some misspells. But I guess there was because you forget to insert one letter.


Originality: 5/10


Like I had said before, many stories have similar plot with this. So I’m so sorry to tell you that I can’t give you higher score since there are many fics with the same theme with yours.


Flow: 8/10


So far… it’s nice and smooth. Not too fast and not too slow. I’m reading it to the chapter 3 and it’s still not boring me out. And you put some humors on it which is made the story enjoyable to read.




I really like on how you describe your characters and stick on those description to the end. And the characters development afterward seems to be interesting. But you must to be careful with it


Want for updates: 8/10


Personally, since I’m a shipper of the normal fic with this kind of theme, well, of course I want to read more. But judging from my reviewer point of view, I think I still want to wait for your updates. It’s not because the common theme that you bring here, but more than because on how you bring your story. For me, it feels refreshing. So, please update more.


Reviewer Comment:

Like I have said before, I like this kind of story and surely I will wait for the update. But you must to be careful on how you will bring the story. Since it’s a common theme, you must to have something that makes the readers think that your story is different and eventually they will continue to read your fic till the end. Other than the huge fanbase of Infinite, I think the way you bring your story is good and refreshing. So make it as your advantage. But don’t make the plot become too draggy and boring.


Message for Author:

This fic is good from my point of view. So keep on going with your good job for this fic. And don’t let your guard down. Keep up your good work and keep on writing. And if you can find original idea, I think it will be better ^^)d


Total Score : 67/100


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