♡ // under the roof with Chun Hwasung



Chun, Hwasung

♡ //Ayo.

Username: -tattoo
Activesness: 9.9
Nickname: Anna

♡ //Me, Myself, and I.

Character Name: Chun Hwasung
Other Names: 



//Sunggie -- her friends as an affectionate term of her name.
//Chun -- By her colleagues and employers, a short, cold version of her name.
//Hwa-ah -- With her name's "Hwa" and the affectionate "ah" behind it, by Myungsoo.
//Chunsung -- Hwasung's childhood nickname.

Age: 20
Date of Birth: December 12th, 1992
Ethnicity: 2/3 Korean, 1/3 Chinese
Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Apgujeong, South Korea
Weight: 55kg
Height: 168cm

//Korean (fluent)
//Japanese (fluent)
//Mandarin (conversational)
English (conversational)

Occupation:  Drama script writer.

♡ //Thethroughcheck

Personality: People usually think Hwasung is girly the first time they lay eyes on her. Who wouldn't? With her long curly hair and style, people see her as quiet and mature. She is not. Hwasung is very bold; always the first to try new things and being very enthusiastic when doing so. School trip and bungee jumping is a must? She would definitely be the first to jump while others are still quivering in the background and come back up with a smile on her face. She's nowhere near girly: She hates pink, lace, dolls; anything that relates to girls. She also hates the word oppa and prefer calling close males hyung instead, but of course it earns her a slap on the head. Seee? Boyish, but then she doesn't like being called one. Hwasung is a very cheerful and outgoing person and can't stay still. She always has a smile on her face, not because she's forever happy, but just that she wants to face her life with a smile. Optimistic? Yes, rather. Hwasung is very blunt -- her words are sharp and she's very sacarstic. 

Hwasung is very stubborn. If she has an idea she doesn't like to step down. That's why screams and shouts are always heard from her boss'es office: She ALWAYS fights with him. But the boss can't afford to lose her either. Hwasung is also rather erted -- A lot of things you say can be twisted into her gross version. She usually won't say it out loud, but if you see a sly smirk on her face, hit her on the head.

Background: Hwasung's life couldn't be anymore normal. Born in Busan, South Korea, with three devils as siblings, a teacher as a mother, and, later,  a grave for a father (who died when her mother was seven months into her last pregnancy). Her mother was very strict about her education was always lecturing her children. Hwasung loved her just the same, she knows it's just the way her mother cares. When Hwasung was 12, her mother got a letter offering a job at Seoul University -- she accepted. Hwasung and her family then moved to Seoul and settled down in a spacious house in Apgujeong.

-Her typewriter. It's the only thing she has of her father -- her father too was a writer, and the typewriter is his. Hwasung doesn't use it though, she puts it in a case and on the top of her shelf. She uses a computer and a very small and cute typewriter Chaeki gave her for her birthday.
-Her room. The one which her and Jaerin decorated together: The aquamarine walls, the boho decorations, the photos hanging on the wall, and her own writing corner in the corner of the room.
-Chocolates. Enough said.
-Her bed. Also enough said.
-The smell of Chanel No.5. It's what her mother wears.
-Top Shop. So her style.
-Her phone
-And her multiple cases.
-And the notebook where she jots down her ideas. 


-Chlorine. she hates the smell of it.
-Flowers.  She always had to buy flowers for her father's grave...
-Cats. thinks they're creepy.
-Sweets. She likes chocolates but doesn't like sweets.
-Her iPod. It crashes a lot and people always hear her yelling at it.
-Takeouts. thinks they're unhealthy and would prefer the food that the Single Father or Chaeki cooks.
-Religion. She thinks that religion makes the world go into wars or something similar.
-Contacts. They make her eyes uncomfy and she prefers nothing.
-Cliche dramas.
-Kang Hodong. "He's mean, onboxious, not funny at all, and downright self centered."
-Her accent. Her Busan accent make her out of place in Seoul.
-Reckless drivers. Guess what killed her father. 


-Bites nails when bored
-Bites a pencil she carries behind her ear when she's thinking hard during writing.

-Listening to music.

-A huge VIP (BIGBANG), and is always trolling haters.
-Dislikes EXO, thinks they're overrated
-Script writer of Ma Boy
-Is friends with actress Kim Sohyun
-Pretends to hate her housemates but deep down adores them, although at first she truly disliked them.
-Love Chaeki's and the Single Father's cooking, won't admit it. 
-Hates celery and papayas.
-Cannot stand "Barefoot Friends", loves "Running Man", another dream of hers is to work at SBS and run into them.
-Hates, hates, hates, HATES math and would very much like to slaughter her math teacher in high school. POLYNOMIALS ;A;
-Cannot stand ginger or almond.
-Doesn't like mint either, so she uses kids' fruity toothpaste.

Ulzzang: Yurim. 
Backup Ulzzang: 

♡ //Ohana and  france.


Mother∣  Han Hyejin ∣ 38∣ Alive∣ Strict, posured, confident.∣ Hyejin lectures Hwasung for her to mature into a quiet young lady, but then she figured that Hwasung's roots were boyish, so she just let her be. Hwasung and Hyejin are relaxed with each other. After all, Hwasung is now an adult, and well Hyejin can't ground an adult!
Father∣  Chun Chaeyong∣ 29∣ Dead∣ Carefree, easy-going, laid-back.∣ Hwasung loves her father a lot. Her father always was the nice one, the one who never scolded, the one who stood up for his children when Hyejin starts screaming. Hwasung was the one who cried the most when Chaeyong died, she hates reckless drivers now.
Younger Twin Brother *by 3 minutes∣  Chun Hwaseob∣ 24∣ Alive∣ Three major personality traits∣ Hwasung and Hwaseob absolutely adore and love each other. Hwaseob is the younger one, and Hwasung rubs it into his face, but he loves his sister nevertheless, and is the much more mature one out of the two. Hwasung is the one who shouts, laughs and talks, while Hwaseob is the one who sits, nods and listens. Although sometimes Hwasung would stop their conversation to give Hwajoon a good beating, Hwaseob is always still sitting there waiting for Hwasung to continue her story. 
Younger Brother∣  Chun Hwajoon∣ 20∣ Alive∣ Loud, cheerful, outgoing∣ Named as the Hwa Siblings in their neighbourhood when they were kids, Hwajoon and Hwasung are always laughing. Hwajoon loves teasing his noona and well Hwasung kicks him or thumps him on the back hardly with a serene smile. 
Younges Sister∣  Chun Hwami ∣ 10∣ Alive∣ Meek, obedient, helpful.∣ Hwasung loves Hwami to bits. Hwami also sees Hwasung as her favourite sibling with Hwaseob close behind. "Hwajoon oppa is last!" "Pfft, Hwami, I Hwajoon am awesome," "Shut up Hwajoon, or I Hwasung am kicking you," "Can you not hit him in front of Hwami, Hwasung?" "Shut up Kwaseob," "You shut up Hwajoon,". Hwami always follows Hwasung and so her dream is to be a writer too. Hwasung is always seen using her nice voice on Hwami (with Hwajoon scoffing in the background).

Friends: (I took this from -dignity, who knew I was lazy and shoved this to me ouo)


Best Friends | Nam Shinah | 20 | Student | Sweet, quiet, gullible | People don't believe they're best friends -- they're polar opposites. But that's what exactly make them compatible -they balance each other out. Myeonhye knows when to shut up with Shinah around, and Shinah knows when to be loud with Myeonhye.
Close friends | Kim Kyusuk | 20 | Student | Loud, flirty, stubborn. | Kyusuk makes his erted jokes and Myeonhye hits him. Kyusuk is Myeonsoo's best friend and so they always hang out in a big crows: Shinah, Myeonhye, Myeonsoo, Kyusuk. Kyusuk has a crush on Shinah but won't admit it and Myeonhye always rubs it in to get him to confess.

Friends| Jung Myungsoo | 20 | student | Quiet, understanding, reliable | They're only friends so aren't especially close, but they get along with small talks just fine.

♡ //Laff.

Love Interest: Kim Myungsoo

Age: 21
Personality:  Although Myungsoo is always seen as cold at first glance, he is nothing like so. Hwasung calls him a "Pineapple" -- rough on the outside and fuzzy and warm inside. He is quiet towards people he isn't close with, demure and cold; but he is the loudest person you'll ever meet once he's close to you. Loud to the point where he's crazy (who on earth would sing to a fan?) and childish. (And meh I'm so sleepy can I just illustrate him...?)
How you two met: They were childhood friends. Were. When they grew up they lost contact and everything between them was cut off. Memories existed of course -- they would occasionally think of happy times when they were young and smile-- but ultimately brush them off. Myungsoo swear he recognized the writer when he was yet another extra for Ma Boy, but Hwasung didn't notice him. Later they finally recognized each other when they moved in into rooms opposite to each other.
And interact: Myungsoo and Hwasung are awkward. After all, Hwasung HAD confessed her feelings to Myungsoo the day her family moved away,  leaving Myungsoo there alone. If they're ever left alone (trust me, they avoid that), they cough awkwardly and a few sentences of failed conversations. After a longer time, they were slowly more comfy with each other and would laugh over their childhood memories. Hwasung's confession never left Myungsoo's mind though. One day when Hwasung was joking around and hitting Myungsoo, he blurted out a "I like you too Chunsung." She was shocked, he embarrassed, before Jaerin came out clapping. They then interacted like best friends complete with kisses.


♡ //I am Moong Chaeki.

Your Plotline: The Writer
Love Interest's Plotline: The Extra

Why rent here? The reason for you to rent here? 

"I think you'll notice that I'm a drama script writer. But I'm not a succesful one, and so I don't have much income *shrugs* so I need a cheap place to stay at where I can write my next script in peace and hope I can get chosen and well...get more money, my first income. Ma Boy got me some money but bleh, the company took away a lot."

What are your expectations living here?

"I'm expecting a nice environment for me to live and write in. And I do hope that my housemates -- or whatever you call it, bleh, would be good inspirations for characters. Or maybe even a unique storyline."

First impression with the tenants?

"They look interesting. The people I saw in the living room looked very interesting. There was a girl with a camera around her neck, one who looked so childish, one who was smiling serenely, one who was reading, and one who was tapping on her phone frowning. There was a guy holding a child, a guy hugging his bag and staring around like a mouse, a guy who KEEPS WINKING AT EVERYONE and two guys who seem fimiliar *mumbles* onelookedlikemyungpoop. Yeah. I do think they're an interesting bunch and can't really wait to interact with them!"

Who do you think you'll be best friends with and why?

"Maybe the girl with the photographer? She seems quiet and...normal. She kinds of just merges in; I find her interesting. Wait that sounded wrong. I'm straight okay?"

Who do you think will be your enemy in the household and why?

"I don't know. Maybe the childish one? Or one of the fimiliar guys? The girl looks so whiny and irritating, and I'm quite positive I know one of the males. OH or maybe the one who acted like a mouse, he looks meek and like he's an insecure person. I don't like people like that or people who distrusts others."

Describe the room you want.

"Anything is fine with me! I'd like some calm wall colour, with a big comfy bed and nice decorations. I'd also like a corner for me to write -- complete with my computer, notebooks and stuff."

♡ //You actually finished this.

Suggestions: /
Comments/Concerns/Pusuades: 0MG EXCuse THE PERSONAlity.
Scene Requests: Will write myself yo.
Password: under the same roof





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