★ - lullaby | Kim Myungah | Blunt Lion

Kim Myungah | Blunt Lion

FULL NAME : Kim Myungah, Ginger (English name given by English-speaking teamate, who thinks that she looks cold and therefore reminds people of winter. Winter needs gingerbread men. Ginger.)
-Myunggie (her brothers.)
-Ahah (L. Joe calls her this, as normally he would a person name-ah, but Myungah would be ahah. Although it should be noona.)
-Briah (by her teamate who's good at english, as it's like Briar Rose, who slept, but with her "ah". Myungah likes sleeping a lot.)
-Ging (English-speaking teamate, English fans)
-Comyung (A play on the word command, what Running Man hosts and fans call her.)
AGE : 18
DATE OF BIRTH : 24|10 | 1994
PLACE OF BIRTH : Seoul, South Korea
WEIGHT  AND HEIGHT : 65kg | 175 cm
-Korean (fluent, nothertongue)
-English (conversational, learning)


PERSONALITY :  Myungah's personality is COMPLETELY like her oldest brother. At first look , Myungah would give off the cold, y feeling.  Especially if she doesn't smile (check this picture or the second picture in the picture thingy) , people wouldn't approach her.  But well if you don't approach her, she's approaching you. NO, she's not there to yell at you for no apparent reason, she just wants to be friends c; Myungah is cold and mean to the people she doesn't know or isn't friendly with, and downright y with the people she hates. Or actually, just insecure. But if you're her friend? Congratulations, she'd show you the bright side of her. The loud and energetic side of her, the side of here where she shouts and smiles and jumps around like a hyper bunny. The side of here where she's optimistic, always having a bright outlook on things so she can live happier', the side of her where she's cheerful and likes to face life with a smile. Myungah is easily provoked: Make her angry and you will definitely regret it, as she would chase you around screaming bloody murder. She's a very sacarstic person, her words like a knife, hurting people a lot. She's witty and so she can think of snarky remarks, sometimes rendering MCs speechless. She's confident in whatever she does, smiling and laughing. If she thinks she's done her best, she's done her best, and so she believes that she would be good enough. One word to sum her up is crazy. She's always hopping around and doing random stuff; staring at a strawberry for no apparent reason, laying on the floor for the aircon to be fixed (just like her brother),screaming at the ceiling that "WHY ARE YOU ABOVE ME?" and new fans are always shocked by her craziness.
Myungah  doesn't like being bossed around ; she's independent and knows what she wants, and definitely doesn't need to rely on others. She can cook, she can clean, she can take care of people. She's a stubborn person and always holds her ground no matter what, even if she knows she's wrong, she still holds her head up high, as she wants to keep her dignity. Prideful? Yes, quite, a bit. Myungah is also a little bit lazy, always the last to wake up and the first to sleep;the last to mope into practice and the first to lie on the floor like a dead seal when break. Her teamates always have to draaaaag her out of bed, and if that doesn;t work, they move to last resort: calling  her older brother and herbrother yelling into her ear insults and curses as Myungsoo is the only person Myungah doesn't hit. If she gets out of bed, congratulations, she's going to put her best into practicing. If she's sleeping, well then she shall sleep for the whole day.
On camera, Myungah has to keep the "cold" image the company had awarded her for her looks. Yay. Not.  She's always the quiet one and she only talks once in a while (when she does MCs go speechless) and is always biting her lip so she won't blurt out a funny answer and wreck her image. But if fans see documentaries or shows like Running Man, they see the bright side of her: Her running around yelling back at Yoo Jaesuk, her running away from Kim Jongkook making funny faces, her writhing on the floor like a worm in the dorm, her hugging a doll and rolling around on the bed and her singing off-key into the mirror. In front of fans, she would be cold at first, but warm up to them after a while and smile and take pictures and just plain be cheerful again.
TRAITS : Blunt, crazy, cheerful, insecure, stubborn.
BACKGROUND : She was born with two brothers, Kim Myungsoo and Kim Moonsoo, in Seoul, South Korea. Although she grew up with two males, she was never one of the guys, but too much tag made her have a healthy physique. She was in a nice private school, as the school had her eyes on her for her sport abilities. Her academics though, she was always near failing, and sometimes really did. The school didn't kick her out; they needed people good at sports to uphold their "Good at everything" school reputation -- Myungah was more than willing to run and jump after school everyday. The lesson she was worst at? Music. She became interested in an idol career her brother became interested-- she respected her two brothers a lot and always followed their footsteps.  Myungsoo urged her to audition with rapping -- what she always did when the three siblings did shows for their parents when they were kids. Myungsoo sang, Myungah rapped, Moonsoo did the instrumetns -- and she succeeded.
Kim Chaewook | Father | 56 | doctor
Lee Hyejin | Mother | 55 | doctor
Kim Myungsoo | older brother | 21 | Idol
Kim Moonsoo | younger brother | 19 | student
Yoo Changhyun | Close friends, shipped  | 18 | Idol

Lee Yejin | friends, fans know that they are close | 24 | Idol
Choi Sooyoung | close friends, random selcas | 23 | Idol

Lee Seunghyun | VERY close, phone calls every day, shipped like crazy | 22 | Idol
Nam Shinah (OC, ulzzang Mirae) | childhood friends | 20 | Uni student
FACECLAIM : Nana of After School (she looks cold enough)
BACKUP FACECLAIM : Choi Sooyoung of SNSD (She's tan and would fit the "sport" situation of Myungah)
STYLE : Myungah  is very style savvy. She's on top of trends and always pulls of looks well. Sweet, galm ,chic, noho, rock.... anything suits her. She likes mixing and matching colours and patterns. Paisley, dots, swirls, flowers, checkers....anything. In dorms she dresses up in sweats or comfy clothes, walking around or praciticing clothes are always T-Shirt and pants. But other events are a totaly different story.  Dates? She appears in floral dresses, polka dots, or just dresses in general, complete with ballet flats. She shows up at formal events with gowns. Press conferences and talk shows? Blouses, skirts, boots are her usual combination. If she shows up at the airport, it's a simple style -- shirt, jacket, jeans and bags.

★ ★ 
Formal: ★ ★ 
Practice: ★ ★ 
Dorm: ★ ★ 
Talk shows/press conferences: ★ ★ 
Airport: ★  
Casual: ★ ★ 
Others : ★ ★ ★ 
-Sleep. "It is important and vital for every human. Therefore, I love it."
-Cooking. "Food is important too. To cook or not to cook, that is the question."
-Food. "Instead of Hulk's I'm always angry, I'm always hungreh."
-Purple. "It's a beeyotiful colour, glam and chic. Fashionable!"
-Fanfiction. "I like people writing about me."
-Dreams. "I have a dream that one day I will be one of the best idols out there,"
-Love. "It's fine to dream away how I'll have my true love and my wedding....Right?"
-Friendship/Family "They are more important than me!"
-Children. "They are kayoot."
-Sports. "Volleyball! Dancing! Running! Glompin! YAY!"
-Homework "Do NOT remind me of my fails in school."
-Books. "Boring."
-One Direction. "They are SO gay."
-The number 13. "Unlucky."
-Hello Kitty. "She does not have a mouth."
-Pink. "Too girlish."
-Kang Hodong. "His jokes aren't funny, he's a horrible MC, and he's mean!"
-Rapping along to the music
-Fangirling over her sunbaes
-Wearing her headphones and nodding along to music
-Falling asleep during boring talks (Boring as in her classes, her manager and the CEO)
-Darkness. Guess who needs to sleep with a nightlight on?
-She is the hardest to wake up among all members.
-When she wakes up she looks fine. But her hair is smae as a birdnest.
-Knows as "Hair " godess because of her hair.
-Talks in her sleep.
-At school she was in the volleyball team, the dancing team and the rapping enthusiast circle.
-She can hit high notes but she can't necessarily sing well.
-Is a big fan of Bigbang and Infinit, Kahil Fong, SPICA and Mayday (A Taiwanese band)
-Her role model is Seungri
-Her skills are always compared to F(X)'s Choi Jinri, aka Sulli.
-Sings in the shower.
-Loves dubstep and fast pop.
-Ballads make her fall asleep.
-Is the sister of INFINITE's L.
-Needs glasses, goes through the day with contacts.
-Can't go through a day without a vanilla latte.
-Appeared in Dream High as one of the students. A cameo.
-Appeared in Teen Top's  "Miss Right" MV
-Featured in BIGBANG's "Hotshot" but wasn't credited.
-Was a backup dancer in SISTAR19's "Gone Not Around Any Longer" MV
LOVE INTREREST: Lee Byunghyun (L.Joe)
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
PERSONALITY : Quiet, quiet, quiet. Need I say more? Byunghyun always represents himself through actions instead of words. He's a shy person who doesn't like to speak up, opposite to Myungah. He's a very sweet and caring person, sitting there letting his shirt get soaked if you're crying on his shoulder. Without speaking. He's always there for the people he cares for. There when you need to cry, there when you need to spazz, there when you need a hug....Always there, supporting people. He's rather stubborn though, if he has an idea he's never backing down. (Guess who wanted to spray paint and got covered in it?) He's also rather cheesy and has a perfect dream of love  --- it hurts him instead. But he WOULD go and get 999 roses and sit under a starry night sky for annivasaries. He's actually a humourous person who can think of funny remarks. Too bad that he, too, like Myungah was awarded the cold image and can't really talk. Well he doesn't talk that much anyways...
On stage is a totally different story. He's charismatic, bold and just plain hot.  He gets fangirls (and some fanboys) screaming their heads off with a mere wink or a smile, and of course that gets his later-girlfriend Myungah smiling dreamily and cheering for him backstage or in front of the TV.  In front of fans, he's sweet and melts their hearts. He's actually a bit lazy and is almost never up for practice until people blast music into his ears. Later on his teamates got cunning, peleaded Myungah to record down a sweet "Wakey wakey!" and Byunghyun still falls for that every morning.
HOW DID / WILL YOU MEET : Byunghyun was always close to Myungsoo. When Byunghyun told Myungsoo that they needed a girl for their new MV, Myungsoo dragged Myungah off to let the Teen Top boys see if she was suitable for acting as their ""Miss Right". They considered her as okay, and after a lot of pursuation to both CEOs, Myungah was offically cast into the MV. During the spraying scene where Myungah and Byunghyun had to spray paint a wall, Myungah was goofing around off set and accidentally sprayed some onto Byunghyun.
PERSONA : Blunt Lion
~In trivia~
POSITION : Main rapper, lead dancer.
BACKUP POSITION:  Main dancer, lead vocal
DANCING TWIN :  Song Qian of F(X)
-Byunghyun and Myungah being awkward when they first meet.
-The group on Running Man together
-Myungah on Running Man solo with her brother, bickering.
-Byunghyun confessing to Myungah and YAY KISSY <3
-Byunghyun and Myungah on d ate and running away from reporters.
-A debut documentay? IDEK anymore.
-A waking up documentary when Myungah and Byunghyun are already dating, and the shippers of them two go crazy when they vaguely hear Myungah's voice in the recorder.
-Them admitting they're dating.
COMMENTS : LOL first time applying for a girl group. Hope I get chosen o u o  Love the app by the way.



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