◜ ❊ aero ◞ ↷ Merel Evelien Min





      Merel Evelien Min




username: Soo_Eun_Ae
what should i call you? Eunnie, or Airi, or Ai. c: Either one of those are fine~

activty: *cough* 5 *cough*


name: Merel Evelien Min
nicknames: Eve, Lien, Merri
age & birthday: Dec. 25, 1995 | 17 (almost 18)
height & weight: 173 cm & 53 kg
birthplace: Antwerp, Belgium
hometown: Antwerp, Belgium
ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Belgian
languages: Korean - a little more than Conversational(a little broken but understandable), Dutch - Fluent, German - Fluent, French - a little less than Conversational (she was learning it in her student years)


personality: Merel is a very bright and positive girl who's bold and daring. First of all, no, she's not a Mary-Sue. She's naturally very shy at first impressions, and is always quiet to everyone. She doesn't really show any sign of her true self, so fans believe she's a quiet, mysterous girl. After a week of getting used to the camera always on her face, she starts getting a bit more comfortable and is more childish, playful, and hyperactive. She loves playing around, teasing, and goofing off. Her members think she has no brain cells sometimes because she could be so stupid and aloof in some situations that people think she's super innocent when she's not. She's like a virus, spreading her goofiness to other people. Even mature people lose their composure a bit when she's around. She's also quite clever, and ships herself with people regardless of gender, mainly because she's also a fangirl. She's so adorable that people find her so weird and her personality fits well for an MC, because she helps make whatever video interesting in some unique ways.

Let's see her positive side: Merel speaks up and expresses her opinions. She befriends those who are good and deserve a friend. She's also very hard-working and reliable, causing some people to place their trust in her, and others  considering the thought. She's not like those cowards, and she almost never gets embarrassed. Merel may have a pride to keep, which is being equal with everyone, but even she would think that a person is at it's fullest strength when they don't have a pride or image to save. Perhaps that could be a reason why her cheerful and happy-go-lucky personality is influencing those that follow her, or admire her. She's not always the most lovable or admirable one though. She may love attention, but she also wishes to be alone to have time for herself sometimes. She's very understanding and always has a shoulder ready for people to cry on. Unlike her, those people can't handle tough situations. She can, and it's all thanks to her time in school when she first came to Korea. Nobody understood her accented Korean, so everything was tough for her at first. Of course, there were times she'd cry, but only when she thinks it's okay to cry. She doesn't do it in public, because she hates looking vulnerable and weak. But this rarely happens. Merel isn't the type to cry; her bright and playful smile with that carefree personality never lets her down. It's always genuine and unique. A fake smile never crossed her face before.

Now let's see her negative side: When things get out of hand, Merel thinks quickly and somehow always figures out a solution to the problem. People may envy her for her quick thinking, but sometimes there are days where she's just dead and useless; a walking zombie to people's eyes. During those days, she's no help, and she's just plain lazy to do anything; although, she'd kick people randomly, even if she's in zombie-mode. She can't think properly and she just ignores whatever's happening around her. Merel's not the type to easily get angered, but she can easily get annoyed. When she's annoyed, she goes into rampagement mode. She flips things, anything really (even glass/plates/technology), and has no guilt or regret leftover later. She would not just flip them, but slide off things from tables/desks. Everytime she does these, she yells out, "RAMPAGE!" and then walks around innocently with a poker face, and does it again. Basically, she's someone not to annoy. When she's ticked, or furious, she shuns everyone and makes a very clever counterattack when the person who angered her finally corners her and argues why she's acting like that. 

likes: Licorice, candy, belgian chocolate, swiss chocolate (lindt), clothes, fashion, dancing, music, laughing, having fun, her birthday (because it's on a specific holiday and she gets tons of presents even though she's not Christian XD), cats, kittens, german shepherds, huskies, singing in her mother tongues (Dutch and German), French (she finds it beautiful), lillies-of-the-valley, praise, satisfaction from others about her, heights (she finds it cool xD), life-threatening situations (aka amusement park rides xD)
dislikes: Criticism, bulldogs, hate, stereotypes, being looked down on (and vice versa), poppies, drugs (which is weird since her country is famous for drugs that come from poppies), blackmail, cruel violence, being forced to do something she's against, bullies, "hideous" faces (rude and despicable people), and especially being compared to others, skinship (she absolutely hates it. maybe cuddling if she had a boyfriend, but not that much. she finds skinship very weird. XD she doesn't mind people doing it, but if it's on her, she will run away, and use playful violence to protect herself xD).
hobbies: Dressing up for no apparent reason at random times (even though she's at home), goofing around, randomly singing, taking selcas, pulling people into life-threatening situations (rides in amusement parks xD), eating licorice/pulling licorice out of nowhere, sharing food with everyone (but her licorice is greedily saved for herself), shopping, flipping through fashion magazines.
habits: Waking up early by herself (she's a morning person), ceaseless complaining/whining whenever her group needs to diet, cursing profanity in Dutch or German whenever she's ticked/furious, kicking people in a playful way (this does not count as violence to her xD), puffing her cheeks, giving priceless derp faces (she does it on purpose sometimes and doesn't care about her image xD she claims she doesn't have on in the beginning to even ruin xD)
trivia: -flipping things whenever she's in a rampage and has no guilt/regret later whatsoever (she yells "RAMPAGE" at the same time xD) -pouting whenever people make fun of her accent -OCD/Obessive-compulsive disorder (she cleans up everything after her rampages xD) -doesn't have a S-line, but some outfits make her appear like she does have one, which causes misunderstandings and a flushed Merel. xD



- Mother | Elise Van de Velde | 39 | Housewife | 5 

- Father | Min, Byunghun | 40 | Scientist | 3

- Aunt | Min, Byungsoon | 33 | Math and Science teacher | 4


- Childhood Friend | Anique Leroy | 17 | OC | 5

- Best friend | Kim Kibum (Key) | 22 | SHINee | 4

- Best Friend | Amber Liu | 22 | F(x) | 4

- Best Friend | Jung Daehyun | 20  | B.A.P | 4

- Friend | Byun Baekhyun | 21 | EXO-K | 3

- Best Friend | Peniel Donggeun | 20 | BTOB | 4

- Friend | Jung Ilhoon | 19 | BTOB | 3

- Friend | Sandara Park | 28 | 2NE1 | 3

- Friends | Bae Suji + Lee Min Young | 18 + 22 | Miss A | 3

- Best Friend | Lee Kiseop | 22 | U-KISS | 4

- Best Friend | Kevin Woo | 21 | U-KISS | 4

- Friends | Rest of U-KISS | 19-24 | U-KISS | 3

- Friends | All of Infinite | 19-24 | Infinite | 3

background: Merel was born and raised in Antwerp, Belgium as a Belgian-Korean citizen. Of course, she did visit Korea a couple times during her childhood, but mainly as a short 2 week vacation. In her childhood days, she was interested in different kinds of music and was inspired by BoA to dance. However she did somewhat focus in her schooling, holding As and Bs in her report card. Since she was raised in Belgium, she ended up speaking both German and Dutch (as both are common tongues in her hometown), but she was more interested in learning French rather than Korean at the time. Of course, he parents didn't want her to forget Hangul, so they would teach her sometimes, and hire tutors. It helped, but her accent was a bit off (since Dutch was her first language). During school, she took French classes (although she did have a bit trouble, her progress was good). She didn't bother learning English since she was more interested in French. Her childhood was pretty average, but when she told her parents about her dream to become a KPOP idol at the age of 13, they opposed and literally pushed her to study harder so she would forget her dream. She didn't give up though, and shunned them for awhile (and even let her grades drop) because she was very stubborn at the time. Her parents gave up and said they'll allow her to become one if she continued her schooling in Korea (with her usual high marks), and she promised she would. With that, she auditioned online and was accepted into NH Media as a trainee. She moved to Korea at the age of 15 to begin her training. During her trainee years, she had a very tiring and hard time catching up with everything. She even cried a couple times, wishing to just go back to her normal life, but her best friend Anique cheered her up over the phone everyday, supporting her. Merel didn't want to appear weak, and didn't want everything to go to waste, so she continued her training until the day she finally debuted.


face: Lii.sa Ring
links: gallerygallery2
back up: Jang Hae Byeol
links: gallery
style: She's a fashionista, and her style is basically what both ulzzangs above are wearing in their photos. xD She's more of a stylish girly girl rather than a tomboy. She goes from the long, wait-length hair rather than short, shoulder-length hair. Plus, she loves her natural auburn-brown-dark brown hair (it depends on the lighting to determine its color). She wouldn't want to dye it into other colors, not even black.


how you got into nh media: Merel always had an interest in music and it's subcategories. She always wanted to become and idol, rather than just being a model or stylist/designer. So she auditioned and got in, mainly for her dance skills and looks.
trainee history: Merel's audition was successful, and she managed to get into NH Media. The problem was, her teachers had trouble understanding her accent at first, because she had auditioned through the internet and had her father type up the application for her. Her parents sent her to Korea to live with her aunt (her father's younger sister), so she could continue her training and schooling there. Outside of NH Media, Merel's aunt Hyejeong had tutored her in the Korean language, accent, and alphabet/characters. During school, she was well-known for her foreign mother, but only a couple were friends with her (some guys asked her out but she declined, claiming she didn't want to bother with love). She went through 2 years of dance training, and the company had managed to improve her accent a bit, but because it's still obviously there, she's being held back in singing and rapping a little bit, thanks to her lacking enunciation. Nevertheless, she was still very talented in dancing, and she could sing well, if it wasn't for her poor enunciation to pull her back. However, she is praised when she sings songs in Dutch, German, and French because her accent was perfect for those languages. While being a trainee, her positive and bright personality got her lessons on MCing, and her gifted looks made her a model under NH Media's label.
trainee years: 2 years
stage name: Merel
fanclub name: Eves
fanclub color: #6600ff
persona: The Fashion Diva
    main vocal  main rapper  main dancer
    lead vocal  lead rapper  lead dancer
sub vocal ❊ sub rapper  sub dancer

vocal twin: Im Yoona | SNSD | click
dancing twin:  Kim HyunA | 4minute | click
rapping twin: Yoon Bora | SISTAR | click
anything else? Model, MC


love interest: Yook Sungjae
age & group: 18 | BTOB
personality: Playful, childish, energetic, goofy, cheerful, and talented. He's also hardworking, and seems stupid enough to think an egg won't crack when you hit it with your forehead, but a watermelon will. He loves skinship, and he's very kiddish enough to not get embarrassed while using skinship with his hyungs. He loves teasing people, and is super dorky to everyone. He's very outgoing and funloving, it's difficult to hate him, and haters barely exist in his category.
how you met: Merel and Peniel were chatting on the phone one day, and they were filming BTOB Diary. All the members snuck up on him and asked him who he was talking to. Peniel casually shrugged and told them it was Merel of aero, and that left all the members except Ilhoon and fans shocked. They started bombarding him with silly and goofy questions like "How long have you been dating?" Eunkwang, Minhyuk, and Sungjae convinced Peniel to introduce BTOB to Merel one day, and Peniel finally agreed, placing the call on speaker, and Ilhoon and Peniel were chatting with Merel telling her about their members' silly needs. Merel agreed to appear on BTOB Diary on the next air, and BTOB exclaimed in glee. As promised, Merel showed up on the next air, and even though she mainly stuck to Peniel and Ilhoon, she became great friends with the rest of BTOB. They all exchanged phone numbers with Merel, and Sungjae was very happy to make a new friend who was half-foreigner.
how you interact: Merel: She's like her normal self with her usual personality, but she's a bit more nicer to Sungjae because he's really cute and adorable to her.  |  Sungjae: His usual personality as well, except he doesn't usually use skinship with girls, although she's an exception. Even though it's not as much as he usually does with s. She's an exception because he loves annoying her and teasing her. he finds her similar to his Ilhoon hyung.
relationship: Friends. (They don't realize they love each other :3)
back up love interest: Peniel Donggeun | BTOB | 20


rival: CL or Lee Chaerin from 2NE1
age: 22
personality: Fierce and strong onstage. She's very charismatic and admirable. Offstage she's calm and full of aegyo around those she's close to. CL is caring and kind to everyone. She's very energetic and fun too. (I think this is her personality ._.)
reason for rivalry: Merel hates being compared to, yet fans always compare her accent and French to CL's. They say that CL didn't have an accent in any language she spoke, yet Merel's always stands out whenever she speaks in Korean. This angers Merel, because both her and CL had lived somewhere where they learned French, yet CL lived in Korea before as well, and it was Merel's first time in Korea when she moved in with her aunt during her trainee days. Plus, French is one of Merel's mother tongues. She gets disturbed whenever people bring it up, and always retorts intelligibly and cleverly how there's a difference in their backgrounds and the fans and everyone else should stop sticking there noses into her business. She feels no regret whatsoever in being rude to sasaengs and those who compare, because she knows they know that they should give idols privacy. Because of these stupid comparings, Merel hates it whenever CL is around her.
love rival: Anique Leroy
age: 17
personality: Energetic, cheerful, happy virus. Her smile brightens up every room. She could be spoiled sometimes, and when she desperately wants something, she tries very, very hard to get it. She's very mature around adults, and always fun and silly around friends.
how you meet: They are childhood friends. Their mothers bumped into each other while they were grocery shopping, and at the time Anique and Merel were both 5 years old. Later on, Anique moved into Merel's neighborhood, and they became neighbors, and classmates. They had similar likes and dislikes, so they were bound to be stitched together.
how you interact: Silly, and some people may think the two are mental people. Even though Merel is more calm and collected, she's a total goofball with Anique. Anique and Merel are very casual and honest with each other, having full trust. Their normal personalities are additioned with hyperactive silliness whenever their in recess, or having a ton of fun. They're just like every other 2 BFFs who never fought before.
how are they a love rival? Anique and Merel both like Sungjae, except Merel believes she only holds a tight interest, while Anique loves Sungjae to death. Anique clearly wants to marry Sungjae, and she never went out with a guy before to save the spot for him. Merel knows her best friend loves Sungjae, and Anique hopes that Merel can set them up, but Merel always dejects the idea of the two going out. Merel likes Sungjae too, even though she doesn't know it's love.
who do you want to end up with? Merel and Anique keep their relationship as childhood best friends, and Merel ends up with Sungjae. Anique decided to wait a little longer and move on, and she decided to support Merel and Sungjae. (Later on in life, Merel introduces Anique to the rest of BTOB, and Anique falls deeply in love with Eunkwang, mainly because of his dorky personality.)


comments: I hope you guys have a fun time writing your story! ^^ And I know the way Sungjae and Merel met didn't actually happen in BTOB, but that is my scene suggestion!!! I hope that's okay with you guys! >.<
suggestions: I would like Merel to do a collaboration with Sungjae, and their song grows very popular and hits #1 in KPOP Music Charts. I also would love it if Merel has a subunit with 2 close members of aero! 1 member is fine as well, I don't mind. ^^
scene suggestions: The interaction of how Merel and Sungjae met please!!! Oh, I also would like a scene where CL and Merel have a dance battle in a couple variety shows. I would like CL winning majority of them, but Merel should only win in the live Star Dance Battle. It should be a group battle of 2NE1 versus aero, but fans should compare the two in the crowd, and comment sections of wherever the clip is uploaded. This would lighten up Merel's mood, and she finally decides to be a good sport and give credit to CL's hard work too.
password: all of ukiss bcuz i said so and cannot choose between all the members >.<


credits to moonlightviolet



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