✽DREAM APPLICATION〉↷ yellow || bouncing musician || oh harumi



   ten colors, ten girls, one dream.

 Name: Oh Harumi 
 Nickname(s): Haru
 Age: 20 years old
 D.O.B: 04.19.94
 Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
 Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
 Languages: Japanese (fluent), Korean (fluent), English (conversational)
Like this and like that

Likes: (5+)
  • summer season
  • warm milk
  • sweet foods / lots of sugar
  • relaxing days off
  • listening to instruments
  • interacting with fans
  • selca's
  • pineapple / exotic fruits
  • miso soup
  • her mother's homemade cooking

Dislikes: (5+)

  • being awake early
  • cold seasons / snow
  • being compared to others
  • birds
  • long distance flights
  • quick meals / frozen packaged foods
  • tomatoes
  • being lectured
  • exercise routines
  • leaving places early
  • driving

Hobbies: (3+)

  • painting (not very good at it)
  • writing / composing songs
  • practising instruments / learning new ones
  • jogging
  • currently learning to cook

Fear(s): (1+)

  • lightening
  • flying
  • walking alone

Habbits: (3+)

  • chews her sleeves when nervous
  • plays with her hair a lot
  • her lips constantly (picked up from sehun)
  • talks over people
  • doesn't show emotions a lot / blank faced

Trivia: (go crazy here ) 

  • often writes letters expressing her true feelings
  • owned a turtle as a child
  • started playing piano aged six
  • wanted to learn guitar when she was thirteen
  • does her best in learning new instruments
  • as well as learning instruments, she often learns phrases in other languages
  • tried to teach her sister how to play piano but failed
  • wants to go to university to study modern music
  • she wrote her first song (badly) when she was fifteen
  • has an obsession with plushies
  • she has a lot of friends in japan
  • auditioned for jyp as a child
  • she's visited america various times
  • she only tells those closest to her about her feelings
  • a lot of japanese dishes make her sick
  • she likes to attend concerts
  • as a child she won a total of four school talent shows
  • her idol is boa


This is me; personality

harumi is an extremely positive person, she always looks for the good in a situation even if there is none she'll cheer up the atmosphere with her bright smile and bubbly personality. she's always looking out for her members and they go to her if they need a cheering up. as a music prodigy, harumi is probably one of the most creative people out there and you probably don't want to eat anything she makes, it'll surely have some strange ingredient in the mix. she'll normally be in the dorm with her guitar in hand and pages of handwritten sheet music surrounding her. even though she's terrible at drawing and painting, harumi will sit when she has a day off and sketch out a person or object around her. despite being positive around her members, harumi finds it difficult to express her true feelings and chances are, if something bothers her she'll keep quiet and ignore the problem until she cant handle it anymore. one of harumi's worst traits is that she's a perfectionist, until she perfects playing a song or learning a rap, she won't let anyone hear it and if she messes up while performing, she normally gets upset and embarrassed. 

Timemachine; background

harumi had a relatively simple childhood, she had a loving family and supportive friends that still stood by her when she entered sm ent. for the first six years of her childhood, she lived in japan with her mother, father and older brother but once her father was offered a better paid job in seoul, the family decided to move and shortly afterwards her younger sister was born. because harumi struggled with her korean at first, she decided to devote her time to playing the piano and learning new songs in korean to help her get along. by the time she was eight she could play both the piano and through school, violin. after winning the school talent show, she decided to audition for jyp but was rejected at the time.

when it came to her fourteenth birthday, harumi had learned how to play the guitar and drums along with her ability to play piano, making her one of the most talented unheard of musicians at her young age. when she was accepted into sm at sixteen, she was often scolded for expressing herself too much and causing arugements unintentionally which is what caused her to stop telling others of how she felt. she was also accepted into seoul arts high school along with kai and sehun of exo.


Family; always at my site


Family 1:  Oh Kana | 48 | stays at home | she's very optimistic just like harumi and even if her children do something disappointing, she cheers them up. she's also naturally motherlike and treats harumi's members as if they were her own children. | kana and harumi are extremely close as harumi only really tells her what she really thinks about things and kana is always supporting her.
Family 2:  Oh Taehyung | 49 | lawyer | although he's very caring and gentle, taehyung is strict with his children and wants them to do the best they can in everything | he's proud of harumi and constantly tells her this when they are together.
Family 3: Oh Kiyomi | 17 | student | like her mother and harumi, kiyomi is extremely optimistic but unlike the other two she's a lot louder and often causes most of the noise in the family home. she's also a lot more adventurous | like any other sibling relationship, they get along well and often talk a lot when they're together but sometimes they do fight.


Friends for life





Best Friend:  park sooyoung 'lizzy' | 22 | idol | bubbly, loud and extremely friendly towards people  | through fellow trainee's | a lot like best friends would act, they're really goofy and often play pranks on one another.
Friend 1:     choi minki 'ren' | 19 | idol | quiet, optimistic and really caring of his friends but he can be a little crazy at times | through lizzy, at the pledis building | kind of like brother/sister, harumi does her best to look out for ren and care for him.
Friend 2:     han sunhwa | 23 | idol | goofy/dorky, hyper-active and motherly towards harumi | they met during an event where harumi was helping out backstage for the sm artists | sunhwa is like harumi's adoptive mother, she's always hugging her and messaging her to make sure everything is ok. harumi tells sunhwa a lot about her true feelings.

Friend 3:     oh sehun | 20 | idol | quiet, cold towards people he isn't close with and he can be pretty moody | during trainee years they often had schedules together and they were in the same class at school.




My love and my life










Name: Do Kyungsoo
Age: 22
Occupation: idol
Status: secretly dating 
Personality: kyungsoo is normally quite a positive person, he's always bouncing around the sm rooms and the dorms. like harumi, he's creative and they'll try to cook up new dishes when they have free time together which doesn't always end well. despite being generally positive, in front of the camera's he can be quite cold especially if they bring up ideal types or rumours of him dating other girls as he doesn't want to upset harumi. he often teases the other exo members but most of the time he's the one being teased, which harumi finds hilarious. overall, kyungsoo is a playful person yet he can be romantic and sweet with harumi, he's probably the most romantic member.
How you met/will meet: they met when she joined sm, he helped her out with a few missing notes in her music sheets but then realised they were wrong which really embarrassed him. once they had gotten over the little mistakes they made in the first few weeks of helping each other out, they eventually became good friends and before exo debuted, harumi and kyungsoo became an official couple.
How you act around each other: they're like any other young couple, when they're together and in one of the dorms or the sm building they'll play around with each other, pinching one anothers cheeks or poking their sides. they'll often hug and hold hands around their members, especially if they're cooking together. when they're on the radio or on a music show together they'll try not to make eye contact but act like any other artists would.



It´s showtime girls;








Stagename: Haru
Persona: The Bouncing Musician
Fanclub: Bubbles
Fanservice: pretty much anything, she likes to be cute around her fans.


Trainee years: four years.
Companies you were before SM: n/a
How did you get into SM: harumi auditioned twice for sm, the first time she auditioned with her singing skills and failed but then the second time she passed with her rapping.
How was your life as a Trainee: harumi's life as a trainee wasn't exactly easy, she struggled a lot and once or twice she considered quitting but she decided to stay in the end and not give up on her dreams. as a trainee, harumi pushed herself to do better than the other trainees around her, often staying at the sm building until late at night when everyone else was sleeping. during her trainee years, harumi stayed with her parents and walked or jogged to the sm building where she would spend the day with her fellow members or sometimes members of other groups and kyungsoo. 


Site jobs: 

  • MC for a music show [-]
  • MC for radio/varity show [ ]
  • Model for Magazines [-]
  • Model for endoresments [ ]
  • Actress [ ]
  • Composer/Songwriter [-]
  • Choreographer [ ]
  • Producer [ ]


I´m a Princess;










Faceclaim name: kwon nara
pictures: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05


Backgup Faceclaim name: hyeri

pictures: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05  


Singing twin: park sojin
Dancing twin: im jinah
Rapping twin: nine muses erin



This is the end;


Password: here
Comments: nothing right now.

Song Suggestions: Somebody, Oops! (with a member of SuJu, SHINee or Exo?), Skinny Baby (with SHINee or B.A.P?), Tell Me, Tell Me, Poison (maybe just older members?), YooHoo, Dolls, Pandora, Funny Hunny (maybe as a special for the vocalists?), Special Stage 1 & 2

Show suggestions: Uhm... maybe Running Man, Immortal Song
Scene Suggestions: I dont have any at the moment, sorry.





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--geeniee #1
hello! i am dream's co author^-^
i reviewed you app so mind to see the comment??
thanks :)