Trying to learn how to make posters >.>

Hey there!

So I just downloaded this art program and was wondering if anyone knows or if they know anyone else(or websiter or page) who knows how to use this program?

The program I am using is called FireAlpaca

I am using this since GIMP(they're different, right? /slapped) won't dowload or work for me =___=

Anyways, I am asking if some one call help or teach me to use it to make posters?

I am totally new to the whole "poster making scene" so I sorta need a mentor or guide on these things without ruining the whole thing completely x(

If anyone knows how to use FireAlpaca, please help and tell me >.< I am desperately in need of some assistance!!

Thank you

Bye now~


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depends what you trying to make?
angst, fluff, etc.
i could help but i use photoshop.