3 hours in and still trying to get used to it =___=

Okay. So it seems AFF changed a bit of their styling and font and all dat junk.

At first I was like "Okay, wtf just happened in the hour I was gone?!"

Then after a couple minutes I was like "Okay, not much has changed. Just a few-- Oh my God what the frack is this..."

I don't know if it's just me, but I am being surpised with the new layout of AFF everytime I go onto a different page. Whether it be a story or blog post or something else =__=

It's all so newwwwwww /slapped.

That's all.

Sorry for my rant...

Bye now!!



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it's weird on mobile
is there anything new?
i only see change in fonts o_o
maybe i'm not on aff too often then......
I hate it too >.>
I know it, but it seriously ruined my layouts. OMFG
I had to do everything again!
SemmiScream #5
lol i refreshed my page and everything changed OTL
I was the same
I feel a bit eh about the new layout