
This is based only in my own opinion, okay? Any violent reactions aren't needed.


I'm thinking about this for some time now. Why do people change when they are showered with a bit of fame? I don't know but, I think those people are so dumb. Sorry if I offended you, I don't mean it. It's just those kind of people tick me to the core.

Yeah, I'm not famous. So, what? I'm insecure of those es? Well, sorry to disappoint you because I'm not.


[ Warning: ! I'm sorry, but I think you don't have to continue reading this any longer. If you don't want me to piss you with what is written here, so better stop. ]


I heard about this bull from somebody, not related but is important to me, that annoyed me a lot.


She's really nice and sweet; very cheerful in both real and cyber world. Well, she writes stories out of purely habit and she's not competing with anyone because she knows her place. She told me about those es who keep on insulting her works. She's really quiet and not a war freak but when you pissed her, she can be Satan herself. I mean, what those people are gaining by insulting her? Does that gonna make them rich? Actually, she's not famous and mostly her works aren't famous too but, she treasures her works with all her heart. They came from her thought and imaginations, purely. So, it hurts her when somebody criticize her works. As a matter of fact, she's actually good. Let me questions those people who are insulting her, did you guys have done something worth reading? Or something worthy? Before you guys judge a person, please look at your own garbage first. Seriously, hating won't make any of you famous.


One more thing is that, another ing person blocked her without notice. As far as she knows, there's nothing she have done wrong. She didn't even pissed that person because basically, she can't. They've been talking for a few days when that peson suddenly blocked her. I mean, what's the reason? What pissed her is that person didn't gave her any reason why he did that. All this time, she thinks that it's her fault. Oh well, what I want to tell that person is: YOU ADDED HER AND NOW YOU BLOCKED HER? REALLY, MAN? WHY? BECAUSE YOUR FICS ARE GETTING NOTICED NOW? OH, YOU!


What ticks me as well is that person is getting more and more boastful and too much proud of his work. Every author should be proud of his own products but this person isn't like that. Not at all. I know that there is no sense in making a fuss about this but I want to release my anger even just a bit. He's ing being immature. That's not a true writer is like!




I know that when a person has been a centered of attraction even just for a few seconds, she or he is changing into something that they are trully not. People do whatever they want, I know. But I think you guys have to know your limits.


This is so ed up. I've got too much swearing for this day.


P.S. If you won't change your rotten attitude, you'll lose your friends and probably more fake people will compose your little world. You already lost a person worth being a true friend, even you guys only met virtually.



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Aw man I'm sorry to hear what happened to your friend :( I can't stomach people like the guy who blocked your friend I just can't with people like that >< It's okay to be proud of your stories, but you should also keep a level headed mind or whatever.

Don't let the fame get to your head. Keep yourself grounded.