▐░ : HAEDO APARTMENTS ↺ shim seulra




username : selmseu

nickname : cell

activity level : 8.5 

comments/questions : is it okay if she harbors no feelings for the guy at first?

scene request(s) : n/a

scene suggestion(s) : n/a

password : qtpie




ulzzang : lee dasom

pictures : gallery

back-up : kim seukhye

pictures : gallery

appearance : pretty much the same, but instead of purses she bring a camera with her everywhere. her legs are long and most of her skin is tight (not flabby) .

style : seul's hair is usually let down, but at times she ties it into a ponytail or a braid. she loves wearing hand-knitted beanies and sweaters. she also likes pullovers and cute scrunchies. she prefers skirts to jeans and shorts and a big fan of converse. she hangs her camera around her left shoulder most of the time.

extras : she has a tattoo of a small star on her neck and a chinese character for grace below her left blade.


name : shim, seulra 

other name(s) : english - sharon

nickname(s) : 

- seul, by most people

- sherry, by her close foreign friends. she once drank sherry by accident.

- kira, by hoseok. means light in japanese.

age : 20

birthday : 01/06

birthplace : kyoto, japan

hometown : ansan, gyeonggi, south korea

ethnicity : korean - japanese

language(s) :

- korean, fluent

- japanese, fluent

- english, fluent

- mandarin, basic

height & weight : 173cm, 60kg

blood type : b





personality : 

people often mistake her for that kind of sweet girl who polishes her nails and curls her lashes. well apparently, she's not. she's quite the tomboy and adrenaline junkie. although she likes her wardrobe pastel colored, she also has a thing for translucent clothes which require layering and also sport jerseys. she has a thing for baseball and used to be on the girl's team back in middle school through college. being a tomboy doesn't mean being lazy though. her grades are always the best and so are her achievements. her attitude is also very polite, especially to elderly people and new people. she is very organized (in terms of documents, room-arranging, and such) but she hates having schedules. she'd rather go things spontaneously.

she is 'the jack of all trades' or so people around her will say. being nice to everyone, she is very likeable and respected. she is also known for her particular interest on life and people. ask her about all kinds of disorders and she will tell you all about it. a to z. promise. she holds on firm to her principles, one that she loves the most 'adding life to my days, not days to my life'. that is one of the biggest reasons why she likes to try out new things and experience the most thrilling and bone-chilling things.

one of her bad traits is actually her spontaneous personality. this makes her procrastinate most of the time and she sometimes fall behind the deadline. once this happens, she sometimes trouble her friends. when she was still staying with her parents, they would too stay up all night because of the ruckus she made. this time, her neighbors sometimes feel uncomfortable because of slamming doors and weird noises.


background : 

she was born in her grandmother's hometown, kyoto. when she was only 3 years old she moved to ansan, her father's hometown. ansan is located in gyeonggi, which is known for it's beauty in terms of nature. perhaps, that was how seul got attracted to beauty and all things serene. being a korean-japanese, she occasionally traveled back and forth. every 3-4 months, she would go back to kyoto and stay for around a week. it doesn't bother her eduction because it's usually a holiday when they visit kyoto. by the time she was 6 her japanese and korean was fluent. her parents believed in her capabilities of learning languages so they taught her a couple more languages.

she grew fond of literature quite soon and became infatuated in books. every month, she could spend $500 on books alone, making her parents troubled despite their economic stability. saying they are rich would be an over-statement. they are quite simple and has enough money to buw what they need and what they want. 'being rich is when you can give to other people' her mom would usually say. they finally moved to seoul when she entered high school.

seul, being the only child is very loved by her parents. she helps around the house and in return her mom would give her a piece of her delicious layer cake. to return all the blessings, she tries hard to get scholarship as to enlighten her parents' responsibilities. she also tries to get more pocket money by tutoring kids and often, her friends. the reason why she wanted to move in to haedo apartments is also to enlighten her parents. work and projects requires her to stay up all night and sometimes make a ruckus. in order not to bother her parents, she decided to move out and get her own little haven in the middle of the busy city.

when she took a gap year before college, she volunteered in different places across the globe. africa, haiti, cambodia, india, name it all. she's quite the emotional one but because of years of actin she has learned how to suppress her emotions. while volunteering she has seen a lot of beautiful things and learned the gift of life. that was when she decided to share the world from her point of view. that is, to be clear, becoming a photographer.


likes : 

+ her camera; she can't go anywhere without this
people; she finds them amusing
+ books; the one thing she can't live without besides her camera
+ salted caramel mocha; or in general coffee
+ nature; she is in love with creation, especially beautiful and exotic ones
+ warmth; it is the one thing that keeps her sane
playing her guitar; a media she uses to express her feelings and vent out her emotions

dislikes : 

smoke; it clogs up her breathing
+ messes; she hates it when things are unorganized
+ hatred; she finds hatred very unnecessary, especially in her life
+ lies; she hates being lied to
+ inconsistency; she likes things to be precise and reasonable 

habits : 

+ fixing her hair
+ covering when laughing
+ hums along to songs
+ tracing her fingers around objects or walls
+ tapping her feet
closing her eyes to feel the ambience of a certain place

hobbies : 

+ reading and writing
+ writing detailed notes about disorders and diseases
+ learning new languages
+ trying out new recipes
taking walks around town

trivia : 

most of her sweaters and beanies are made by herself (or her mother)
+ she lived in kyoto until she was 3 and moved to ansan before moving to seoul when she entered highschool
she goes to a lot of baseball games
she has her own photo journal
she cooks for her neighbors every 22nd of each month
the only social media she's active in is tumblr
+ her favorite dish is the macaroni gratin
+ when she was in high school she was crowned the queen of aegyo and selcas 
hates being pranked but loves pulling pranks
never have been in a relationship
masters at least 3 different languages
besides baseball she's good at track and field
+ her hobbies consists of learning new languages, practicing different kinds of instruments, cooking, and writing and playing with kids and animals
+ likes to compose songs and rap
+ sometimes, her producer uncle would ask her to write a song for him to publish under his label (credited name is an anagram)


family : 

father : shim haneul : 45 : businessman : humorous, strict, thoughtful : her dad is very thoughtful and funny, enabling him to make her family crack up everytime. despite his awesome sense of humor, he is strict in raising his child : closeness 9/10

mother : min ahri : 43  : accountant : kind, caring, watchful, exquisite : she is very close to her mother and shares almost everything that happens in her life with her. she adores her mom very much : closeness 9/10

grandmother : harada miyaki : 72 : retired middle school principal : caring, humorous, wise : although they meet only 3-4 times a year, seul and her grandmother shares a very strong bond. they occasionally send each other letters through the post :  10/10

friends : 

best friend : kang hyeri : 20 : model : talkative, fun, confident : hyeri visits seul's apartmet almost everyday. even at work, they make time to call each other and check up on each other's condition. they are as close as twins. : 10/10



name : shin dongjin

personality : 

dongjin is that type of guy you occasionally greet but rarely talk to. despite his young age, he is very mature and independent. he may look calm and reserved at first but he proves to hae a healthy sense of humor (and cuteness) once you get to know him. he is quite the model student and even though he doesn't admit it, he has a number of fan(girl)s. besides having good grades and perfect attendance, he also is a swimming athlete at school, doubling his charm.

how they met :

when seul first moved into the apartment, dongjin helped her moved her things per the owner's instructions. they didn't ctually talked though. the first time they actually introduced each other was at the park where seul were taking pictures. "you're that guy who helped me move my things the other day, right?" seul asked smiling.

why does she likes him :

dongjin and seul trades greetings every morning and occasionally they chat. dongjin would sometimes stare at her while she was taking pictures at the park, but seul didn't notice.

seul herself didn't harbor any feelings for him until the day she cheered for him during a swimming competition. she has always thought that dongjin was too young for her but then she later realised her feelings.

interaction : 

'good morning' 'hey how are you?' 'how's life' 'problems with school, kiddo?' 'you look tired' are words that are usually exchanged between them. most revolves around their day although sometimes they'd talk about their interests as music, books, and such. they sometimes text each other although that happens rarely for both are quiet busy outside the aprartment. seul would come to one of dongjin's comeptitions and cheer for him while dongjin stares at her from afar almost everyday. she may not notice his presence, but seeing her face is more than enough to brighten dongjin's hectic life.

back-up : boo seungkwan



name : shin hoseok

job : model

personality :

hoseok is very competitive and straight forward. he is very hard-headed and stubborn but he listens to seul well. his confidence helped him shine amongst all the other models and has caught the heart of a lot of girls. despite being popular, his heart belongs to only seul who unfortunately, doesn't return his feelings. despite the rejection, he keeps on trying to win seul. he may be a nuthead but once he likes someone he will turn into a total gentleman.

how they met :

seul and hoseok are childhood friends. their moms are best friends and once they have talked about matchmaking their children. while seul blatantly rejected, hoseok was pretty enthusiastic. they are the best of friends even though hoseok had many moments to break their times by asking her out a couple of times.

reason : 

as written before, hoseok's heart goes to only seul. he won't let anybody else have seul unless that guy is truly worthy. his role in seul's life is big. he plas the friend, the admirer, and the older brother at the same time.

interaction : 

sudden calls, midnight texts, animated emails... those things that happen in shoujo mangas between a guy and a girl. minus the skinship. they'd share a few hugs but no, they don't kiss or fall on to of each other. later, maybe, as the story progresses.

another thing they usually do together are doing photoshoots. hoseok is a model and seul is a photographer. they often work together and after work they would get soe coffee and probably donuts (neither hoseok nor seul gains that much weight).

back-up : ( can be from any group or an oc )



what do you do for a living? me? i'm a photographer

which floor? 7th, it's closest to the rooftop

room type? one bedroom for me, please

do you live alone? or no? yes, i live alone.




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