Heirs: He Who Wears the Crown Must Bear its Weight OC Application

This is the application for Heirs: He Who Wears the Crown Must Bear its Weight audition.


Resume : 
Park Hyeri


   The Info:

1. Name: Park Hyeri

1.5. Nickname: Ruri

2. Gender: Female

3. Age: 21

4. Birthday: April 20

5. Ethnicity: Korean

6. Blood Type: O


   The Background:

1. Hometown: Seoul, S. Korea


   The People:

1. Friend: Kim Soojin | 21 | Model | Childhood friend | Polite, charming, easily jealous, hard-working | Close

2. Family Members: 
a. Mother | Park Hanbyul | 45 | Designer | Attentive, polite, confident, friendly | Close
b. Father | Park Janghyun | 43 | Manager | Lively, courteous, playful, creative | Kind of close
c. Sister | Park Yuri | 23 | Costume designer | Sweet, cheerful, passionate, picky | Close
d. Sister | Park Yejin | 15 | Student | Wild, tomboy, dorky, childish | Close


   The Boy:

1. Name: Kim Jongdae

2. Smitten Because: He's a very sweet and kind person who gives off an impression of gentleness. Those are traits that Hyeri finds very attractive, plus he is the kind who wants to be taken care of every once in a while, which she is more than willing to do.


   The Appearance:

1. Hair: Brown | Wavy | Medium-length/long | Dyed brown

2. Hairstyle: She wears it loose, in a ponytail or a tight bun

3. Height: 5'7"

4. Style - Casual: Hyeri wears a lot of outfits that emphasizes her waist and shows off her long legs. She enjoys wearing a lot of denim, which can be jackets, vests or jeans. She has a thing for flower patterns, often using them in the form of dresses, shorts and upper body clothing. Her favorite color is blue, resulting in a lot of different shades of it throughout her outfits. She likes a variety of shoes, including sandals, sneakers, low heels and more dessy shoes. She has a large collection of scarves and hats, but only uses them on special occassion or when temperature drops. o o o o o

5. Style - Professional: When it comes to work, she likes to wear skirts and fancy shirts in order to stand out, but still be seen as a professional and reliable individual. She wears skirts, but also dressy pants and dresses. o o o

6. Eyes: She wears contacts at work and when going outside, but wears glasses at home or when having bad timing

7. Ulzzang's Name: Park Hwan Hui


   The Personality:

1. Personality: Hyeri is energetic, bold and brave, yet she gives off a gentle and friendly feeling whenever she meets someone for the first time. She is intelligent, sophisticated and sarcastic with a lot of comments in store due to her outspoken and honest nature. Hyeri loves taking care of others and making them happy, often thinking of others before heself. She is hard-working and ambitious, sometimes resulting in being very competitive about several things. She has a natural curiosity that sometimes lands her in trouble and isn't afraid of voicing her opinion to those who ask for it.

Hyeri is a keeper when it comes to friendships; she is extremely loyal to her friends and wouldn't betray them unless she felt rather betrayed herself, and even then she might on to it stil. She trusts people easily, but if you lose that trust, it's going to be very hard to get it back.

She has a thirst for knowledge and loves to explore and go hiking in the mountains or along the country road. Family means almost everything to her, and she loves them through all the good and the bad times. 

2. Characteristics/Traits:

  • Loyal
  • Honest
  • Brave
  • Outspoken
  • Nurturing
  • Intelligent
  • Adventurous


  • Trusts people rather easily
  • Can be a bit too honest at times
  • Very competitive
  • Is afraid of relying on others too much
  • Sarcastic (may not always take a situation seriously)


  • Exploring
  • Adventure
  • Movies
  • Watermelon
  • Snow
  • Vacation
  • Ice cream
  • Cooking
  • Weddings

4. Dislikes: 

  • Snakes
  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Impatience
  • Awkward silences
  • Loud noises
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarette smell

5. Hobbies:

  • Hiking
  • Painting
  • Botany
  • Online gaming

6. Habits:

  • Runs her hand through her hair
  • Thinks out loud a lot
  • Rocks back and fourth on her heels
  • Bites her bottom lip
  • Plays with fingers/hair/anything within reach

7. Fear(s):

  • Being left all alone
  • Dark, narrow places

8. Other / Trivia:

  • Once when her family went to Egypt, someone tried to buy her for a group of camels
  • Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • She loves chicken A LOT
  • Can't live without her cellphone for more than a day
  • Can be very dominant, especially around men
  • Compares herself to sunflowers, because they're tall and symbolize focus and good luck
  • Has a partial, red-green color blindness
  • Doesn't understand the difference between Australian English and British


   The Dream:

1. Heir of: Park Designs (designs items such as wedding dresses, formal gowns, party equipment, decorations, etc.)

2. Wants to Be: A writer


   The Password:

1. Password: Rubik's Cube





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