Copying and Plagiarism Issue

*Sigh* Honestly...I was considering whether I need to talk about these matters or not while I was at a bus. But I really want to give you a piece of my mind regarding this matter. And I'm emphasizing that this entry is not meant for a certain person or to offend someone's feeling. I've warned you.


So here we go...


I understand that copying and plagiarism issues are bad. And I think I might be doing it on certain points. But if you ask me whether I care about it or not, honestly I don't know whether I care or not. I think I have chosen not to put extra problems in my real life because of those issues.


Perhaps some of you have known about it already, but I am working. I have been working for almost 10 years and have been working in my recent company for almost 7 years now. I have 2 bosses that I need to take care of, an  exclusive team of Marketing Communication that consisted with 30 members and a team of Marketing Product Services that consisted with 50++ members. So every weekdays, I have to take care of them. In addition, I have to worry about keeping my job. So if you want to imagine how my real life it, just imagine that I'm often tossing myself around to look over my bosses and team members' needs (professionalwise), going up and down the floors for documents, listening to their complaints, socializing with other divisions to make everything smooth for my team members later, even sweet-talking or a HR manager in order to save myself from losing my job. And I'm also having tamborine dance practice every lunch time for Christian Friday Prayer Community at the office.


And when I got home after 2 hours long in the bus, my life is not easy either. I have to sit down with my mom and talking with her, cleaning the house, bounding with my dogs and everything that I can do at home. Unconsciously, I'll get myself to think about our family's financial matter and for my own financial matter. I have to pay my own bills, the house bills, pay for the house security and neighbor fee, my violin tuition fee, and also for our daily fee. For your info, I had lost my father when I was 15 and my family was having hard time ever since. It have become better and easier when I and my siblings got jobs. But still, our family's financial matter is now supported by the children not by my mom. And I'm leading an unmarried life right now, so I need to think and worry about my future as well, of how will I fund myself when I don't have incomes anymore.


So as you see, I have a long list of problems that I need to care about in my real life. But somewhere in the between, I always get myself a time to write.


Writing for me is a hobby for over than 24 years, and also an escapee from my daily life. It's something that thrills me and makes my life colorful. Publishing my stories here, it's always for fun and a trial for me to see whether my stories are well-received or not. And I might become fuzzy about comments and subscribers of my stories because I really want to know how well I have been doing with my stories. But other than that, I don't want to concern myself with other problems. Seriously it'll just be wasting my time when I can spend my time in other things or to write.


I'm here at Asianfanfics, only to write, looking at feedbacks (whether if it's in comments, wall post or PM), bounding with subscribers and friends, reading my favorite fics from fave authors, and that's all. And for your info, I'm using this account with my sister. So most of the fics on my subscriptions list are my sister's subscription, not mine.


So if you ask me whether I'm concerned about copying and plagiarism issues or not, I might be saying that I'm not actually care about it. Honestly, if you ever told me if there's someone who copied my story or vice versa, perhaps my reaction will be like 'Oh, Okay', then I'm sure that I'll be asking the links to that stories, and perhaps, I will read it as well and might be asking for becoming friends with the author (or perhaps end up to give them some ideas for their stories development). Then, I'm sure that I will only laugh at it, telling ppl that close with me that my story is similar with that story. I also might think like 'well, I think my story is good enough for someone until they copied mine', or if I do copying someone, just be fair and tell me. Even if the real author comes to me and tells me to take down my stories, I don't mind at all. Because I know and I realize that on certain point, our stories might be similar in some ways, intentionally or not. But no matter what, I will let the matter pass.


Because for me, copying, plagiarism and also piracy are something that we all cannot avoid. Especially in the net, where we don't have any actual legal copyright for everything that we publish. If you want to minimalize the matter, don't publish your fanfiction story here, publish it with a publisher company instead. They have copyright or whatsoever so they can claim and sue people who copy and do plagiarism.


So, for those of my friends who have been facing the copying and plagiarism issues (whether you're the victim or you're the culprit), I'm not saying that those matters are good. I understand that you've worked  hard to think about story ideas and plot lines. But learn to be wise and try to accept things positively. Not every ideas that you have are only coming from you and you alone. Other people in this world that might think a similar idea as yours. So we can't go and blindly accuse other for copying your work and doing plagiarism.


I realize that many of you may be a school or college students with more idle time then me. But I'm sure that you have more important things to care about in your real life, whether it's about your studies, your friends, your family or even your job. And please remember that, we're not being paid for writing fanfictions here. So there's useless to waste your time, jeopardize something that you have built and ruin everything because of something like this.


And I don't know how well you will accept my entry today. I'm a sarcastic but sensitive person and I'm positively sure that I might be losing friend counts and received many complaints that might against my thought. It might make me branded as something bad to the point that it makes me sad and stay away from you for a while (okay, I'm being a drag now, but prove me that I'm wrong).


But I'll leave you to think about this matter. I want you to reflect whether it's fine or not to cause a ruckus over something like this. For everyone of you, ask yourself why you're writing fanfictions. Is it for fun? Or looking for recognitions? For yourself or for others? I understand that at some point writing for fun and for yourself can turned into writing for recognitions and for others. It reminds me that one of my little author friends often scolded me because of it.


But, hey, we're only fanfiction writers. We're not professional writers who write for living. So I don't think it's right to make something that supposed to be simple and fun to be something big as if its worth for killing or the world will be ended tomorrow. Make your complicated life simple.


And don't tell me that I don't understand of your feeling of becoming a victim of plagiarism or copying issue. I DO UNDERSTAND. I understand it very well since I can put myself in your shoes and imagine myself as you. But I choose not to make a big deal out of it or to waste my time for something like that. I have many things to deal in my real life and with my stories. Believe me, sometimes closing your eyes, ears and mouth is the wisest thing to do here in your net life. It'll help to make your life simple and lessen your burden in your real life.


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Whoa there, preach it! I don't really think abt it bcs I'm sure no one will plagiarize my stories XD
My fics aren't even that good lol
But I agree with you~~