STORY: trivia #2

Continuation from STORY: trivia #1


Do not continue reading this post if you don't like spoilers (in case you haven't read my stories). ;)

#4. One girl, two boys
Have You Ever should have one girl (Yoon Hari) and two boys (Yang Yoseob, Lee Gikwang) instead of two girls and two boys.
Since love triangle has been filling my stories, I managed to write down love square.

Hari should have fought with Sunhyun because of Yoseob; their friendship should crack because of the love,
but after thinking twice, I switched the storyline (causing it became draggy in the middle),
because I don' t like an idea about two best friends become arch enemies because of love.

Or should I write down the story like that? ;)

#5. A Happy Ending
For all readers of Promise to a Star, the story should end with another ending.
In the end Seuji never realizes that Sirius is actually Jaesoon until the last day of her life.
Junhyung has died before her and her health worsen but Sirius still stays with her.

That's the real ending I planned but due to one and another reason,
I ended up with a happy ending.

What do you think, my beloved readers?
Is this ending good enough or...?

Thank you for reading the awkward post! XD


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NUU. OMG. I would've sobbed all day if you made that the ending. ;A;
But it's nice though! ...and sad. oTL
I like happy ending so~ It okay~ ^^