pandemonium: interview | jung kyugeum

CHARACTER NAME: Jung Kyugeum "The KyuteGeum" noshutupyounobodycallsyouthat
QUOTE: "1 + 1 is Kyueomi! 2 + 2 is Kyueomi! 3 + 3 is.. uh.. uhm.. waitaminute! I'm lost!" *kept it nvm idek*
Blood type Bs are said to enjoy life and are passionate, wild and active. They can be creative and optimistic and have a ‘let’s go’ attitude. They love animals and are passionate about the people and things that they hold dear. They can have an individual and independent nature and don’t care about what others think of them. They can laugh in failure’s face and have a bright and liberal way of living – however this can cause them to have enemies. (
ANIMAL: Deer, Bird, Wolf, Spider
RELATIONSHIP WITH LOVE INTEREST: In Kyugeum's perspective (since Haneul probably thinks of Kyugeum as something else), he finds he's very close with this engrish boy. In fact, he sort of treats Kyugeum like a teddy bear. Taking him everywhere, snuggling with him, often trying to bring him into bed I mean wait no what. (koffkoffkoff). Maybe it's just because Kyugeum thinks Haneul is undenyibly cute, and probably because Kyugeum is always spazzing over him like any other fangirl. When Haneul calls his name, Kyugeum can't help but squeal and hug is face. When Haneul wants to hit him, he finds it the most adorable tantrum. When Haneul just ing yawns, Kyugeum is rolling on the floor, possibly dying over this blob he calls kawaiiness and just can't seem to keep his hands to himself. Sometimes though, he gets shy around Haneul when he's acting up more than the cute boy he pictures him to be (because ohoho maybe Haneul's the seme in the relationship). Sometimes he finds himself hiding behind the couch or screaming like  the inner girl he is. But, overall he just loves clinging and claiming Haneul (then again he usually claims everyone as his). He uses Haneul as his skinshipping object, mostly just to fanservice because he knows how fans get. Whether is' leaning against his shoulder, hugging his waist or simply even stealing a kiss (cheek, lips, nose, wherever) he's both doing this out of pure fun, or plain curiosity. Kyugeum finds that he likes the way Haneul reacts to him. He likes how the other members react in general (maybe not leader byuntaechul because he's scares the bumpkin sometimes), but feels satisfactory when it comes from Haneul. It works of Sangjeon and Jinsung too because I think Kyugeum has a thing for tsunderes, but to Kyugeum, getting Haneul's attention just makes him feel special on the inside. It's probably because of the way Kyugeum felt when first meeting Haneul. To Kyugeum he looked so innocent, fragile. It was a little weird because- how could a guy be so pretty? So cute? Even weirder. How does a guy managed to get his heart to chirp with glee? Kyugeum doesn't understand, thus labels it as just him being an obsessive "oppa". [ think of it like tamaki and haruhi LOOL "mama! haneul's rejecting his oppa again! q n q" ]
ENDING: Honestly, I'd rather be surprised, but I want them to be together 5ever. ; u ;
• choreography - although kyugeum usually gets a gist of every routine, and although he easily gets things right off the bad, there are often times when kyugeum will either forget parts of the choreo, or perhaps mix up choreos altogether. because of this kyugeum has to work extra hard with his dancing, and usually asks for help or just finds time to learn it on his own.
• dancing - part of this also goes into choreography; despite what others say, kyugeum isn't the best dancer. he may be able to pull it off onstage with s, but ask him to solo or get into a battle and the dude is basically just hip-ing himself out of there.
• high-notes - absolutely despises these, despite not even being a main vocalist. since he works on his singing and does try to perfect his vocals every now and then (since practice makes perfect, right?) he finds that high-notes don't entirely agree with him. he may not be a singer, but he likes trying.
• obedience - kyugeum has a habit of never saying no, so even if he's uncomfortable with whatever's given to him, he'll do it (unless of course it's coming from s; this mainly applies for his elders, and instructors)
• haneul - has a soft spot for him shh
FANCLUB COLOR: #99cccc +                   
  • Kyugeum and his need to make his younger members call him oppa (Sangjeon and Haneul?) "Call me oppa! Oppa, I say!"
  • Kyugeum giving everyone retarded petnames
  • Skinship juseyooo
  • I need Kyugeum to confess. Better yet, maybe even Haneul to confess. But, there needs to be a confession.
  • If Kyugeum confessions, it'd be nice if it likes fails. Like, someone interupts him or he falls on his face. Idk.
  • Pandemonium goes to a public bath and Kyugeum's all like; ".. hyeeeeeeeeee.."
  • Kyugeum sneaking into someone's bed in the middle of the night after they've watched a horror movie and had to endure his girly screams (psst, preferably Haneul juseyo ;D)
  • Lots of stupid HURHURHUR
SOLO SONGS: Love (사랑), 여전히(feat Kyung and Zico), [I'll be Your Melody] Over



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