PLEASE HELP: i need advice

so.. as the title says, i need advice. uhm... yeah.. 

so i have a friend.. i'll call her... lena. so.. lena is in the same grade as me. we're freshmen. and she has a friend named... lets call her dalin. i, personally don't like dalin for many reasons. well, anyway, dalin is in 10th grade. she's a sophomore. well, lena and dalin are friends. you can say they're close. okay, so, this past week, lena was... i think she still is... mad at me. it was because, i, have friends that are upper classmen. let's call him... daniel. so, daniel and i have been friends since... the end of 5th grade, when he was going to be a 8th grader. so, i've known him for quite sometime. and, like regular people who haven't seen each other in +2 years, i wanted to start hanging out with him (and his friends). 

lena get's mad at me because i haven't been hanging out with her and our other friend. i apologized and life went on. but now, she's only hanging out with dalin and im finding it that she's a hypocrite because like, she gets mad at me for hanging out with daniel, but she's basically doing the same thing. 

(btw, daniel's friends hang out with dalin, so, lena is basically hanging out with the people i hang out with...) 

so yeah... and nowadays, lena has been acting more and more like dalin, and all she wants to do is hang out with daniel's friends + dalin. 


but that's only about 3/4 of my drama. 

the last part is about daniel and his girlfriend... and i guess his friends. i, i guess, am interfering with daniel and his girlfriends relationship, so now, i guess, i'm not allowed to hang out with him, or hug him, or whatever. and like, i'm just so annoyed because from what he told me, his relationship with her is going down the drain. like idk. he said they aren't doing so well. but like seriously... UGH. 

what do i do?

(also, lena told me i was changing because of high school or that i /quote, quote/ "changed for the worst" when in reality, she changed also, for the worst. and if i tell her that i don't want to be her friend anymore or if i ignore her, she'll tell dalin that i hate her and dalin will tell her friends to not like me, and daniel will probably stop talking to me. i'll probably lose all of my friends. but, if i just pretend that she's my friend, i'll suffer because i honestly don't want to deal with her and her "new" personality.)

what do i do... please help? 

what do i do about lena and dalin?

how about my drama with daniel? WHAT DO I DO?


i'm new to high school and... just all this drama is sort of getting thrown at me... please help. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



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Hey there! <3

Okay, for your friend 'lena', unless you're super close and don't want to lose her as a friend, I'd just tell her that you don't appreciate how she's been treating you, because that's not how a real friend treats another friend. If you guys end up not being friends, oh well, her loss; you'll make more friends.

As for 'dalin', unless she's being rude to you or purposefully making you feel uncomfortable, she's not really important because, hey, in life you're GONNA have/meet/be forced to be around people you just don't like. So don't be outright RUDE to her, be polite, just maintain your distance.

Now, I don't know who has been telling you you can't hang out with your friend Daniel, but they're dumb. You guys are friends and so what if he has a girlfriend? If someone is saying you're interfering it's probably coming from the girlfriend or one of her friends. Their relationship is their own issue, and they can deal with it on their own. Just make it clear that you only see Daniel as a brother/friend (I'm just assuming this is how you feel do tell me if it's anything otherwise??), and, if need be, step back from the whole thing until everyone cools down.

It might be a little lonely at times, I had to go through that same thing my sophomore year of high school (my "best friend" just stopped speaking to me out of the blue and started saying mean things about me to my other friends XP and I had to make new friends because the other friends I had started ignoring me too), but you will make better friends :) The more people you talk to, not even make friends with, the more open minded you become, and it makes you a better person altogether.

(Also, I am EXTREMELY shy around new people, so making new friends was very hard for me, but the ones I did make were amazing ^^)