30 Day B.A.P Challenge.

30 day b.a.p challenge

Day 1: Your first impression of Best Absolute Perfect - Hella cute.

Day 2: Your favourite member and why - Daehyun; because he has a great voice, adorable, cute, loveable. Everything. Jongup; stupid but yet cute. Adorable. too cute. Zelo; same age. my type. yahhh.

Day 3: Your favourite moment in the Warrior MV - Zelo's rap.

Day 4: Your favourite song from the Warrior single album - Unbreakable.

Day 5: Your favourite B.A.P lyric(s) - " After you left, I lost control. I become drunk every night and stumble around, spit out curses because I think of you, who was cold. I feel dirty." - Coma.

Day 6: Your favourite Warrior performance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZabBHOT8JI

Day 7: Favourite Warrior outfit (from the MV or photoshoots or performances)

Day 8: The most entertaining moment in Tadah It’s B.A.P so far - The debut stage. or Himchan ripping his pants. hahaha

Day 9: Funniest quote from any of the B.A.P members - Yongguk swearing.

Day 10: What do you like most about Bang Yongguk? - His leadership

Day 11: What do you like most about Kim Himchan? - His weirdness

Day 12: What do you like most about Jung Daehyun? - His beautiful face, voice, iness, awesomeness, everything!

Day 13: What do you like most about Yoo Youngjae? - How smart he is.

Day 14: What do you like most about Moon Jongup? - His amazing dance moves, his cutness, everything.

Day 15: What do you like most about Choi Junhong (aka Zelo)? - great dancing and rap, same age.

Day 16: Your OTP - Daejong/Daelo

Day 17: Member who you think would be your best friend - Either Jongup or Zelo. Most defintaly.

Day 18: Member who you think would be your brother - Bang Yongguk

Day 19: Best dancer - Moon Jongup

Day 20: Best rapper - Zelo

Day 21: Best singer - Daehyun

Day 22: Funniest member - Himchan

Day 23: Cutest member - Daehyun, Zelo, Jongup.

Day 24: Your favourite B.A.P selca - 

Day 25: Favourite B.A.P fancam - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AatBre2RNlA

Day 26: If you could swap personalities/bodies with one of the members, who would it be and why? Uhmm... Daehyun?? Maybe.

Day 27: If you had the choice to create B.A.P’s official fandom name, what would it be? - I like Babys. It suits. i'm keeping it.

Day 28: If you only had one thing to say to B.A.P, what would you say? - I love you.

Day 29: What would you do if you were stuck in the lift with your B.A.P bias? - become his friend! <3

Day 30: “The reason why I love B.A.P is because…” - they have amazing music, songs, dances, and many more. Plus their cuteness.


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