◜beautiful alien | specimen #03925 — Bang Haerin◞


specimen #03925
{  The Adventurer — Bang Haerin }

Username: TheLandofBrownSugar
Hyperlink: Here
Name: ​​ Anna
Activeness: 8

Name: Halley
Korean Name: Bang Haerin
Age:​​ 19 years old
Place of Birth: Planet Accel
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Face claim: Byeon Seo Eun
Gallery: <3
Back-up Face claim: Kim Su Jin
Gallery: <3

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Personality: Haerin is a true adventurer, indeed - she is energetic, bold and brave, yet she gives off a gentle and friendly feeling whenever she meets someone for the first time. She is intelligent, sophisticated and sarcastic with a lot of comments in store due to her outspoken and honest nature. Haerin loves taking care of others and making them happy, often thinking of others before herself. She is hard-working and ambitious, sometimes resulting in being very competitive about several things. Her biggest strength is her voice, which she uses in order to cheer up herself and those around her, and to create a good atmosphere among the crew. Humans fascinate her, and from the pictures and videos she's seen from Earth, she was looking forward to exploring the area and take note of the flora and fauna there, to compare it to their own home planet.

Background: Haerin never met her real parents due to a rather odd separation while she was still just an infant. She grew up with distant relatives  and as an only child, she managed her time by reading, studying the outside world and looking at the stars at night. She took note of the stars' positions and wrote down everything she thought of during those times. She had a lot of friends growing up, but there was still this void in her heart, as if something was missing from her life. She always assumed it was just a longing for her parents and knowing them and the reason why they left, but she never fully realized its real purpose until she arrived planet Earth.


  • Nature
  • Stargazing
  • Midnight snacks
  • Exploring
  • Botany
  • Art
  • Maps


  • Robots
  • Loneliness
  • Being avoided
  • Confusion
  • Boredom
  • Bad weather


  • Categorizing nature
  • Astronomy
  • Going on adventures


  • Giggles when nervous
  • her hair as a sign of embarrassment or impatience
  • Clears her thoat a lot


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRKkvLLx37Qg2wotiYPTC        photo.jpg  Hyunseong-shim-hyun-seong-29877292-780-1

Love Interest: Shim Hyunseong
Interactions: As is expected in a situation such as this, she was frightened by the sight of the scientists and their strange 'old-fashioned' equipment. Hyunseong attracts her attention pretty quickly, though, due to his rather curious expression and odd sense of calmness. Once she realizes he is no danger to her, she opens up more and sees the kind and good man behind the lab-coat and cool expression.
Notable traits: Eats a lot, picky with money, charming, rather innocent, quiet, early riser

Power(s): Hypnosis and water
Weapon: Swords
Weakness(es): Loneliness - due to her childhood, she's developed some abandonment issues and can't stand the thought of being left all alone by anyone she loves.


Comments/Suggestions: Thank you for reading, author-nim! ^^
Scene Request(s):

- First meeting between Haerin and Hyunseong

- Hyunseong cooking for Haerin and showing her different sides of life

- Haerin singing to Hyunseong while he is sick



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