So everyone is aware about EXO having some of the most annoying saseng fans ever. Some people have joined together to make the XOXO Movement. 

Kids.. I know you love your idols. I love them as much as you do but.. 


Idols are people too. They have their own private lives and feelings. Can we all just stop invading their private lives? 

People please. EXO are only nice to us. They'll tell us to stop nicely, so can't we? Will we have to wait until EXO gets seriously hurt, physically and mentally for us to realize that we're wrong?


Don't even say it's only the korean fans who are sasengs. I know that there is a portion of the international fans who would do the exact same thing if they were given the oppritunity. 


What I'm trying to say is.. Let's love EXO at a normal level. They're idols and we are fans. We cannot stalk them or make public chaos. 

Let's be a fandom that EXO can be proud of okay? 

Thank you. (: 


Anyways check out the XOXO movement!


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syazayu #1
i'm totally agree with you let's stop all of this let exo live like a normal life
(( In support of EXO and the current situation regarding Baekhyun's elder brother, Baekbeom - please read this blog:


Post in the comments of letters that 'MaSooK' has sent you ))