Listening to T-Pop

I don't really listen to T-pop but...


I got to know Golf & Mike becuse of Yamapi.  I can't even remember why their group was called Kitty Gym at that time~ But their song Fever to Future was pretty catchy~ I first heard it in Japanese version but the Thai version was pretty cool too.


Oh wait... now that I think about it~ GYM would stand for Golf, Yamapi, and Mike... but where did the kitty part came from? Hahaha XD


Anyway, here's another MV of Golf & Mike~ this time~ it's really just the two of them and a song in Thai~ I also remember watching cuts from their concerts back then.  Damn~ that was really a long time ago~ I was still into Jpop at that time~ 



Anyway, today... I can't remember how I was lead to watching a thai music video and why the heck I decided to watch, but... I'm not regretting~


There's also a drama version of the MV, but I always prefer dance versions~  I watched her live performance of this song and I really liked it~ It's the same as the MV~! Even the cap choreography~ <3   I'm really liking her~!!!  The English part of the lyrics in the chorus is pretty catchy too~!   


So... safe to say that this is going to be my favorite Thai song? Hahaha!!! I don't think I'll be checking out more Thai songs for tonight~ ^^;;


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I found T-pop by accident but it was the happiest accident ever! Haven't listened to guy bands so much as girls.
golf & mike, i have one song of them that i save in my phone and listen several times. it`s `fight for you` if im not mistaken. .:-P d song is quite catchy and they are so cute~
d ya mean yamapi from NEWS?
Oh my Gyu, Golf & Mike, I can't even...I remember when my students were all into them. I've seen Mike around my university once or twice (he's a student there). That child has porcelain skin!
i was all "this video looks familiar.. where have i seen it..?" and then i saw Yamapi and i was like "AHHHHHHH!!! <3 now i know!! found it a while ago cause of Yamapi!!! my love~! <3" lol and now i love u too cause u like/love Yamapi too :) hehehe now back to the other videos.. lol