☁ mischief managed 〔 ❛ Choi Mina 〕

beauxbatons academy  student app.
TheLandofBrownSugar8 ┆ Anna ┆ Miss Know-It-All

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` beauxbatons babe.  
 ┊ Choi Mina
nicknames ┊ Min, Ann
birthday & age ┊ April 20 & 16
birthplace & hometown ┊ York, United Kingdom & Seoul, Japan
ehtnicity ┊ British-Korean
status ┊ Pureblood

ulzzang name ┊ Jang Chom Mi
images ┊ Gallery
back up ulzzang name ┊ Lee Hyang Suk 
images ┊ Gallery

` i solemnly swear.  
 ┊ Mina is energetic, bold and brave, yet she gives off a gentle and friendly feeling whenever she meets someone for the first time. She is intelligent, sophisticated and sarcastic with a lot of comments in store due to her outspoken and honest nature. Mina likes to take care of others, but can be quite competitive about things such as academics and her own hobbies. She is hard-working, ambitious, has a natural curiosity and isn't afraid of voicing her opinion to those who ask for it.

Mina has a thirst for knowledge and loves to explore and go hiking in the mountains or along the country road. Family means almost everything to her, and she loves them through all the good and the bad. She is a keeper when it comes to friendships; despite her lack of need to socialize and small group of friends, she is extremely loyal to them and wouldn't betray them unless she felt really betrayed herself, and even then she might have her doubts. She trusts people easily, but if you lose that trust, it can be hard to get it back. She likes to spend time by herself, read and explore the areas. She likes to take note of the fauna and flora when out in the wilderness, having a great interest in botany and being an animal lover.

Mina is the student sitting in front of the classroom with her hand high up in the air at the end of each and every question coming from the teacher. She may seem a little arrogant with the way she answers at times, as if she knows everything, but secretly it brings her great pleasure to be right about something. She loves getting praise from others as it helps boost her self-confidence. She can be very awkward around those she's not familiar with, trying to be as independent as possible to avoid clinging onto others.

Rules are her guides on how to live your life. She follows them by the book and often insists on following them, especially when she sees someone breaking them and getting punished for it. She hates being punished and tries to be as obedient as possible to avoid it. Mina is no fan of surprises and likes to keep things as simple and neat as possible.

history ┊ Mina was born on April 20 in York, United Kingdom, and is of British and Korean descent. Both of her parents are wizards, and her mother attended Beauxbatons Academy as well as her older sister Yuna. She always aspired to be the best, being among the best at her school and being an avid reader from a young age. Her parents tried to keep her childhood as normal as possible, but she would often isolate herself and go off into the forest or study ants or read under the shade of a tree. She never cared much about having friends, often resulting in a lot of teasing from her classmates and neighborhood kids. She learned to ignore others and how to disconnect from reality when needed.

When her family moved to South Korea, the change of surrounding made Mina even more secluded and introverted than before. Her parents were starting to worry, because she felt even more alone now that her sister had gone off to "magic school" as she referred to it as. In a final effort to stop their daughter from cutting herself off for good, they took her camping. It turned out to be what she needed, so despite her need to be alone from time to time, she became more open and honest with herself.

When Mina got her letter from Beauxbaton Academy, she realized she was going to learn magic and a whole new world otherwise rather unknown to her. She became rather excited, not aware of what the future might have in store for her.

likes ┊

  • Animals
  • Botany
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Watching movies
  • Watermelons
  • Praise
  • Taking walks
  • Autumn
  • The color blue

dislikes ┊

  • Being dependent of others
  • Loneliness
  • Rain
  • Alcohol
  • Great heights
  • Clingy people
  • Sweets


  • Botany
  • Categorizing fauna and flora
  • Drawing
  • Hiking

habits ┊

  • Stares into space without looking at anything in particular
  • Can't sit still for very long unless it's class or study sessions
  • Plays her hair/fingers a lot
  • Bites bottom lip when she's nervous

trivia ┊

  • Her favorite subject is Herbology
  • Favorite spells are herbifors and herbivicus
  • She loves sunflowers and the hoya flower
  • Her favorite animal is the wolf

` your mother's eyes.  

Angela Choi ┊ Pureblood
She is a passionate and generous woman who enjoys helping others out whenever she can. Angela can be strict, but she's a loving woman and cares a lot about her family. She is intelligent and a bit of a know-it-all, which is where Mina's got some of her personality from. When it comes to her daughter, they have a close relationship. She was her mentor and teacher during bad times.
Choi Janghyun ┊ Pureblood
He is a laid-back and caring man who can be protective of his loved ones. Like his wife, he is a very loving person who will go far to get what he wants. Mina and her father have also been close, but they had more of a listener's relationship. Whenever one of them had issues, the other would listen, give advice and be a supporting spirit to her/him.
Choi Yuna ┊ Pureblood
Unlike her younger sister, Yuna is a very extrovert and stubborn woman. She likes flaunting her skills and isn't afraid of talking about herself and her more positive traits. She is arrogant, frank and a little self-centered, but she is also brave and kind-hearted and rather cheerful, especially for a girl of her age. Yuna and Mina were always close as children despite their , but their relationship became a bit more rocky when Yuna went off to Beauxbaton and Mina felt like her sister had abandoned her, despite coming home during the summer.

Elena Park ┊ Halfblood
They met each other during elementary school as Elena noticed Mina sitting alone one of those days. Elena doesn't really care as much about school or academic skills as she does about sports and boys. She is rather mature for her age and worked a bit like a guiding light to Mina, especially since her sister left. Elena visited Mina at times after she moved back to South Korea, but they really reunited when they both got into Beauxbaton Academy. They were delighted to see each other once again.

` magic inside us.  
desired partner ┊ Kim Jongdae (EXO)
back up partner(s) ┊ Lee Howon (INFINITE)

first meeting ┊ We met during the first week of school. Jongdae had come with the other boys from Hogwarts and gave off an air of true gentleness. He greeted me right in the middle of the corridor with that sweet smile of his. I was a little starstruck for some reason.

personality ┊ Jongdae is simply the sweetest guy you'll ever find. He is considerate, smart, funny and also very lively and bright. He is also a very serious person who doesn't play around a lot and can often be the victim of teasing from his fellow classmates. Jongdae likes it when he can be taken care of, as his dream woman is someone older who wants to take care of him some time in the future. He and Mina are often teasing one another and helping each other, having a rather easy-going relationship, however, they have some trouble opening up to one another due to Jongdae's reluctance at sharing anything from his past. Mina gets very frustrated from time to time as she wonders who the guy behind the cheerful smile and expressionate eyes really is.

scene requests
  • Jongdae avoiding Mina due to jealousy
  • Mina trying to study with Jongdae finding it hard to sit still
  • Mina sneaking into Jongdae's room to take care of him when he's sick; he realizes this is his dream girl whom he's been waiting for
` expecto patronum.  
comments/suggestions ┊ Thank you for reading, author-nim! ^^
password ┊ Wingardium Leviosa



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