Karma, you are most certainly a btch.

But, why does it now cost 500 karma points to change a username when at one point, it was only 100? I have barely hit the 400-point mark, and I have been a member of this site for five years. I rarely do anything here for the sake of karma. I feel like an old woman. When I first ventured here, there were but a few writers trickling in, and karma didn't mean a thing. Now, I feel like I don't even have a reason to stick around. The writers I do look forward to hearing from have become hermits, I can't write about anything these days that doesn't revolve around my deployment, and someone just put me out of my old, cat-lady misery! GAH! 


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Wow, for 5 years? That's really awesome! I wish I actually found out about the site earlier, but oh well.
And as for the karma, I don't even get the point, I think it should be removed.
There, there. I can gift you some if you like.