◜❀ violet stars◞ im, seojung

바이올렛 스타 ❀ Violet Stars

im, seojung

Hello, my name is seojin

❀ Overview

character name: im, seojung.
nickname(s): elise; seojin
international age: 20

birthday: october 31, 1994
birthplace: gwangju, south korea / gangnam, south korea
ethnicity: fluent korean

fluent korean.
fluent english.
basic japanese.
basic mandarin.

❀ Outside

ulzzang: lee geum hee
backup ulzzang: kang sura
appearance: one; two; three; four

height: 162 cm
weight: 49 kg

style: seojung's choice of clothing? her choice of clothing depends on what she felt like wearing but then, she had beautiful clothes anyways. ( no joke. she seriously has her wardrobe full of branded clothes. i.e: zara. her beautiful addiction. she usually wear dress! but if she didn't feel like it, she'll wear a skinny jeans. colorful ones, tho'! she likes wearing accessories. bracelets, watches, necklases, most of them were hipsters-like but hey; who cares? they are beautiful nonetheless and seojung had an addiction towards brand, elstinko. gracing 'em beautiful people's head, the hats were the love of her life. (although her childhood crush said that it was a cheap brand. e . e) in a nutshell, she liked wearing things that made her bold and noticed, in a good way; unlike lady gaga!

extra: seojung's natural hair is brown. dark brown, to be specific but she usually use a hair chalk to chalk down her hair. she had a bag of hair chalk, actually. but sometimes, she colored her hair blonde or pink. sometimes, she wore hair extensions and wigs but sometimes, only.

❀ Inside

character traits: cheerful; clever; annoying; lazy; girlish.


cheerful. seojung is more cheerful than a cute little kiddo. seojung is the childish girl who likes to do everything entertataining, really. from talking 24/7 to doing crazy things, she just couldn't stop. basically, when talking about seojung, you can say that the girl isn't really the girl people would say "nugu?". she's really famous around town! though she didn't know what was in their mind. she is bubbly and loves doing anything to entertain herself. this pretty much showed her ignorant side. she didn't care when people disliked her cheerful and random side. she gave them no damn.

clever. seojung may seem like your giggly dumb blonde girl without the blonde hair. e u e; but actually, seojung is very clever! being an ace in her subjects, except for korean literature, she at it but basically, she's smart in any other subjects. usually, she get a's but she wasn't only smart in her studies, she is also smart in her word. she had always came up with a sarcastic but wiseful replies when she felt offended and she is also smart in her fashion sense. she was always up-to-date in fashion and usually follows the trend but one thing she wasn't smart in is: the fact that she can't do chores. she at it and usually, she would end up, making more trouble!

annoying. seojung is annoying. but why? she seemed sweet. well, her sweetness fades out in someone's eyes when she started to make remarks. with the sharp tongue of hers, she basically is the president of the annoying club. she tends to get annoyed easily too; when then, she would annoy people afterwards. yes, she acted tough and that made people annoyed too. how she likes to sing annoy people. well; basically for some. everything she did annoy people.

lazy. seojung is a . a lazy tho'. all day, all night, all she did is watch tv, go eat something on the bed or just simply went into the internet. p.s: her time spent on the internet was mostly dedicated to reading fanfics of herself. yes, it was a secret that she kept for a long time and basically, one of the reason why she gets close to idols = more fanfics, more ships, more money, more recognition, more everything, actually! she is also too lazy to even made a sandwich, hence, the reason why she believed she would marry late. e u e;

girlish. second pink princess, she had been carrying the title 'sonyuhshidae's tiffany the second' since she was a trainee and even tiffany was aware of that. although some consider it as something great, seojung wasn't really content of the nickname. no; it's not like she disliked tiffany! it's just that she didn't want to be hated for being labelled as such. she loves pink, barbie, skirts and dresses. sequins, fashion, princess, that things made her interested. basically, her room, bed, things, was mostly pink in color, or at least, had a feminine touch and she also made a deal with sme ( yes weird situation i know. ) that the management wouldn't cut her hair short, and the company didn't object.


french macaron
girl group, girls' generation
 america's next top model. ( the new season got some yummy guys. c; )
 horror movies
 zara ( brand. )
 fanfictions about her. pft.
 trolling around.


ugly clothes to wear for live performances. e _ e;
being bullied
being bossed around
getting fat.
when people critique her harshly
 when people said that she was useless for the group.
 dogs. pls. + she likes cats.

habits & hobbies: 

she do gross things in public, unconciously. ( like picking her nose. )
watching youtube diy videos. 
online shopping.
 collecting girls' generation's merchandises.


a model for nylon magazine
she often says "don't get your twisted but..." before she talked about something bad about the person she's talking too.
she can't help it but steorotype other people ( except for lgbt. she supports them secretly. )
 she do ballet but she's not very flexible.
 she could be athletic but meh. laaaaaazy.
 a big fan of barbie.

❀ Biography


im, seojung was born on the halloween in the year of 1994 — but hell no, she's not those creeps who watches you day and night. in fact, she's an angel. a fallen angel; like some said. living in a basically perfect family, she was nothing but perfect, that's what they say; but people don't know the truth. seojung suffered. seojung had a father but barely feel like she had one. while she was growing up, her father had a business in tokyo, japan, leaving her with her sister and her grandma. then, at the age of 11, she moved from gwangju to gangnam. it was hard to move around. gangnam is a rich district and she felt poor living there ; although her family's social class was considered average! when her friends bought louis vuitton like they bought tteokbeokki, seojung needed to earn something worth the gift, like getting number 1 in class. at the age of 14, she became the big sister to his brother. 


im, jaehyun | 49 | father | hotel manager | uptight, tense, thoughtful, wise. | 2
son, juhee | 49 | mother | teacher | loving, beautiful, pretty, kind | 5
 im, soojung | 23 | sister | doctor | strict, funny, girly, leader-type | 5
 im, hyunjung | 13 | brother | student | playful, cheeky, badass, flirty | 4
 son, jiyul | 69 | grandma | - | classy, graceful, beautiful, kind. | 4


❀ Idol

stage name: elise
stage persona: the playful muse
soundalike: secret's jung hana

singing: 6.5
dancing: 7

stage personality: same.

trainee history: unlike some, seojung wasn't lucky. seojung had been strugggling herself, even before the start! she wasn't a trainee yet but she had been gone through all up and downs. at sixteen, she auditioned everywhere, even sme, but none accepted her. at that time, she was ugly. she wasn't skinny and make up seems to be a 'nugu?' to her. when she was seventeen, she realized, it was the physical looks that matter. she slimmened down her body and her face and she started to wear make up and had her skin care. now, she's gonna be a superstar only after two years training.

idol friends: 

jung, jessica | snsd | cold, funny, violent, conceited | 5 | they met when seojung was training.
jung, krystal | f(x) | beautiful, cute, classy, elegant | 3 
| they met when jessica was hanging up with seojung at her house.
hwang, tiffany | snsd | girly, classy, elegant, cute | 4 | they met when seojung was a trainee. tiffany was curious about her twin.


❀ Love

love interest: huang zitao
backup: byun baekhyun

personality: zitao's stage persona seems to be this thug that was really dangerous, in seojung's opinion. his intimidating look made her shiver but nah.... he's actually a total cutie. he blushed for simple things like "ah, oppa, you look cute!" or simple peck at the cheeks. he is also romantic. very actually. a total ladies' man, everyone could fall in love with him. well, maybe, the girl who put fame before everything could change his heart.

backstory: she met him when they were collaborating. actually, in order to raise popularity, and to get more fics of her, she decided to get close to tao. she made the first step and said 'hi!'. She also clings aroung him too!

relationship status: enemies but friends. meh. for tao, seojung is an attention wh0re and he hated her while seojung thinks of taoas her friend. he's just another person that could made her popularity rise. not more than that; but on camera, seojung is a total cutie around tao.

❀ Finale

scene suggestions: naaaaah. o u o

comments: haaaaaaaaaaai. /waves; o/



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