Done with Saesangs

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I see things like this and just want to quit everything. I mean being a fan of EXO is one thing but now most fans are being labeled as Saesang fans now, I am really sick and tired of all this I mean when they signed up they knew privacy would be whittled down to a little but not this too much. It's one thing to stalk them and even that is wrong but for them to ACTUALLY go into someone elses wedding regardless who's wedding it is, is rude and mean beyond belief. Being is Baekhyun's brother, his own relative and he was being a kind family member and showing up and performing FOR HIS BROTHER yet the fans have no disregard for any of it, they do what they want when they want without consideration for others. They take their things, follow them everywhere, even hurt them on many occasions yet they say they love them. No, love is not this, love is not hurting them mentally and physically. Love is caring for them, love is loving their music, cheering them on helping them whenever and however we can not things like this. They call themselves fans, I don't. I don't know what to call them, I mean sure we can all be a creepy fan, fan fiction and ual thoughts but I don't consider that creepy once you compare it to things like this. This is creepy, this is rude, this is odd and mean and just plain mean. I feel SO much sympathy for Baekbeom and his wife and hope they will ignore this, and I REALLY hope EXO won't hate all of us. I go around saying I love EXO and people will start to assume I am someone who follows them, stalks them, steals their things. I think everyone has seen Tao's Weibo, I agree I love EXO and I have loved them the RIGHT way. not like this. Never like this.


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;( kind words they really need to stop this... this is getting out of hand and i really want it too stop.... it hurts deep within my soul that when a seseang does him/her actions it affects EXO mentally emotionally and physically.... i am really sorry for the seseang fans actions (even though i am not a seseang i am just a international fan, i am just a fan that haven't done anything wrong) i am really sorry... i hope it stops soon :( ahhh i am getting worked and getting headache just thinking about it...