[Review] kamiru_kpoplover19 - An Infinitely Complicated Love Story


Story:  An Infinitely Complicated Love Story

By: kamiru_kpoplover19


Story Title: 6/10


Are you trying to put the group ‘Infinite’ as the title? It’s kinda strange for me to see that ‘Infinitely’ words on the title, unless if you want to make the story goes on and on without any ending. I guess “Complicated Love Stories” will be enough for your title.


Description/Forewords: 6/10


The description is good enough. Not too many details on the characters. But actually, I’d prefer you to stop after you explain the characters’ relation. Probably if you want to, you can use pictures to draw the characters’ relation. I think it’s too confusing to read who is fell for who has blah blah blah without any dots on it. Seriously, try to read it on one breath. It’s good to give pictures of the characters. But somehow I found it’s annoying to scroll down passing all those characters info. Probably next time, please use smaller pics or just use pictures for the main characters.


Storyline: 10/20


Actually, I’m not a fan of / fic. In fact, your fic is the first / fic that I reviewed. But then, judging from the storyline/the plot, I guess this kind of storyline/plot is used on many fics before. So I can’t give you the full mark on this one.


Grammar/Spelling: 8/10


I don’t have much comment about this one. I guess.. your English is better than me.

But there’s one thing… Instead of using “he cocked his head slightly to the side”, try to use “he tilted his head”


Originality: 5/10


Like I have told you before, this kind of fic is commonly used. So, I’m so sorry for the low points.


Flow: 7/10


The flow is good, not too fast and not too slow either. You explain everything very clear and didn’t make the fic become boring so far. But after chapter 10, I felt it’s a little bit draggy somehow.




Even though I’m no too familiar with Infinite members, I like on how you describe the characters, either with their actions or what on their minds. And I also like on how you describe a place or someone. Great job on it. And I’m dying to know what had happened to Woohyun before when he was still a kid (9 years old?).


Want for updates: 7/10


Hum… I don’t know whether I want more updates or not. It’s a great story and well-written, but I’m just not into fic. But I guess you’ve made me curious about what will happen next. My suggestion for the upcoming chapters, please don’t bored me out with draggy flow.


Reviewer Comment:

I must admit that your fic is quietly interesting to read even though I’m not a fan of / fic. I think it is what saved you from storyline that commonly used. Your fic is really well-written. And honestly I’m enjoying reading the fic, aside of the fact that you used and the scenes on your fic. I hope you can keep your fic interesting to read. Actually there are many things that you can explore, including the characters around Woohyun and Sunggyu. But I don’t know why you’re only concentrating on Woohyun and Sunggyu when you’re putting all the Infinite members on the description. After I read your fic till the latest chapter, I think you should have concentrated your description around Woohyun and Sunggyu. And one again, I don’t feel any angst from your story although I like the emotion that you bring on the story.


Message for Author:

So I’m so sorry that I can’t give you any higher score than this and sorry for being too hard on you. Keep writing and improving your self. I know you can do better.



Total Score : 67/100


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