☁ mischief managed 〔 ❛ Do SoJi 〕

beauxbatons academy  student app.
CaptainDukbokki ┆ ACTIVITY LEVEL (6) ┆ Dukki ┆ All grown up



` beauxbatons babe.  
 ┊ Do SoJi
nicknames ┊ None. She thinks they're very immature. Though, her parents used to call her, Dollie. 
birthday & age ┊ December/8 & 16. 
birthplace & hometown ┊ Birthplace:Seoul, Korea; hometown: Ajaccio(Corsica), France
ehtnicity ┊ 50% Korean 50% French
status  muggleborn 

ulzzang name ┊ YiYi
images ┊ Here
back up ulzzang name ┊ Jung Min Hee  
images ┊ Here 

` i solemnly swear.  
 ┊  Mature, polite, and classy is what describes SoJi best. You won't find her talking loudly with friends or laughing loudly like an obnoxious seal. Instead, she talks in normal, soft, feminine tones, and laughs quietly with her hand to . She won't be caught red-handed using slang-ever. She thinks it abuses the language and has false meanings. She believes in proper, formal, grammar is to be always used in writing and in speaking. She uses words that are not commonly used, like 'whom'or 'grumpish'.
Slouching, unproper etiquette, and rude mannerism is a complete no-no in her book. She sits and stands with her back perfectly straight and proper. She never chews with open, nor does she use dining utensils incorrectly. She knows which spoon to use, which knife to spread jam with, etc. She believes looking presentable is just as important as proper etiquette. She must always look her best.    
She's very polite at all times-even to her enemies. She prefers to 'kill them with kindness' as they say, and feels the most unnecessary amount of joy when she sees them thrown off by her politeness. As another result of her politness, she gives out extremely sugar-coated honesty and is never straight-forward or bold enough to be as blunt as most people.
What most people call, 'fun' she calls immature.Running around the castle, playing pranks on people, doing ridiculous, daring things, breaking the rules, etc. They're just a waste of time to her. They just get you in trouble anyways once you're found out. She's quite uptight and serious.   
She has a very good image with the professors. She always does her homework, always studies, always punctual, etc. People say she's a kiss-up goody-two-shoes, but she just wants to do well in school and not get in trouble.
She is a total perfectionist. She will not allow one flaw to get in her way-ever, and if one does (which is quite rare for her) she will go absolutely ballistic and do anything possible to remove it even if it requires breaking the rules as her last choice. Otherwise, she makes sure not one blemish is in her path.
She is secretly a huge foodie. It always pains her when she is not able to eat as much as she wants in public because it is considered unnmannerly and gluttonous. She likes food very much and wishes that she could eat more of it in front of others instead of having to take obnoxiously small bites and portions of her meals everyday. This is why she always has a secret stash of salted caramel and chocolate macarons that she eats whenever she gets the chance to.
She acts a lot older than she actually is, which ticks off quite an amount of people. She scolds her friends if they ever do anything wrong, she always knows about politics, and she always gives advice when asked or when she feels the extreme need to. It annoys people, but she's just being motherly at best. It shows that she cares.                

history ┊She was born in Seoul, then moved to Ajaccio when she was 2. Her parents always thought she was strange. She knew how to write and read without anybody teaching her, and could memorize the whole entire French Bill of Rights when she was only 3. Without anyone telling her how to, she learned how to cook when she was 6. They were not only simple dishes, but very complex, visually appealing dishes too, like searing scallops and filet mignon. Things started to get weirder after that.
One day, her parents found her writing in perfect cursive on a sheet of paper, except she wasn't using any ink or a quil. She just moved her right index finger across the page, and words appeared onto it. Wanting to believe they were not mental or delusional, her parents looked back onto their family histories only to find out, that her father's great grandmother was once a witch. They respected the fact that she was a witch, but they kept it a secret.
SoJi was raised in the most noble manner. She went to the prep school in France, was taught perfect manners, courtesy, and etiquette-and was thoroughly scolded if she even thought about being one of those 'childish' kids, and attended political meetings with her father when she was of age. She grew up envying the other kids, but ignored her desires to rebel against her parents for fear of the consequences.
She went to Beauxbatons when her parents found out she was a witch. Of course, people called her names and because she was muggleborn, mature, and uptight. She just turned around, smiled, and thanked them before walking away. She's in a little 'clique' of other mature, noble girls at Beauxbatons, though, she doesn't admit it, they seem just a touch too arrogant for her liking.  
likes ┊
  • Delicious food
  • Trying new food
  • Macarons
  • Silk clothing
  • William Shakespeare
  • Most classical literature books
  • Rose petal tea
  • Windy climates
  • Peaceful places
  • Plays
  • Ballad songs
  • Proving people wrong
  • Learning politics 

dislikes ┊
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Any type of loudness
  • Ghost chilis (she's tasted one before-never again.)
  • Video games
  • Twilight series.
  • Mary-Sues
  • Fires
  • Extreme heat.
  • Ragamuffins(hobos)
  • Cackling
  • Being sick
  • Not looking presentable
  • Slouching
  • Unproper manners and etiquette.
  • Being late
  • Eating extremely small portions of food
  • Slang language
  • Childish people
  • Stupid, ridiculous dares 

  • Reading
  • Secretly sneaking in macarons
  • Drinking tea with her friends
  • Going to the book store in Rue De Paradis 

habits ┊
  • Mixing her tea clockwise and counter-clockwise before she drinks it.
  • Smiling quietly to herself when she thinks of something funny.
  • Breathing deeply when she's angry.
  • Shaking in anger and groaning loudly when something doesn't go her way (of course she does this alone when nobody is with her.)
  • Brushing her teeth after everytime she eats. 


trivia ┊ 
  • Her favorite spell is 'Deprimo':the spell to loosen or soften objects with a powerful wind.
  • She likes going to the bookstore alone and occasionally the bakery when she's in Rue De Paradis.
  • Her animagus is a Fennec fox.
  • She can write with her toes. 
  • She likes to walk on the right-side of people.
  • Her favorite color is white.
  • Her tolerance for spicy food isn't very high, unfortunately.
  • She's quite tall (5'7)
  • She sleeps with a blanket covering her whole body-including her face.
  • She has a freckle behind her left ear.
  • She's an incredibly fast reader.
  • Her favorite male historical figure is Napolean Bonaparte.
  • She's obsessed with asymmetrical skirts at the moment.  

` your mother's eyes.  
FAMILY RELATION ┊ name ┊ status (pureblood / halfblood / muggleborn)
Do, HinJi| muggle| Extremely courteous and serious-she is the epitomy of maturity-way passed SoJi's level. She's the first one to scold SoJi on incorrect manners and etiquette as soon as possible. She is super aware that people are always onto them and waiting for them to make a mistake, so she raised SoJi with a very strict, perfectionist manner. She never gave time for SoJi to actually be a child and yelled at her whenever she complained about it-so, in conclusion, they're not close to each other, since all her mother does most of the time is scold her on every single little flaw.
Arthur Bonheur| muggle| More easy-going and calm than his wife, yet still strict nonetheless. He doesn't correct SoJi on manners as much as he corrects her on politics. He scolds her more leniently and gently than his wife does, therefore gaining more of a father-daughter relationship than SoJi has with her mother. You can imagine he was the happiest father on Earth when SoJi asked him to teach her about Napolean Bonaparte. Afterall, they're living in his former hometown, they should know something about him. SoJi looks forward to learning more about politics than she does about etiquette.       

BESTFRIEND/FRIEND/RIVAL ┊ name ┊ status (pureblood / halfblood / muggleborn)
Bestfriend| Ahreum| pureblood| Fierce and opinionated. She is not afraid to charge at you with glares and harsh words if she needs to. She prefers to serve her anger apathetically cold. She is not demure like SoJi. In fact, she's quite bold. She's extremely straightforward and blunt. She has very high standards and opinions about almost every single little thing. She's not afraid to voice them out either. With her blunt self, of course she's going to have a lot of enemies-that's where SoJi comes in. It's more of a mother-daughter-like relationship than anything else. SoJi always tries to turn Ahreum's brutal honesty down a few notches when it goes to far. Ahreum normally doesn't listen to people when they tell her to tone her bluntness down, but she always listens to SoJi. SoJi just has that mother-quality. They study together, have tea together, and go to Rue De Paradis together. Ahreum always teases SoJi about her being too mature, in hopes that the girl will loosen up a bit and rebel against her parents ideals. She is the only person that knows about SoJi's food addictio, and plans to work from there to bring out the more childish side of SoJi.
Rival|Heo Ga-yoon|pureblood| Ga-yoon is one rebellious brat. She always finds a way to do something incredibly stupid-especially when she's bored. Such as, sneaking alcoholic beverages into the school, playing pranks on the teachers, being loud, having random parties for no good reason, etc. She's basically the exact definition of a person SoJi would despise. But, she stayed mature, and ignored Ga-yoon, but the problem was, Ga-yoon had trouble ignoring SoJi. She would always . Not in the fun manner like Yu-Jin, but in a bullying manner. She would get mad when SoJi would just continue being kind, then try again just to evoke a reaction out of her.   

` magic inside us.  
desired partner ┊ Jungkook (Bangtan Boys)
back up partner(s) ┊ Zelo (B.A.P)

first meeting ┊ I carefully tucked the large box of macarons under my cloak before walking quickly away from the bakery, making sure my head was completly covered by the dark hood of the cloak. I walked swiftly against the wind, hurrying to the castle before the sun setted. I was almost there until my cloak was lifted and the box was taken away from me, with a laugh.
"Well, what do we have here?" the stranger asked.
I gasped and turned around only to see the new member of Ga-yoon's little 'group'-Jungkook. A handsome boy he was, too bad he was going to get wrecked by her. I returned to my calm self and held out my hand. "Please give that back to me." I said softly.
"Why? Ga-yoon would love to know about Miss, I'm-so-mature being a fattie." He said, smiling. 
Remember, SoJi, kill him with kindness. I smiled at him and slowly walked towards my box in his hand. "Maybe, I can make a bargain with you. If you don't tell anyone, I'll buy anything you want from Rue De Paradis-only one thing though." 
He mockingly tapped his chin as if he was in deep thought, then shook his head. "No, not good enough. I want something else." He suddenly walked closer to me as I stood on my ground, refusing to appear weak in front of him. He suddenly bent a bit too close to my face and smirked. I tried to be calm as my heart beat 50 miles a minute. This isn't happening...
Quickly, he pulled a macaron out of my box and put it between his teeth with a wink. "Just kidding." He said before giving me back my box and running away laughing like a drugged-up hyena. 
My face twisted in confusion as I watched the intoxicated child run to the castle, flailing his arms about. What on Earth?  

personality ┊ Extremely childish, immature, and maybe just a tad bit flirty. He loves running around doing the things that SoJi hates like pranking people, sneaking out after curfew, etc. Despite his unruly nature, he's very loyal. He never betrays anyone-whatsoever. That's why Ga-yoon included him into her little 'group' of rebels. She knew he wouldn't have the guts to betray her. But, he is starting to think about betraying Ga-yoon due to his growing interest in SoJi. The first step, as you saw earlier, was him keeping SoJi's secret. His feelings for her are starting to grow as he sees her everyday.
SoJi and him go to the almost all of the same classes, and he always bothers her in some way possible just to get her attention, and he knows it annoys the crap out of her, but he just finds her anger cute, and, though he won't admit it in a million years, kind of hot. SoJi doesn't have that strong of feelings for him yet, but gets this annoyed, squirmy feeling whenever she sees him joking around with Ga-yoon or any other girl. She's actually a bit scared that she's going to end up liking him.  

scene requests ┊
  • One where SoJi tells Jungkook(or Zelo) her parents used to call her 'Dollie'.
  • One where she shares her macarons with him.
  • One where she attempts to teach him proper etiquette but fails.  
` expecto patronum.  
comments/suggestions ┊ Best of luck to your story! I really like this idea, and hope to see you progress in the future. I suggest you don't pressure yourself too much or you'll feel forced to do this story. I don't want you to feel that way, so don't work too hard!Also, pictures and gifs are not mine. They belong to their respectful owners. Thank you~ (Ahreum's hair is supposed to be brown btw.)
password ┊ Accio~



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