Big-Shot :: Hwang Jonghyun :: Jojo


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Username : TheNielRiver

Active : 8

Nickname : Grace or Gracie



Name : Hwang Jonghyun

Nicknames : Joey (English name)

Birthdate/Age : April 1st, 1992 | 21

Ethnicity : Korean

Birthplace : San Diego, California, USA

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Height : 187 cm  | 6 ft 1 in

Weight : 67 kg | 147 lbs 

Languages : Korean (Fluent) English (Fluent) Japanese (Basic)

Bloodtype : A+



Personality : Jonghyun is an extremely quiet, reserved person, preferring to listen rather than be listened to. He's calm and nonchalant most of the time, and doesn't show his emotions very well. However, he is easily distracted when talking to someone, so the most he usually says is three sentences every twenty minutes. He may start out talking...then fade out and let the other person ramble on as he nods and says, "I understand." When he's not talking to anyone, he'll zone out. While zoned out, he looks rather scary: his eyes will be slightly narrowed, as if he's glaring, and his mouth will be in a straight line. However, he can listen to the same person talk for hours on end, and is actually a great person to vent to and get advice from. He won't care that you're taking up his time...unless he has something important to do. But he'll call you back later, so you can ramble about the bad day you had.

Despite his listening and advice giving abilities, he is a tad bit too emotionally detached. He feels happiness, sadness, excitement, yes, but because he tends to listen rather than being heard, he thinks over situations more logically and reacts in a more civil manner. Jonghyun wouldn't know what to do if he were an actor,  because showcasing his emotions is not something he can do very well. His logical way of thinking and reacting can be harsh, but it's nothing compared to his anger. He believes that if someone has done something wrong to him, he should not stress or waste any time on that person, and will give them the silent treatment. Except it's not his usual silence.... It'll feel like cold, piercing silence, with his harsh glare and "I won't waste any time on you" keeping you company. However, he is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends.

Background : Jonghyun was born in San Diego, California. His mother, being blood type A- and his father being A+, had had complications during her pregnancy. Jonghyun was born three months early while his parents were visiting his mother's sister. Luckily for his mother and him, his aunt was a nurse and managed to keep things under control while an ambulance was coming. His mother and he both lived, but he was incubated for a while and they ended up staying in San Diego for about a year. After that incident, his parents didn't want to risk anything more, so they adopted a child instead once they were back home in Seoul: Jonghyun's younger sister, Hyunae. 

Jonghyun dedicated most of his time to studying and didn't have many friends. However, his best and only friend, Jongwan, introduced him to Big Bang in highschool. Jonghyun immediately loved T.O.P and G-Dragon's raps, and became addicted to Big Bang. He wanted to try out for YG...but decided that he would have to graduate highschool and work on his talents first. He worked hard and had the top grades in his class. Jonghyun, during his spare time, would imitate the way T.O.P rapped and try to dance some of Big Bang's dances. Over time, he came to love Epik High and Tablo, as well. He graduated highschool, worked on his skills a bit more, and tried out for YG. He was accepted, and his parents and sister were overjoyed. He enrolled into the University of Seoul, majoring in advanced mathematics, and trained hard as a trainee. 

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Family : Relation | Name | Age | Personality Traits 

Mother | Hwang Sunae | 54 | Reserved, supportive, mellow

Father | Hwang Sunghyun | 53 | Calm, clever, patient

Sister | Hwang Hyunae | 20 | Exuberant, cheerful, talkative 

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Best friends : Name | Age | Personality | Occupation

Kim Jongwan | 21 | Suave, flirtatious, confident | college student

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Friends : Name | Age | Personality Traits | Occupation

Lee Seunghyun | 22 | Awkward, humorous, cheery | Big Bang's maknae

Lee Howon | 22 | Confident, stubborn, cool | Infinite's triple threat

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Rival :Name | Age | Personality Traits | Occupation 

Park Jonghyun | 21 | Insecure, envious, nasty | College student/aspiring trainee (tried out multiple times, but never got in)



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Ulzzang : Park Jungdo

Links : Link Link


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Back-up ulzzang : Hwang Jinuk

Links : Link Link

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Style : 1 2 3 4 5




* Math

* Neat, simple clothing

* Spicy foods 

* Working out/exercising

* Documentaries

* Scifi movies

* Science

* Sunny weather

* Sodoku

* Sleeping

Dislikes :

* Overly sweet foods

* bright colored clothes

* rainy, cold days

* Overly cheesy dramas

* Slow Ballads

* presentations (that he has to do)

* writing proofs for geometry, etc

* donuts

* icecream

* boba


* writing raps

* solving mathematical equations

* exercising

* reading books 


* tuning people out when reading a book

* clasping and unclasping hands together when thinking

* glaring at everyone (even if he's not mad)

* patting shorter people on the head

Trivias :

* he is ambidextrous

* He is often mistaken for being older than he is

* His favorite song is Without You by Infinite H

* He is actually scared of roller coasters, because they are unpredictable

* He has big hands and long fingers

* He can play piano very well

* His room has a bulletin board full of mathematical theoreoms and the like posted on it

* He cannot cook to save his life, because he sometimes zones out waiting for something to boil, etc

* He is biual, but has only dated women

* He used to have asthma as a kid, but he hasn't had an attack in ten years

* He loves reading psychology books, other than factual and math ones

* he can speak English very well, because he has visited his cousins and aunt and uncle in San Diego a lot and learned it in school

* He wants to be the first person to ever find pi

* On another note, he doesn't like pie.



Trainee years : 3 years

Trainee history : Jonghyun's deep voice was highly appreciated...until they hard him trying to belt out a tune. Sure, his rythyms and bests were in perfect count, but he could only sing one octave comfortably - any lower, any higher, his voice would crack or rasp off. They worked heavily on his singing, as his dancing and rapping was fine (he had good rythym, and in rapping, he didn't have to access more than his comfort zone). He could play piano very well, so when asked to be the harmony in a song, he could do it somewhat well. However, his voice was deep and booming, so it sometimes overpowered the melody. He had to learn how to control how loud his voice was. Eventually, he was able to get better and his vocal range expanded a bit. His voice no longer sounded like a giant was yelling. Along with dance practices, he worked out more and tried to get better defined abs. 

Weaknesses : Singing

Special talent : Rapping

Singing twin : Chanyeol

back up: Minho

Rapping twin : Baro

back up: Yongguk

Dancing twin : Niel

back up: Daehyun

Stage name : Jojo

Fanclub name : We < 3u (like a mathematical inequalities ouo) 

Fanclub color : Dark Blue

Potential love interest : Lead vocalist / lead dancer

Position : Main Rapper / dancer / sub-vocal

back up: Lead rapper / dancer / lead vocal



scene request: Jonghyun zoning out during an interview

song suggestions: Big Bang: Monster, Fantastic Baby, Blue, Lies, Haru Haru, Tonight | G-Dragon: Heartbreaker | BAP: Power, No Mercy, Warrior, One Shot, Hurricane, Badman | Bang Yongguk: Going Crazy, I Remember | TVXQ: Mirotic, Humanoid, Catch Me | Infinite: BTD, The Chaser, Be Mine, Come Back Again, Destiny, Hysterie | Teen Top: Supa Luv, Crazy, Clap, Miss Right, Rocking, Be Ma Girl, No More Perfume On You | Infinite H: Without You 


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