Saesangs Anger EXO, and My Thoughts

I wrote a blog post today on what I think of EXO's saesangs and their recent behavior. Let's just say, my vocabulary is quite colorful. 

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Min_Chan_lover6612 #1
From The Feck to the Yea. I cant believe they did that! when my older sis texted me I cracked part of the edge of my phone case. it was worth it or else I would've wanted to punch someone!!! And I read ur blog post and was like, what gives that saesang the right to congradulate his bro on the wedding when she was one of the people to crash it?! Saesangs have ruined everything for the fans who didn't DO anything. I feel like crying everytime I hear that saesangs did something to our oppas AGAIN. TT^TT