~♔~CYCLONE~♔~ (Co-ed Group)-~♔~

Applying For: MANAGER

Name: Lee Woo Sun

Age: 22 years old


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Personality: Woo Sun is the type that always relax in any situation that come. He always root for everyone. He always feel happy and nothing can't ruin his mood when he feel really happy. But when it come to correct someone mistake, his personality change 180 degree. He will become furious and serious if he has to correct someone mistake. But if that person only make minor mistake, he can let them go. For major mistake, he will become really strict at them until they correct the mistake. He tend to smile a lot at everybody. Even when if he in complete disaster situation, he will still has a smile on his face. He will handle the situation in really calm and he won't stop until the situation turn to normal again. Woo Sun like to spend his time make money than flirt on girls. It because he has set a target, that he must make a lot money first before finding his future-wife. He want his future-wife to live in comfortable situation and he don't want his future-wife to work hard because he couldn't earn a lot of money for her and for his future children. Woo Sun never give up in something except if he feel the thing boring then he will just left it and go find something new. Sometimes he will throw tantrums if he didn't got what he want or make something happen the way he want. He absolutely not a perfect man, he still has flaw in himself. That is he is the most clumsy guy that someone ever meet. He even can drop something that he hold in his hand without someone push or pull it. And he even can tripped on his own feet. Woo Sun is a ice-cream lover. He will always eat at least 1 ice-cream a day. Woo Sun also the type that believe in mitos even though he know it not true. But he find it interesting and he also like to hear scary story that people tell. When someone telling a scary story, he will listen to he/she with full of concentration.

relationship status: single

AFF name: siti_nktc
AFF Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51618


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