Being Me

Um, just wondering if you guys wanted to give me some advice on life.


So lately, I've been talking to this guy. We aren't in a relationship together, but we aren't exactly friends either. Actually, I don't know what we are. And well, this guy, he's not someone my parents like. Actually, they don't like him at all. They tell me its for the best that they want me to avoid him, and of course, I believe them (because I lurv them so dang much). But well, this guy, we've been talking to each other constantly behind my parents' backs, no matter how hard I try to stop. Honestly, I don't like him anymore, but he still likes me; my parents think we both still have mutual feelings, and they don't know that I don't like him anymore. And just now, my parents found out about the truth. So naturally, they've misunderstood and haven't heard my side of the story, accusing me of things that don't even make sense now.

Here's where you guys come in.


See, my parents mean everything to me, and I seriously can't stand it all when they're mad at me or ignoring me bc I did something wrong. Now that they know I've been texting him nonstop, they've lost all their trust in me and are disappointed in me, and it really really hurts me guys. I don't know what to do anymore. Do you guys have advice for calming them and getting them to listen to my side? And how I can stop texting the guy cold turkey?


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I think the first thing you need to do is explain your side of this to your parents.
It doesn't matter how you do it, just get them to sit down, shut up and listen to you.
As for the guy.
I'm not really clear on your feelings regarding him, after having read above.
But why do your parents not like him?
I understand that adults claim to have more life experience than their kids, but they're people too. They judge incorrectly too, regardless of how many times they've been right about a person. They make mistakes too.
If you think, no KNOW, they have reason to mistrust this boy, then stop talking to him. Apologize and say you can't see him any more, then do everything to keep him off your mind. Sooner or later, you're going to find that you've been so focused on forgetting the guy you've actually forgotten the guy yourself.
I'm in no position to speak from experience (mostly because I have none) but yeah, I think this is the way I myself would handle the situation.^^;