Stupid questions

My mom was pouring a pot of boiling water into the sink.

I was standing by her and some of it splashes onto me.

Me: "OOOOWWW!!!"

Mom: "Did that hurt?"













No mom... boiling water on my skin




It felt...








No mom it freaking hurt!!! -____-


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yankee17zelo #1
mostly of the questions nowadays are nonsense.. why? because the answer to their questions is very obvious..

hope you don't have burn
Lovex2254 #2
Bro your gifs matched perfectly. My mom doesn't even care anymore like I get hurt so often and it's mostly my fault. My dad asked me to clean the stove and I forgot he just got done judging it so I straight up grabbed it with my bare hand. The sad part was that I'm so used to burning myself in the kitchen that I just kinda looked at my hand and was like "...oh"
Yong Guk is judging so hard XDDDD

butonaseriousnoteihopeyou'reokay .-.
BAPismyrice #4
LOL!! Yong Guk's stare at the end OMFG Hahaha