✘ Vinyl Princess - Park Seul Mi

Plot Line: The Drummer
Name: Park Seul Mi
Nickname: N/A
Date of Birth + Age: May 5, 1996 + 17yo
Place of Birth: Jeonju, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean, English
Ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun
Backup: Mikki
Appearance + Style: Seul Mi doesn't have any tattoos or piercings. Her natural color is black, but she likes to dye it in different shades of brown and sometimes adds stripes or dyes the end of it, often blonde or a lighter brown. She wears a lot of eyeliner outside of school and likes to wear comfortable, but bold outfits. She likes to dress a little "swaggy" with colorful caps and skinny jeans with colorful, patterned tops and jackets.
Personality: Seul Mi is a tomboy with a wild side and a secret love for astronomy and mythology. She can be rather unpredictable, because she loves testing the waters and get a reaction from those surrounding her. She has a lot of energy and appears rather confident in front of other people, but this isn't the only side of her. Seul Mi has a thirst for knowledge and a natural curiosity which often gets her into trouble. A bit of a people-pleaser, she wants to get along with everyone and can become quite needy when close to someone.
Secretly, Seul Mi is rather insecure. Not about herself, but what she is unable to do. When she gets to do the things she loves, she becomes happy and has a lot of faith in herself to the point of becoming a bit arrogant. Expectations from others and expectations towards herself has led to a lot of hard work, but also a lot of crying herself to sleep at night and long hours at the library. She wants to become someone for others to be proud of, and is very insistant of continuing something she's already started. To people meeting her for the first time, there is a friendly smile and a gentle handshake ahead of them. She seems delicate, but she's still a very strong person inside.
Background: Park Seul Mi was born on May 5, 1996, in Jeonju, South Korea, to a lawyer and the owner of a cathering company. She was raised in a family of high standards and expectations as the youngest of two siblings. She was often compared to her older sister, who was smart and had a bright future ahead of her before she decided to run with a teacher. Because of this, her parents often gives her tough love in order to get good results out of her, not fully realizing that their youngest daughter is having very different thoughts in mind about her future. Seul Mi learned how to play the drums by her cousin, who was in a band with some of his high school classmates. She discovered she had a natural gift with percussion instruments.
  • She likes chicken, chocolate, mythology, foreign movies, ice cream, snakes, cows, sheep, cats, botany, books, anime and manga
  • She dislikes heights, sweets, cooking, cleaning, dirty surroundings, dust, tight clothes (upper body), high heels and rain
  • Some of hobbies involve reading, mythology, stargazing, RPG, drums and music
  • She has a habit of playing her hair and fingers, she bites her lower lip when nervous and gets a high-pitched voice when talking to boys
  • She is allergic to dust and citrus fruit
  • Sometimes stays with her aunt and cousin when things get too harsh at home
Park Yi Seol I Mother I Strict, intelligent, wise, ambitious I They have a rather rocky relationship. Her mother is the head of the house, which no one ever denies, and she has high expectations of her children, especially after the failure with her oldest daughter.
Park Janghyun | Father | Hard-working, stern, more laid-back, oblivious | He is almost never home and never speaks out for or against anyone when there are arguments going on. He lets Yi Seol take control of it and hides in his study most of the time. He and Seul Mi hasn't talked properly in years.
Park Eun Mi | Sister | Lively, air-headed, perfectionist | Seul Mi's sister ran away with her teacher, a man 18 years her senior, as soon as she graduated from high school due to her parents' disapproving of their relationship. Seul Mi and Eun Mi's relationship is a bumpy one, but they do speak to each other every now and then.
Choi Hanbyul I Close friend I Calm, collected, sweet I Hanbyul is Seul Mi's closest friend outside of the band. They hang out almost everyday and often help each other out during good and bad times. They act a bit like an old married couple around each other, but will take anyone down who suggests there is anything going on between them.
Name: Kim Jongdae
Personality: Jongdae is a rather shy and sweet guy who has a hardcore rocker image among his peers at school. He loves hanging with his friends and can be generous with his money, but tries to hold back from looking too much like a spoilt kid. He is kind and friendly, very calm and collected, even under a great deal of pressure. He loves to sing and write down whatever he's thinking in a small notebook of his.
Background: Jongdae lives with his parents and from a rather wealthy background of new money. His father, who works with Seul Mi's father at a law firm, is a kind but naive man who doesn't always think ahead before taking action. His mother is a housewife who spends a lot of time preparing for parties and other things. He grew up being used to being either ignored or spoilt to the brim, but tries to keep himself grounded and down-to-earth.
Relationship: Jongdae and Seul Mi met each other as children due to their fathers being colleagues, but they didn't really get to know each other before high school due to moving. They like to make each other laugh, and Jongdae likes listening to her talking.
How You Met: They weren't more than 6 years old when Seul Mi's family was invited over to a family dinner at Jongdae's house. Their fathers worked together at the time and they got to know each other a little. Seul Mi found him a little cowardly while he found her way too wild and outspoken.
Backup: Park Chanyeol
Personality: Chanyeol is sweet, lively and an energetic guy who likes to joke around and be cool, but he also wants to be seen a responsible grown-up. He pretends to be clumsy and used to be the guy throwing things at girls during elementary school. He still does so at times, like water on the beach, but wants to be seen a more serious guy in order to make a good impression with his future self.
Background: Chanyeol grew up in a more humble part of town. His family were of old money and liked to spend it wisely. He came from a family of intelligent people, but was always more of a jokester despite his good grades and brains. He was always taught to be grateful of what he had and learned how to treat others, especially girls, with great respect.
Relationship: Seul Mi and Chanyeol both have a bit of a wild personality, but unlike her, he wants to grow out of it and show the world he can be responsible and an alright guy. He tries to teach her how to be more grounded while she attempts to make him realize that he might be growing up a bit too soon.
How You Met: Before school started, Seul Mi was visiting the beach with Hanbyul. As they were getting relaxed and ready for some tanning, someone decided to dump sand and water over both of them. Seul Mi was nothing short of furious when she sees the boys doing it, among others Chanyeol, but doesn't realize who he really is until the first day of school in fall.
Comments/Questions/Concerns: Thank you for reading, author-nim! ^^
Scene Requests:
It's the first day of school and Seul Mi is eager to be back and out of the house. She walks to school with Hanbyul, who she meets along the way, and as they enter the courtyard at school, they bump into a couple of guys coming from the opposite direction.
Seul Mi looks up to comment their lack of coordination when she finds herself looking into a rather cheerful pair of eyes that stare down at her almost creepily. She takes a step back and stares back at him, not smiling herself. He looks curiously at her reaction, as if fascinated by her choice of action. Hanbyul gives her an encouraging shoulder bump and she bows down quickly to apologize. Jongdae's eyes widen as she speaks and surprises her by being so close to her way as she looks up. He looks into her eyes and simply says something like,
"I'm Chen!" (Old nickname.)


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