No Longer an EXOtic...Trolled

EXO fans! Did you hear the news? We are no longer EXOtics, we are...EXOnatics! EXO+Fanatic=EXOnatic! Good. No longer shall we have to lump ourselves in with the crazy saesangs. They can stay EXOtics. Real fans can go by the new fandom name. I know, I've been there from the beginning, and I used to love being called an EXOtic. But now that all the saesang crap is going on, I'd rather leave that negative conotation with being an 'EXOtic' behind. 



Sorry, I meant to update earlier, but yeah, some troll posted that. Good photoshop though. I got suspicious after looking at several posts on Facebook, so I looked up the official Twitter, and the post was nowhere to be found. >_> sorry bout that. That was my fault for not following up.


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MottiNuri_LaGorda #1
OMG!!! really?? do we have an official color as well?