Halp >-

Guys I am so in danger of destroying my computer right now. So I do graphics and stuffies and I've always used Picmonkey which is pretty damn basic and really frustrating to do anything other than put filters on a picture. For my purposes, it's always worked because my edits are pretty basic usually. I've been using overlays, though, which are a pain in the to edit on. For those who don't know, overlays are the pictures you put on your original picture. I usually have to erase around the overlay to get what I actually want from it and it's so freaking annoying. So a while back I got Gimp which is like Photoshop, but free. I never actually got around to using it until about two hours ago and I'm seriously annoyed. Gimp is really advanced compared to my potato knowledge of the computer.


I don't know what the hell I'm doing. If anyone knows Gimp or is comfortable with photo editing, could you please shine your knowledge upon me? I don't need like basic putting a filter on the image, I need to know how to get the overlays cropped to where I need them and how to animate things. I kind of need the basics, but I kinda need more advanced stuff too. I basically just need someone to explain to me what the hell I'm doing. All the tutorials I can find are either confusing as or no . 




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I use Photoshop CS5.1, and god damn does that thing have a bunch of useless functions. I know what you mean by basic. I could make a perfect poster by just using basic things like the eraser, t/cropping tool, layers and the text tool. Gimp is pretty similar to Photoshop. You can just use the basic tools on that. The only thing you actually have to know about is layers. If you know what that is and figure out on how to use it, then it'll be the best program to work with. ^0^