Heechul to talk about celebrity dating including Sulli & Choiza on 'Ssul Jeon'



On an upcoming episode of JTBC's 'Ssul Jeon' which is scheduled to air on October 3, the panel talked about all the recent dating and scandals among the idols.


In regards to the rumors about Choiza and SulliHeechul said, "I was in Japan at the time the articles about it were coming out, but while I was absent, I received 40 phone calls and a text message from Sulli."


He also revealed that one of the reasons idols are sensitive to dating rumors is because it is a blow to their popularity.  He said, "After the hoobae idols who had scandals admitted to the dating rumors, they said they were concerned because out of all the members, only their sales were decreasing."


Also, in relation to tips about dating among celebrities, Kim Gu Ra said, "Always meet the person in your stage outfit and full make-up as if you met them after wrapping up filming."


In conclusion, Heechul, who is close to both Sulli and Choiza, was asked, "If Sulli were your younger sister, would you consent to her dating Choiza?"


Stay tuned for the full episode to be released!



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