Be The Light - Lee Minhee

Lee Minhee
  "Loving is so short and forgetting is so long."

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Welcome To Reality

 Username: pinkblooded
Profile Link: 
Nickname: Yui
Activity of AFF: 8

Name: Lee Minhee
Minmin, Minnie, Hee, Babo
Age: 18
Birthday: 11/18/1995

When she was younger, she was the usual cheerful and bubbly girl, who has princess syndrome that you see everywhere when you are walking on the street. After that night and that her brother left the family, she changed, totally. In the family, she can't trust anyone anymore. Her family was not rich but it was a really loving family, when her parents dotes on both of them a lot. After her brother left, her parents changed, which makes her changed too. Now, she is someone who don't open up to anyone, since she is having trust issues with people. Also, she's really sensetive and narrow-minded, even the smallest things upset her, makes her feel unwanted to everyone and when someone offended her, she holds a grudge for very long. She feels like the whole world is against her. However, she is really hardworking and independent, since her family doesn't provide her with any thing except a shelter, she is having two part time jobs and also she has to pay for her own school fees.
Characters Secret:
"I am actually in love with my own oppa."

Strengths: Independent, Hardworking
Weakness: Sensitive, Narrow-minded

Lee Jinwoo | 45 | Father | Jobless | Abusive father who doen't provide anything else for Minhee other than a place to live in | Alive
Jin Sooyeon | 43 | Mother | Restaurant owner | Make Minhee works in her restaurant all the time, and instead of giving her allowance, makes Minhee gives her the money that she earn from her part time job | Alive
Lee Minhyuk(B-Bomb) | 23 | Brother | He was a very loving and caring brother who dotes on Minhee a lot, always accompany Minhee when his parents is not at home. When thet met again, they are extremely awkward around each other | Alive
Best Childhood Memory: 
"When we were still a loving family of 4."
Worst Childhood Memory:
"The day where oppa left."

Plot Choice: The Brother and The Sister
Face Claim: Son Naeun

omg block b applyfic asdfghjkl ; u ; <3
I hope I understand the plot correctly, I am afraid that I understand wrongly and protrait the character in a different way that you guys want it to be, please tell me if I did e u e
Password: Im very very good.


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you did very well ! I like it and naeun was a good choice <3