▼ aphrodite ↷ jeon gayee


▼ selmseu ▼ cell ▼ gmt +7

character name jeon, gayee
nicknames usagi - by her friends (and fans) , mostly because of her addiction of animes and her lively personality
date of birth 19/03/1999+14
place of birth busan, south korea
ethnicity korean
languages korean (fluent), japanese (intermediate), english (spoken)
hometown busan, south korea
current home apartment with her older sister

height and weight 164cm, 53kg

uljjang used kim shinyeong

backup uljjang baek jae ah

appearance gayee's hair is deep black instead of brown-reddish.

style her fashion sense revolves around cute attires. that calls for cute accessories like hairbands, headbands, scrunchies, and bracelets. her clothes mostly consists of jackets, button downs, and dresses of which are mostly pastel-colored (refer to kfashion). her fondness of anime has also influenced her style by making her cosplay every once in a while. 

bloodtype o!
personality cheerful, confident, organized, stubborn at times

gayee's bright personality can instantly be seen, even by a stranger. she brings smiles to people's faces by her cute actions and wide grins. she is very confident as proven how she immediately talks to other trainees once she got accepted. this has earned her some admirers, be it among her friends or trainees. her self-consciousness makes her stubborn at hard-headed at times. she stands by what she believes and it is proven by how hard her friends try to convince her of something she was wrong about.

despite her stubborness, she is actually very considerate and open-minded in terms of ideas. she likes everything organized so she often takes charge when nobody else wants to. it is her intention to give her all into something she is a part of. another thing about her is that her confidence is not easily shaken, but once it is, she will darken for quite a long period of time.

most people thinks that gayee is a spoiled girl because of her confidence and stubborness. it is not true though. she came from a financially wealthy family, but her parents are really strict. it is probably why despite her 'princess-like' attitude, she can take the lead and get everything done when needed.



pastel colors
cute accessories
basically anything cute



peanuts (allergy)
bad-looking hair
crumpled clothes
grim situations
stupid people
beer and alcohol



dancing ballet
cooking sweets
inventing new poses for the camera



puckering her lips
fixing her hair
making cute sounds when moving
acting cute



confusedmeows - twitter, tumblr, ask.fm



gayee eats a lot but her weight stays the same
she's quite interested in rapping but apparently she can't rap
she's quite the perfectionist
there are 3 dolls (of which are her favorites) that she keeps in her room as company
she has never had her first kiss / boyfriend yet
her favorite animes are ones with good-looking characters


gayee comes from a wealthy family. her dad owns an insurance company and her mom is a journalist. both of them came from busan and her sister too, was born there. although they were wealthy, they lived quite a simple life. they live in a designer house that was simple yet beautiful in a way. her parents didn't spoil her because they believe that joy comes from one's hard work. this concept was plant deeply in gayee and her sister's minds.

now, gayee is able to speak korean because she is korean, lives in korea, and the language she uses in daily life is korean. her ability to speak japanese though, came from her anime addiction. she begged her parents to let her learn japanese and after a while, they let her. gayee took this seriously.

never did she dreamt of becoming an idol. she wanted to be a seiyuu. but then one day, the president of nebula heard gayee singing as a voice dubber. he told her to audition and well, she did. when she found out when she was accepted, she felt very happy and quickly told her family. her family didn't oppose her decision, but they reminded her that she should live her life to the fullest and do what she likes.

father jeon sikyung - 45 - owner of an insurance company - srict, wise, calm - 8.5
mother hwang jaryan - 41 - journalist - funny, laid-back, active - 9
sibling jeon gahee - 18 - manager at starbucks - stern, hot-tempered, stubborn - 10

best friend nam minji - 14 - student - calm, considerate, attentive - 9 - gayee's best friend since primary school. they know almost everything about each other and ocassionally texts each other when they can't meet because of training.
best friend  older nebula member - applicant's age - idol - applicant's personality traits - 9.5 - (name) helps gayee improve her rapping skills for she is totally lacking. she also helps gayee with vocal and dance training, along with sharing experiences because techinically, she has trained longer than gayee.

trainee life gayee has only been trained for around 2 months. so far, she has had a lot of fun despite the hard work and harsh competition. she is one of the youngest trainees when she first got in but her happy-go-lucky personality makes her very optimistic and enables her to socialize with anybody. so far, there has been no great deal of trouble that made her crumble.

stagename yee

persona the hyperactive bunny
personal fanclub usayee (usagi+yee)

preferred postion vocalist
claim baek yerin 

ideal type someone who is humorous and likes animes as much as she does

love interest jeon, jungkook
age 16
group bts


jungkook's personality is playful and bright. he really likes to joke around and play pranks on people. his sense of humor is very interesting and unique to the point other people sometimes get confused. when you get together with him you'll surely laugh and have a big smile plastered on your face all day long. sometimes, his hyungs wonder if the maknae really is 'the maknae' and not a hyung. he really likes b-boying, hip-hop/r&b music, and rap. people would call him triple threat for his dancing, singing, and rapping abilities. he honestly doesn't really understand about love and nor does he have an intention to date anyone soon. he'd very much like to experience it on a later day though.

how you meet/met on running man, she was paired up with haha, jongkook and jungkook. at that time, jongkook being the 'sparta'was targeted first and eliminated before haha, jungkook  and gayee was eliminated. they then started to move together and eliminated all the other players one by one until jungkook was eliminated just as gayee ripped off jihyo's nametag.

interaction the first time they met, it was a bit awkward because their names were both 'jeon' and the running man cast kept on teasing them. they created a love line and kept on encouraging the two to interact more and such. during the game, jungkook kept on trying to protect gayee's nametag while she scanned the place to search for other players. they became close because of the game and when jungkook was elminated, she and haha ripped off the nametags of the remaining players. when they won, jungkook and gayee huddled for a group hug. after that, they started texting and jungkook would help her practice her rapping and dancing skills. in a later time they would also do duets.

why your character likes them 'both of our names starts with jeon. funny coincidence.' ever since that time on running man, gayee keeps on thinking about jungkook. maybe it's how he makes her laugh even when they're desperately trying to survive the nametag battle. it could also be how he helps her polish her skills and perhaps how he texts her the cutest messages.

scene requests when aphrodite won #1 on mubank, they share a hug as gayee cried happy tears.

backup love interest choi, junhong 


comments/questions/concerns spica! hehe, it's a really awesome idea o w o
scene requests aphrodite on running man, weekly idol, dream team, happy together, gayee playing a drama
suggestions d-unit's talk to my face, a-pink's nonono, glam's in front of the mirror / i like that
extra i hope gayee interests you ^^








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