Dream of Me {Nam Aera} APP

Dream of Me



User Name: TheLandofBrownSugar

Activeness: 8



-- MY LADY --

Character Name: Nam Aera

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 54

Birthday: March 8, 1996

Age: 17




Plotline: The Smart One


She's the hard-working and ambitious girl sitting in front of the classroom with her hand high up in the air at the end of each and every question coming from the teacher. She may seem a little arrogant with the way she answers at times, as if she knows everything, but secretly it brings her great pleasure to be right about something. Aera loves getting praise from others as it helps boost her self-confidence. She can be very awkward around people she's not familiar with, and tries to be as independent as possible to avoid clinging onto others.

Rules are her guides on how to live your life. She follows them to the book and often insists on following them, especially when she sees people get in trouble and receive punishment for their actions. She doesn't want to be punished, because she wants to be a good girl and to be seen in a positive way by her fellow classmates. Despite her lack of need to socialize and be "normal", this girl is definitely a keeper. She is very loyal towards those she trusts and will not betray it in any way unless she feels very betrayed herself. This may cause to become a little naïve, as she finds it easy to trust others, but her trust is very hard to get back once it's lost. Aera is no fan of surprises and likes to keep things as simple and neat as possible.

Family: Bom | 37 | Mother | Strict, observant, smart | She'd be rather shocked and might even go as far as rejecting her, but that would be more because of the shock. When she starts coming around about it and realizing what this all means to her daughter, she begins supporting her more.

Hara | 15 | Sister | Bold, lively, cheerful | Hara and Aera have always been close, and Hara would definitely be one of the first to hear about it from the source itself. Hara would be surprised at her older sister's actions, but they've always been there for each other and Hara was never known as the most normal 115-year-old in Faybelle, anyway. So, yes, she'd support her.


Aera came from a rather unusual background, as she raised by a single mother. Her father vanished mysteriously after completing a dream for his most recent human. After knowing he had made it come true, they awaited his return, just to realize later on that he'd never return for some unknown reason. Aera, who was quite young when this happened, has few to no memories of her paternal parent, leading her to sometimes forget what it's like being around father figures.

Her sister Hara has been more curious to the disappearance of their father and can't wait to get out there to perhaps find him and bring him back home. Aera thinks of her as foolish, but is secretly wondering a bit herself about what's going on. Aera was always one of the best in her class and was often told she resembled her father, which made her even more curious.



Citrus fruit


Smaller animals

Taking walks

Making dreams come true







Clingy people

Being dependent of others

Great heights



Habits: She sometimes stares into space without focusing on anything in particular, and she often finds herself playing her hair, fingers or anything else that can distract her when under a lot of stress


She enjoys snow a lot

Among the top 5 in her class

When she's drunk, she is quiet and a little melancholy until she falls asleep

Isn't a particular fan of her own height; often compares herself to a sunflower, as they are tall themselves and symbolize focus

Has a single mother and younger sister

Loves music


Her style is very simple as she chooses comfort over style, but she still wants to look pretty in front of other people. She likes to wear form-fitting pants with a nice top and a matching, soft jacket. She often wears one-colored pieces and isn't a bit fan of bold prints and colorful patterns.




Love Interest:

Jimin (TAKEN)

 Taehyung / V

Yoongi / Suga

Namjoon / RapMon

Hoseok / J-Hope



Personality: A sociable and friendly person with a habit of speaking up without realizing it. He is a hard-worker and likes to do the things he loves because it gives him confidence and a feeling of success. He loves to dance and is very energetic, can keep up hours and likes it when people can behave properly. 

His dream: To be able to do rapping as a career.


-- WE ON --


[replace gif with love rival if you have one. If not, then V's preciousness can stay]

Love Rival: [Optional. Will be a fellow FaeDreamer. Can't be a Bangtan member. If you don't want one ignore this section.]



Current Relationship: [You may be dating your love rival or it can be one sided love]



How does your Love Interest react when they learn you aren't human?:

He is very surprised and a little disappointed he didn't realize it sooner, but it doesn't make him pull away or anything like that.

How do you and your Love Interest interact?:

They often connect over having sisters whom they are close to. They like to talk to one another or show each other what they've got, as it's fun for both of them to be able to see what skills you may discover. He teaches her a lot about not being afraid of taking a few risks in life while she teaches him not to lose faith in himself.

Who of the seven girls do you want to be closest with?:

The Hopeful One; they seem like they could get along quite well due to her positive attitude and their mutual creative minds.


-- DON'T GO --

Comments/Questions/Concerns: Thank you for reading! ^^

May I tweak your app if needed?: Sure, I don't mind. :)





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