Loaded Gun

First school day as colleage junior ever! Yay? Not even close! I mean, it was super cold and all, it rained, it even snowed! And it isn't even November TT^TT I'm starting to hate this city for some odd reason... maybe it's the fact that when I start speaking, they look at me strangely (just to point it out, the people here have a certain accent, while I have none since Brasov, my hometown is somehow neutral when talking about accents) or maybe it's the fact that the strangers are just... well, strangers. I mean, in Brasov, even the strangers were familiar to me after 4 years of going on the same road, spending a certain number of hours in the central part of the city. But here... it's damn cold and depressing! TT^TT
Oh well, maybe I just need to adjust myself to the changes. Who knows...
Anyway, going back to the FIRST SCHOOL DAY EVER! I met my Korean teachers. I'm going to have three different teachers: two Korean guys and a woman, a Romanian that is specialized in Korean Culture and Civilization or something like that. Anyway, back to the guys since I'm sure you want to hear how they are. Well, one of them is nearly 40 or close to that and the other one... OLALA! He's such a hunk if I dare say >///< I mean, he's young, twenty and something, tall and has such pretty traits. He's definitely not a flower boy, but damn his eyes are super pretty! *.* He reminds me of Sunggyu? Hehhehee, something like that... I like him. But sincerely, I don't consider it a good idea to have someone like him as teacher since, well, I won't be able to concentrate TT.TT and I'll be on deep , 'cause they have high expectations from us, the ones mainly majoring in Korean. BUT HE'S CUUUUTEEEEE!
And another thing: what is a fan supposed to mean/do? Are we supposed to hunt down the artists? Chase them down the streets? Become obsessed with them? Stalk them even when they're going to take a ? Because sincerely now and no offense, dear fireflies and other fandoms, k-pop is pretty much going towards that direction from what I can see. And it's ing disgusting to read such news from the Internet because some chick just couldn't keep her distance and respect an idol's privacy. Like, the heck, people?! >.<" We're supposed to support them with everlasting love and not make them regret they chose the path of entertainment, to protect and defend them in front of the antis. But I see that instead of doing so, we're transforming in antis ourselves. And sorry for saying this because I know there are mature persons that like EXO and understand that there are limits when liking an idol and all, but some of these so called "fans" need a mental check-up or some strict parents. It's not normal for something like this to happen! It's a stain on the fandom's name and generally on the label of "k-pop fan/lover".
*sigh* I wish SM would do something about those absurd saesangs. I mean, they're not something good for EXO or any other artist. They're humans too! And they deserve some privacy and time away from all the attention they get from the entire Globe!
Meh, such a horrid day... and I didn't even got to tell you about my hectic time table O.o Just picture this: 9 hours of Korean per week, 8 of English and 6 of Romanian TT^TT I'll be dead meat before the end of the week TT.TT
See ya' all!
P.S. I swear, the next update on 'Nocturne' s going to be the longest in my whole history as a writer O.O


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Dece iti displace orasul? Nu e el de vina ca vremea e e XD
You're lucky to have an attractive teacher. My Korean teacher is a 50-year-old wrinkly man. He is hilarious and really friendly but if I could choose... XD
Sasaengs are pissing me off more and more every day. They are like the cancer of the fan-world. And the worst part is that I think that if the articles that are written about them get a lot of attention, they're gonna feel like their mission has been accomplished. What the hell are we gonna do with those people?!
Anyways, good luck with school, try to take it easy :)
I'm really glad that you're blogging your experience, since I really am curious and have been wanting to hear about it ;D

I haven't been able to leave much comments or read too much into it 'cause .. /sad life of a high school senior. You remember the pressure, right? I trust that you're doing well though? ^^ I missed talking to youu~~~~ /huuuuuuuuuug huuuuuuugg and another one for the road hughughugggggg/
I don't know why, but that is the same reaction I had when I went to a big city.. people just looked distant and cold, here they prefer staring at you all the time xD

wow you have professor sunggyu-eyes *^* that's gonna be fun Kat! You'll see you'll have fun!

To be honest... I don't know if companies or labels can do something about that.. I think they don't because objectively they can't cntrol those kids that makes crazy things to get their idols.. if they could do something and they just don't act then it's awful >< but I don't know how to they shoud get rid of them, the way i mean.. have you seen the documentary about saesangs fans?
Care-i faza cu saesangs fans si Exo? :-? Omg, I'm so clueless...

Hang in there! E asa ciudat ca a nins acolo :O aici a fost ASA frumos ieri si azi a fost inorat, dar decent. And OMG I'm SO jealous of you cu prof-ul ala HOT! Abia astept sa vad poze :))) <3